The Bengal Allen Medical Institute offers a Clinical discussion programme in Homoeopathy in which at least 200 live cases are demonstrated. The aim of the 2 week clinical training course entitled “VISITOR HOMOEOPATH’S EXCHANGE DISCUSSION PROGRAMME” (VHEDP), is to demonstrate a simple, straight forward, time tested classical method of Homoeopathy. Students are delighted to see Homoeopathy (or Homeopathy) that works, can be so simple.
‘SIMILIMUM’, 46 Creek Row,
Calcutta – 700 014, INDIA
Tel No. +91 98303 78816 / (91-33) 2265-8438
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Address for Correspondence:
Post Box No.: 2282, G.P.O. CALCUTTA – 700 001, INDIA
2018 Dates : 25th January (Thursday) to 9th February (Friday) 2018.
THE AIM OF THE COURSE: To demonstrate a simple, straight forward, time tested classical method of Homoeopathy. Students are delighted to see Homoeopathy that works, can be so simple.
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Practical Training in Calcutta, India: why choose Calcutta Clinical Training?
- 200 live cases in 2 weeks : Practical training.
- Improved cases with heavy pathology seen & discussed during this intensive course.
- Established in 1985 with Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea.
- Teachers with international reputation with vast experience of cured cases.
- Ready application of Clinical Materia Medica & Miasm.(use Miasm as repeatedly verified methodology in daily practice).
- Extensive lecture notes provided.
- Simple classical teaching.
- Individual support & guidance.
- 80+ hours of CPD & Clinical hours Certificate.
- Observe homoeopathy in action in advanced pathologies and develop your confidence.
- See how simple homoeopathy works. The non confusing, time tested methodology of combining miasm and totality.
- Purchase homoeopathic medicines while in India in a very reasonable rate and the savings thereof will pay for your trip.
3 major Aims of the Course:
- Do not get confused by different methodologies.
Believe in 200+ years of a clear approach to prescribing including miasms, totality & essence with sound knowledge in Materia Medica. A practical method which gives you and your patient the confidence in homoeopathy.
- See “Homoeopathy in Action” through 200+ live cases in 2 weeks with practical demonstration of benefited & improved cases with heavy pathology.
- Homoeopathy can work quickly. Re-visit the action of century old lesser known Organopathic medicines like Helonius, Tanacetum, Verbena in Depression; Amyl Nit., Epiphegus, Melilotus, Onosmodium, Usnea for Migraine and wean off the conventional chemicals in accordance with aphorism §91 of Organon and thereby giving confidence to the patient that (a) yes, I can control the dosage and may take fewer chemicals; (b) there are alternatives to manage my condition and (c) homoeopathy is working for me!
It is generally accepted that homoeopathy is practised widely as primary health care in India. Calcutta has a rich heritage in Homoeopathy and offered the first University and Government approved full time homoeopathic 5 years degree course.
All across India homeopathy is accepted as being the major alternative to pharmaceutical medicine and as such has enormous popularity, which is mainly due to its presence in the sub-continent over 150 years as well as its coherence with Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence.
The Banerjea family has practised Classical Homoeopathy for four generations and the Institute has a long heritage. The tradition of sharing experience is continued through this course and by the teaching of the fourth and fifth generation homoeopaths, Dr. Subrata and his son, Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea, their insights into prescribing with their magnificent grasp of the nuances of Materia Medica make these lectures wonderfully rewarding and gives the confidence in prescribing especially in cases with advanced pathology.
He often sees around 50 patients a day in this Calcutta Medical Centre, such volume requires the use of extensive ready knowledge of Clinical and Comparative Materia Medica coupled with profound intuition and application of ancestral wisdom. Students of Dr. Banerjea will testify to the remarkable knowledge and enthusiasm which he generously imparts to all who share his passion for this most rational of healing arts. His dedication to the truth of homoeopathy is regarded as inspiring and unsurpassed.
![]() ![]() Calcutta Class Room |
The colleagues of Dr. Banerjea including his son, Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea, the 5th generation homoeopath, will also lecture and their approach is classical and has vast experience of treating advanced pathologies with homoeopathy.
This programme promotes practical and clinical discussions on Homoeopathy along with exposure to ‘Clinical Methods Of Diagnosis’. The emphasis is primarily on practical homoeopathic prescribing.
The course is intended for graduates of professional courses, newly qualified and those who have been in practice for a number of years. The course is open to people who have had some experience with clinical homoeopathy. The course is unsuitable for complete beginners.
The aims of the course are to:
- Expand clinical experience for homoeopaths across the world,
- Develop your Materia Medica,
- Compare medicines instantly,
- Be a confident prescriber with time tested, century old scientific approach of combining miasms+totality & essence with sound knowledge in Materia Medica,
- Offer a place for continuing education,
- Place a network, meet and work with Homoeopaths worldwide,
- Research and place Homoeopathy in the forefront of health care,
- Continue personal and practice development,
- Enable participants to extend the use of Miasm in everyday practice,
- Practice the art of observation in numerous patients especially with gross pathology and the relevance of Materia Medica,
At the beginning of the course time is spent acknowledging methodologies and stating the methodology generally used by the homoeopaths/doctors within the Institute. This is particularly relevant because due to the quantity of patients at many of the clinics there are methodologies in place, which permit rapid prescribing whilst maintaining a quality of prescription addressing the totality.
It has been said by students of the course that the experience offered by the Institute greatly enhances knowledge, improves confidence and widens horizons. It enables practitioners to know which pathology homoeopathy can safely and successfully address and those it cannot.
![]() Fast Prescribing Class in Slum Clinic |
![]() Subrata & Janet in Slum Clinic Class |
![]() Institute’s Sponsored Clinic |
There are medical diagnosis sessions, often with patients present, which serve to consolidate existing knowledge, and to have an opportunity to discuss Comparative Materia Medica.
As the course has been in existence for over 30+ years; the staffs and general management understand the needs and expectations of the overseas students. Teaching will be in relevance to that of Europe and other western countries. Discussion and reflection are integral within the sessions.
Due to the nature of the course the numbers are limited to maximise learning opportunities.
It is a privately organised programme, which offers an unique opportunity to share the vast clinical experience of Dr. Banerjea and his colleagues. During the course, participants gain exposure to miasmatic prescribing, clinical discussion, clinical examination and fast prescribing techniques with live case demonstrations.
We do not offer any degree or diploma on completion as this is a Clinical programme for exchange of education, however you will receive an ‘Attendance Certificate’ in which the clinical hours that you have participated will be mentioned. The programme is so designed that each visitor has an opportunity to observe ‘Homoeopathy in Action’ in such diverse cases as Advanced Arthritic problems, Asthma, Cancers, Dementia, Fibroids, Gastric disorders, Hepatitis, Migraines, Psoriasis, Psychiatric disorders, Scleroderma, Sterility, UTI and so forth. Clinical interpretation and Miasmatic approach are thoroughly explained. All visitors can expect to enhance their own clinical intuition and miasmatic knowledge and learn to apply them successfully in everyday practice.
Approximately 200 live cases will be seen during the programme.
The programme aims to close the gap between theory and practice and guarantees the application of miasmatic knowledge and the confident use of Materia Medica and the Organon, in everyday practice. Dr. Banerjea will be especially sharing his ‘Essence Triangle’ and explaining the ‘sum-up’ and core criteria (‘Key-string’) of each medicine.
THE BENGAL ALLEN MEDICAL INSTITUTE is the glorious revival of the century old ‘Bengal Allen Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital’, which was one of the landmarks of Homoeopathic teaching in the history of Homoeopathy in India. The Institute is not a profiteering concern by virtue of its charitable registration under the Government. To remain a registered charity the accounts are audited by registered chartered accountants and the audit reports are submitted to the Government for further audit under the charitable trust act (Societies Registration Act). All profits go towards maintaining the Homoeopathy Clinic in the slums of Calcutta and to providing basic sustenance for hungry children. By attending the course you will be actively supporting the charity.
The course is intended for any students/persons with an interest in Homoeopathy who has some previous academic/practical experience. The course assumes that each student has a basic knowledge of homoeopathic (homeopathic) principles.
i) Materia Medica : Clinical; Comparative and Miasmatic Materia Medica with Dr. Banerjea’s well acclaimed ‘essence triangle’ and ‘picturised-presentation’ of each remedy.
ii) Organon of Medicine : A method for practical implementation of the Organon of Medicine.
iii) Case Taking : Practical approach to rapid case taking and case analysis with Miasmatic dissection of each case.
iv) Posology and L.M. Scale Prescribing, including Hahnemannian dispensing directives.
v) Dietetics and its homoeopathic implementations.
vi) Clinical Therapeutics: Discussion of ‘lesser known small medicines’ with reference to the Banerjea family’s ancestral tips. Homoeopathic broncho-dilators; homoeopathic astringents; homoeopathic anti-hypertensives etc.
vii) The approach of Homoeopathy in steroid / inhaler/ beta-blocker etc. dependent cases with extensive case reference from Dr. Banerjea’s wide experience of gross pathologies in India. Audio-visual presentation of improved cases.
viii) Homoeopathic Clinical Therapeutics with Miasmatics and Comparative Materia Medica of a selection from the following:
(a) Paediatrics including Neonatology and Homoeopathic Vaccination with practical experience as prescribed in slums of Calcutta.
(b) The value and use of Homoeopathy in acute cases and medical crisis situations.
(c) Respiratory disorders including Bronchospasm and how to withdraw Steroids.
(d) Diabetology including steps to withdraw allopathic oral anti-diabetic drugs.
(e) Neurology including terminal dementia problems.
(f) Urological disorders.
(g) Rheumatology including lesser-known remedies.
(h) Dermatology including Hahnemannian Conception and the clinical approach to the treatment of different skin disorders.
(i) The scope of homoeopathy in psychiatric disorders; particularly in drug dependent cases.
(j) Carcinomatous disorders and Aids.
ix) Practical demonstration of cases in clinics to improve clinical knowledge.
x) Clinical and practical prescribing approach (both acute & chronic including knowledge of using Miasm in everyday prescribing).
- Methods employed in the clinical examination of live cases, including inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultations (Practical demonstrations).
- Cases which present generally have gross organic or pathological changes, such as various forms of cancers, endocrinal; neurological or cardio-vascular disorders. Chronic obstinate cases, such as eczema, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and schizophrenia are also examined.
Note: The Institute maintains a wonderful working relationship between Homoeopathic and Allopathic practitioners and during an informative discussion session, students are invited to observe how Homoeopaths and Allopaths work side by side in support of each other.
Each day is scheduled to cover a particular type of pathology, e.g. Bronchospasm day, Cardiac day, Psychiatric day, Endocrine day, etc. Live cases of that pathology will be discussed in order to enhance each participant’s clinical knowledge in that area through live demonstration of the steps involved in clinical examination.
Comparative Materia Medica, Clinical Therapeutics (especially of the topics with which patients were present in the morning session) and the Miasmatic Approach of Prescribing are discussed further encompassing Dr. Banerjea’s family heritage of clinical and potency tips.
Throughout the course regular visits to Homoeopathic clinics, (where visitors observe fast Homoeopathic prescribing) are organised. English interpretation of the cases is provided while students sit in on consultations.
Approximately 200 live cases will be seen during the programme.
Approximately 60% – 70% is practical case demonstration and only 30% is theoretical lectures on Materia Medica, Philosophy where lots of Clinical tips are shared.
Dr. Banerjea himself will approximately take 35% – 40% of the sessions.
The timetable is very full in order to maximise your leaning opportunity. We offer exposure to a variety of lecturers and clinics whilst in Calcutta. There will be some short distance travel on some days to visit different clinics. Please come prepared for a busy schedule.
- Marion Kellner, Berlin, Germany (2016): “……………….Thank you so very much for this very good opportunity to see so many interesting cases with different pathologies. It was the best programme, I ever joined. Good opportunity to see cases with different and deep pathologies. Great opportunity to see the work in rural camps and slum clinic………………………”
- Narain Mahtani Harchand, Madrid, Spain (2016): “…………………………………..Very clear and to the point and at the same time keeping rigoro to the concepts. Being A vast knowledge with them as Classical Homoeopaths; and it was easy to follow and understand. Great job………………………..”
- Sabiha Yasemin, NSW, Australia (2016): “…………………….The presentation by Banerjea’s and their associates was very informative end impressive. It was great to have the opportunity to tap into their vast experiences. I could not emphasize how much I appreciated what I learnt in such a short time………………………”
- Dr. Sobhis Watcharaphong Crothers, Nonthaburi, Thailand (2016): “………………………..Very Interesting, informative, step by step teaching………………….”
- Reiko Mori, Japan (2012): “I found the way how to walk on the path to professional practitioner, by observing – Interacting with teachers”
- Lena Phillips, Australia (2012): “To see Homoeopathy being used as it should be is an Honour, I will cherish forever and remember back in the west as in operation”
- Margarita Richardson, U.S.A. (2012): “Visiting clinics of actual practicing Homoeopaths was a privilege and an incredible experience, seeing patients with such advanced pathology”
- Thelma West, U.K. (2011): “We met several doctors, so we were exposed to various approaches but the methods were consistent and clear, and there was no confusion. Homoeopathy can be practiced in such a simple form and that works. This clear and classical approach showed the beauty of Homoeopathy at its work”
- Savina Tropea, Scotland (2009): “In a very short time, this course has given clear directions for Miasmatic Prescribing”
- Camilla Howard, England (2009): “The highlight has been the clinics à Incredible cases. Really stretched my knowledge of Materia Medica & Pathology”
- Donna Fox, England, (2009): “I have loved every minute at the Institute. All the clinics have been interesting and it was good to see some gross pathologies and medicines come to life”.
- Camilla Couzens Howard, England, (2009): “The most incredible experience. To be allowed to choose the remedy in some cases has increased my confidence”.
- Savina Tropea, Scotland, (2009): “I feel so privileged and fortunate to have enrolled to this course in Calcutta. It has been amazing to be taught by so many enlightening individuals and to see Homoeopathy in action. In a very short time, this course has given me a clear direction for my future studies, has opened up the whole world of Miasms and Miasmatic prescribing”.
- Chye Phing Teh, Malaysia, (2008): “Dr. Banerjea is brilliant in both medicine and teaching. I also feel very comfortable sitting –in with Dr. Bhatt and Dr. Basu, and I have learnt some important tips from their experience. I will definitely recommend this clinical programme to my friends and other Homoeopaths in Malaysia. I shall come again for Homoeopathy and for India”.
- Chan Yee Kam, Malaysia, (2008): “First of all it’s a shock for me to experience the wonder of single dose and single remedy prescribe by our ‘Gurus’ here. It was really a fantastic and wonderful experience”.
- Jo Rhodes, England, (2008): “I particularly enjoyed the clinics and the chance to see so many patients from all background – from a rickshaw puller to a billionaire – and see the amazing effect Homoeopathy has on their symptoms and their lives”.
- Dr. Olfat Ghoneim, England, (2007): “As an Allopathic doctor it was not clear to my mind how it works but attending this intensified course with such a number of diverse clinical cases (amazing to believe) has shocked me and shaped me”.
- Fatima Cercas, Portugal, (2007): “Because of this course I am so excited that I want to get in touch with the “Homoeopaths without Frontiers” back home and see what they are all about and may be give them some ideas on working with under privilege people in Portugal. This course has bought me more confidence that Homoeopathy can work in all situations and varying degrees. I hope that this enthusiasm and confidence will make me a better Homoeopath”.
- Dr. Tag Sherif, England, (2007): “This must be the best decision I have made in my life, to come to Calcutta to learn about fascinating subject of Homoeopathy with Dr. B. and Janet”.
- Julie Wallace, Australia, (2007): “I feel my confidence has strengthened, I thank you for that”.
- Mary Dunne, U.K., (2007): “Unusually for me I am lost for words! This has been the experience of a lifetime – I have seen for myself the wonderful results that Homoeopathy can deliver and have felt very lucky to be here and proud that I have chosen this as my profession”.
- Jackie Lawater, Australia, (2007): “This course has certainly surpassed all my expectations.I have learnt so much and have a far better understanding of the miasms with Miasmatic Prescribing.The clinic sit-in sessions have been invaluable where else could one see so many cases and have so many observers? Calcutta has also taught me a lot about life with people”.
- Danny Hill, Kenya, (2007): “What an excellent course. I ran a clinic in a slum in Kenya and after watching Dr. Banerjea and company in action I feel the poor people of Nyalonda slum will be benefiting from far better prescription”.
- Erik Soerensen, Germany, (2007): “Thanks Dr. Banerjea for the time in India.It was a pleasure and I will return to India and continue to expand my knowledge of Homoeopathy for humanity”.
- Kate Skerrit, Poland, (2006): “I hope I can become better Homoeopath because of this experience”.
- Brit Berggraf Nordbo, Norway, (2005): “Thanks so much for a fantastic course with enthusiastic teaching”.
- Norma Callahan, U.S.A., (2005): “Wonderful experience in rural clinics”.