Dreams and Homeopathy - homeopathy360

Dreams and Homeopathy


Dreams are still a mystery to scientists and researchers. Whether we’re talking the good kind (you’re living in a mansion) or the scary kind (a killer is chasing you through the woods), the causes of dreams are still enigmatic. Experts do have some theories about why we dream, though, and most of them say dreaming is in some way beneficial.

One theory suggests we dream to remember information we learn during the day — one experiment found that subjects who dreamed of the maze they were tasked with completing that day completed the maze much faster the next day than those who had not dreamed of it.
Another theory suggests the opposite: that we dream to forget. Our brains make tons of neural connections during the day based on everything we do, see, touch, and experience. Some researchers believe that during sleep, and specifically REM sleep where dreams occur, our brains review the neural connections made through the day and dump any unnecessary ones.
There are plenty more theories, including that dreams are responsible for keeping our brains working, and that we dream to fulfill our own wishes.
Dream Interpretation Offers Insight
Ever had the classic “examination” dream? You dream you’re late for class and miss the exam, or you can’t find the classroom, or you haven’t studied or you studied the wrong subject. You panic. Upon awakening, you might dismiss the dream as irrelevant — after all you haven’t been a student for years. Or you may instantly sense how the dream reflects what’s going on in your life. Perhaps the dream dramatizes how ill prepared you feel to handle a work project or reminds you to write a report you’d forgotten about.
Most of us pay little attention to our dreams. The impression in western society is that dreams are the province of psychoanalysts seeking to unlock mysteries of neuroses and psychoses. But, in fact, dreams can be very useful tools for self-discovery and problem solving. It takes just a bit of practice to learn dream interpretation.
What do those dream symbols mean?
Many books on dream interpretation contain a dream dictionary. Some common themes and their meanings are:

  • Falling: insecurity, loss of control, feeling threatened
  • Being chased: running away from your fears
  • Teeth falling out: anxiety, losing face, concerns about self-image, inability to get a grip on something
  • Being naked in public: feeling vulnerable, anxious about something that did or will happen, desire to be noticed
  • Ocean: the unconscious, emotional energy
  • Train: power, freedom
  • Island: isolation, loneliness, tranquility, longing for independence
  • Flying: desire for freedom, release of creative energy, transcending limitations
  • Finding a new room in a house: discovering an aspect of yourself you weren’t aware of

Experts tell it’s more instructive to understand dreams in terms of your own experience rather than to try to apply the meanings in dream dictionaries. Mark Freeman, PhD, suggests looking at the book called, A Dictionary of Symbols, by Juan Eduardo Cirlot, or The Secret Language of Dreams, by David Fontana, only after you’ve examined your dream and made associations between the dream symbols and your life.

Trends in Dream Interpretation

Ancient cultures attached great significance to dreams as communication with God or prophecy or out-of-body travel. Much of twentieth century dream theory was influenced by three approaches: Freudian, Jungian and gestalt. Their differences are illustrated in the interpretations they would give to a dream about being chased. Freudians would say the dream represents a repressed wish to be captured and have sex. Jungians would say the pursuer represents a disowned part of the dreamer’s personality that may need to be accepted. Gestalt theorists would suggest that every image in the dream represents some part of the dreamer.
“Modern dream work has moved toward metaphor and problem solving, and people should stop trying to fit their interpretations to psychoanalytical theory,” says Delaney, author of seven books on dreams, including All About Dreams: Everything You Need To Know About Why We Have Them, What They Mean, and How To Put Them To Work for You. “If they describe their dream to five different theorists, they’ll get five different interpretations.”
Freeman, who uses dream interpretation primarily to counsel students regarding careers and relationships, tells WebMD most dreams compensate for skewed relationships to the outside world. “For example, if we’re too nice, our anger and hostility can come out in dreams,” he says. He describes a woman who was so preoccupied with being pregnant that she neglected other aspects of her femininity. In a dream, she was at a party wearing a maternity dress when a voluptuous woman in a miniskirt approached and spilled a drink on her. “My client got very upset and angry in the dream,” says Freeman. “The dream was compensating for a lopsided situation in which she’d been too much into her maternal self and ignoring her femininity. Dreams can be self-correcting in that way, letting us know when we’re out of balance.”

Dream Incubation

You’ve probably had the experience of waking up in the morning with a creative idea or a solution to a problem. It’s an exhilarating feeling. Instead of waiting for it to happen, you can harness that power by incubating dreams. Pose a problem or question before you fall asleep, and the answer may be revealed when you awaken (Be patient. It takes practice). Freeman describes how to do it. “Start by writing down thoughts. What do I really want an answer to? If you’re troubled about a relationship, ask ‘How do I want my relationship with so-and-so to evolve?’ As you fall asleep, repeat the question over and over. In the morning write down the answer.”
“The question comes up, how are we smarter in our dreams?” asks Delaney. “I don’t know. But all cultures have expressions for it, such as ‘night brings good counsel’ and ‘sleep on it.'”
The Health Benefits of Dreams
Sometimes dreams make a lot of sense — like when we’ve been working hard and we end up dreaming, alas, that we’re still at work. Other times the meaning of dreams is less clear. That doesn’t mean the dream isn’t important to our well-being, however.
Retired teacher Barbara Kern can vividly recall the details of a dream she had nearly four decades ago, for instance. “I’m lying on my back, holding the bottom rungs of a fireman’s ladder that has been extended to its full height,” she explains. “A boy is at the top of the ladder, swaying it back and forth, while I try to control it, but I can’t and I’m afraid he’s going to fall.”

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For Kern, 79, who now lives in Lakewood, N.J., the dream was a symbolic expression of real-life concerns about her ability to reach a boy with severe learning problems whom she remembers as “one of the most challenging students I ever taught.” She characterizes the dream as a nightmare, recalling that it kept her up half the night.

Dreams, memories, and emotions

The dream — likely a means of coping with a major life stress –helped Kern, explains researcher Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, professor emeritus of psychology at Rush University in Chicago. “It’s almost like having an internal therapist, because you associate [through dreams] to previous similar feelings, and you work through the emotion related to it so that it is reduced by morning.”
Although some researchers believe dreams are just a byproduct of sleep, others think dreams are important for memory consolidation or conflict resolution. Cartwright has found clues to suggest that dreams may help with mood regulation.
Dreams occur during both REM (rapid-eye-movement) and non-REM sleep, but sleep studies show that brain activity is heightened during REM periods. When sleep-study participants are wakened during the first non-REM period, those who recall their dreams tend to report thinking about a piece of emotional unfinished business. The dreamer may then restate or reshape the problem in a different form during the next REM cycle, and so on, through the night.

Dreaming may help depression

Sleep is without a doubt beneficial. According to the National Sleep Foundation, humans spend more than two hours dreaming each night (with the most vivid dreams occurring during REM sleep). Rats deprived of that precious REM sleep for four days produce fewer nerve cells in the hippocampus, the brain’s memory center.
Among humans, dreaming may also help alleviate depression. In sleep studies of recently divorced women with untreated clinical depression, Cartwright and colleagues found that patients who recalled dreams and incorporated the ex-spouse or relationship into their dreams scored better on tests of mood in the morning. And they were much more likely to recover from depression than others who either did not dream about the marriage or could not recall their dreams.
Dreams in homoeopathy
WHY TO STUDY DREAMS ? “They give us a far better insight into the deeper nature of our patient than many of the so-called symptoms that crop up and float on the surface to meet our superficial gaze.” – Dr N M Choudhuri Physiological aspect of dreams: -There is no universally agreed biological definition of dreaming. In 1952 Eugene Aserinsky discovered REM [Rapid Eye Movement] sleep while working in the Surgery of his PhD advisor. Dr. Aserinsky noticed that the sleeper’s eyes fluttered beneath their closed eyelids; later using a polygraph machine to record their brain waves during these periods. In one session, he awakened a subject who was wailing & crying out during REM and confirmed his suspicion that dreaming was occurring. In 1953 Dr. Aserinsky and his advisor published the ground-breaking study in Science.
In  homoeopathy,dreams  can  help  a  physician  identify  the  miasm.While  the  miasm  reflects  the  defense,the  physiological  defense  reflects  psora,constructive  defense  reflects  sycosis,destructive  defense  reflects  syphilis.
Psoric  Dreams:
Dreams of  daily  activity
Dreams  associated  with  emotions
Sycotic  Dreams:
Dreams  of  collection,gatherings  and  construction
Dreams  related  to  business  and  money
Dreams  related  to  concealing
 Syphilitic  Dreams:
Dreams  of  accidents
Dreams  of  wild  animals
Higher  potencies  are  best  suited  when  we  prescribe  on  mental  symptoms(dreams  being  a  part  of  them)  as  these  affect  the  psyche  of  a  person.
Few  examples  are:
Digitalis:This  generates  dreams  of  high  places,falling  into  water,nightmare
Cannabis  sativa:Dreams  of  one  being  confused,frightful,unpleasant.
Homeopaths usually employ dreams either as
(i)                 symptoms just like any other homeopathic symptom, or
(ii)               as pointers to the true mental state of the patient:
(i) Dreams are ordinary homeopathic symptoms
Dreams can be incorporated into the diagnosis simply as ordinary homeopathic symptoms alongside other symptoms. Examples of such rubrics are:
•Dreams – children
•Dreams – dogs
•Dreams – dancing
•Dreams – war
as well as dream qualities such as:
•Dreams – obscene
•Dreams – pleasant
•Dreams – vivid
In a patient with a clear history of dreams, the homeopath can quickly narrow down the field of possibilities and concentrate on a smaller set of potential remedies. This way of regarding dreams as reported phenomena (along with any other mental and subjective symptoms) is universally accepted among classical homeopaths.
(ii) Dreams point to the true state of the patient
Raw dream reports may also provide a starting point for a deeper comprehension of the patient’s mental state, but dream translation has to be done both skillfully and conservatively, lest it devolve into speculation. For this approach to succeed, two assumptions must hold true: that dreams in general are meaningfully related to the person’s state, and that they echo this state at least as well as does the patient’s waking state. Unsurprisingly, homeopaths differ in their opinion about the legitimacy of using dreams in this indirect manner. Those who consider it legitimate to venture into the dream world claim to find in dreams a highly reliable gateway to the psyche. When correctly handled, dreams offer a precise view of the hidden dynamics that motivate the patient’s life, frequently leading to a correspondingly precise diagnosis and prescription. Others argue that this approach promotes error and speculation. In my mind, the key to success lies in treating any inferences made from raw dream reports as speculative, unless and until they are corroborated by the remaining clinical history, or at the very least assimilated within it without incongruity.
Dreams can further be exploited as starting points for drawing out psychological material that the patient is aware of yet does not wish or is unable to divulge directly. From their dream reports, patients can be led rather craftily to reveal aspects of their persona that they are either reluctant to discuss or which they incorrectly consider irrelevant for the homeopathic interview. When used by the homeopath with the pure intention of helping the patient, this approach creates no harm and facilitates a precise diagnosis even in an uncooperative patient.
Finally, dreams can reveal the psychic makeup of children who are old enough to retell their dreams but not yet intellectually capable of answering more abstract enquiries into their mental state.
Dreams are valuable because they bypass compensations
Psychological restraint and alteration of maladaptive behaviour is a cardinal ingredient of any civilized society, but it makes diagnosis more challenging. For example, a person with violent impulses might take up Tai Chi, cultivating the peaceful, meditative aspect of the art and speaking at length about values such as inner calm and forgiveness. If asked directly about violent tendencies – say if the homeopath were to suspect this from the patient’s appearance or vibe – such a patient might answer in denial. Yet a reported violent dream might reveal what lies hidden beneath the peaceful outward demeanor.
In the final analysis, the key reason for the diagnostic importance of dreams is that the conscious reporting of the patient is reflective in part of his or her compensated state (compensation involves the funneling of thoughts and behavioural impulses that are inappropriate to the situation, toward more productive or socially acceptable outcomes). Dreams may thus offer a glimpse beyond the veil of compensation and reveal the patient’s underlying state of being.
From Diagnosis to Treatment
The correct diagnosis marks only the beginning of the homeopathic healing journey. The process of treatment includes regular followup appointments (usually once every several weeks), during which the patient’s present state of health is carefully compared with the past state.
The action of a homeopathic remedy is very individual, and the initial phase of improvement is often experienced by patients as turbulent. Physical symptoms often get worse before they get better, there may be swings in mood and energy levels, and interpersonal relations may be strained as the patient begins to shift on a deep level.
This state of affairs is an unavoidable consequence of the nature of homeopathic healing which, unlike most other treatments, restores balance of the whole organism but may not provide symptomatic relief early on. Thus the best indicators of improvement are often not the symptoms comprising the patient’s suffering. Therefore in order to assess patients’ spiritual health, homeopaths rely heavily on general clinical indicators such as mood, energy, sleep quality, and pattern and content of dreams.
Even in cases of turmoil (known as a homeopathic aggravation) or apparent lack of progress, positive changes in these general indicators reliably herald eventual lasting improvement. On the other hand, a prolonged aggravation of specific symptoms without a concurrent positive shift in the general state may indicate a setback unrelated to the treatment, or in unusual cases a negative response to a wrongly prescribed remedy.
Sleep and dreams are sensitive early indicators of spiritual health
Improvement in the quality of sleep is among the most reliable indicators of a positive spiritual shift early on in the treatment process. Although few patients present with sleep problems as their main complaint, many people sleep poorly enough that they report an improvement in this sphere when prompted by the homeopath. Some will find that they fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly, whereas others will temporarily experience more restless or dream-disturbed sleep yet will have better mood and energy the following day.
With regard to dreaming, two patterns of improvement are seen. The first and, in my experience, more common one is where patients experience a surge in their dreaming, noting upon waking that they have dreamt more at night, remembering more of their dreams, or being awoken by a dream during the night. The increase in dreaming is the surfacing of unconscious material and its integration into the person’s conscious life experience. This in turn frequently promotes a feeling of well being that compensates for the disruption of sleep.
The second pattern is seen in patients who used to dream a lot and presently begin to experience more peaceful sleep. In these patients it seems that there is a good connection to the subconscious, but issues are rehashed and re-experienced without resolution. As these issues are resolved, the need to process them during sleep decreases, and dreaming is reduced accordingly. This situation must be contrasted with the situation where a patient experiences less dreaming yet also poorer sleep: in such cases the reduction in dreaming suggests a disconnection from the subconscious.
Shifts in sleep and dreaming while under homeopathic treatment occur incidentally to shifts in the main complaint: they are non-specific indicators of the state of spiritual health of the organism, regardless of the nature of the patient’s main complaint. It is normal for the chief complaint, when it is physical or mental rather than purely spiritual, to lag behind the spiritual state: the physical or mental complaint can shift only once the spiritual foundation for healing has been prepared. For this reason changes in sleep and dreaming are among the earliest and most sensitive clinical indicators, and as such are extremely helpful whenever changes in specific symptoms are vague, contradictory, or otherwise difficult to interpret.
Finally, at times the changing content of dreams itself is a useful indicator of the trajectory of progress. In such cases it may be useful to discuss this with the patient, in order to bring to greater awareness the significance of a specific dream. Overall, however, homeopathy is much less concerned with deep dream analysis than are many schools of psychotherapy.
 Rubrics of dreams with their remedies
Symptoms Potential Remedies (key)
v  sleep; dreams; about own body; swollen;  squil.
v  sleep; dreams; burials;  alum., hura.
v  sleep; dreams; being buried alive;  2arn., chel., ign.
v  sleep; dreams; of business;  anac., apis., asaf., bell., 2bry., bufo., calc., camph., canth., carb-v., carl., 2chel., cic., croc., 2cur., elaps., gels., hep., hura., kali-c., 2lach., 2lyc., merc., 1nux-v., phos., psor., 2puls., pyrog., 1rhus-t., sang., sars., 2sil., staph., tarent.
v  sleep; dreams; of business; of the day;  acon., arg-m., 2bry., calc-f., chel., cic., cur., fl-ac., graph., kali-c., kali-chl., lach., lyc., mag-c., merc., nux-v., 2puls., rhus-t., sars., sep., sil., stann.
v  sleep; dreams; of business; cannot accomplish tasks;  mag-m., 2phos., sabad.
v  sleep; dreams; of business; falling asleep during business;  rhus-t.
v  sleep; dreams; of business; neglected business;  hyper., myris., sil., stann.
v  sleep; dreams; busy;  ambr., anac., apis., bell., 1bry., camph., canth., carb-ac., 2carl., coca., hydr., hyos., hyper., ign., kalm., lach., led., lyc., mosch., osm., phos., sabad., sabin., sang., sep.
v  sleep; dreams; that some one called;  ant-c., merc., sep.
v  sleep; dreams; calling out;  kali-c., thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; calling out; for help;  kali-c.
v  sleep; dreams; getting drunk;  graph., kali-c., lyc., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., petr., sil., sulph., zinc.
v  sleep; dreams; of being in cellar, and walls falling in;  bov.
v  sleep; dreams; changing places often;  led., lyc.
v  sleep; dreams; being chased and had to run backwards;  sep.
v  sleep; dreams; child had been beaten;  kali-n.
v  sleep; dreams; about children;  am-m., hura., kali-n., mag-c., merc.
v  sleep; dreams; churches;  asc-t., coc-c., lyss., zing.
v  sleep; dreams; clairvoyant;  acon., ph-ac., phos., 2sulph.
v  sleep; dreams; on climbing a step;  brom., hyper., mur-ac., rhus-t.
v  sleep; dreams; coffins;  brom., merc-i-f.
v  sleep; dreams; comical;  2glon., 2sulph.
v  sleep; dreams; confused;  2acon., agar., aloe., 2alum., am-c., ammc., anag., ant-t., apis., arg-n., bar-c., bism., brach., 2bry., calad., calc-f., 2calc., camph., 2cann-s., canth., carb-an., carl., caust., cedr., 2chel., chin-s., 2chin., 2cic., clem., 2coff., coloc., con., 2croc., cycl., dig., 2dulc., equis., erig., ery-a., eupho., euphr., eupi., ferr-i., ferr-p., 2ferr., 2glon., 2hell., hydr., hyper., 2ign., iod., 2kali-br., laur., led., 2lyc., mag-c., mag-s., mang., mez., nat-a., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nicc., nit-ac., 2nux-v., petr., phos., plat., 1puls., rumx., ruta., 2sabad., sabin., sel., senec., 2sep., sil., spig., 2stann., stram., sul-i., 2sulph., thuj., til., valer., verat.
v  sleep; dreams; confused; after midnight;  chin.
v  sleep; dreams; continuation of former ideas;  ant-t., asaf., ign., puls., rhus-t.
v  sleep; dreams; continued after waking;  all-s., arg-m., calc., 2chin., ign., 2lyc., nat-c., 2nat-m., psor., zinc.
v  sleep; dreams; continued after waking; on going back to sleep the former dream is continued;  ars., calad., nat-c.
v  sleep; dreams; crazy;  aloe., apis.
v  sleep; dreams; crimes;  hura., nat-ac., nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., rumx.
v  sleep; dreams; crimes; was wrongfully accused;  clem.
v  sleep; dreams; crimes; had committed crimes;  cocc., nat-s., petr.
v  sleep; dreams; cruelty;  nat-m., nux-v., sel., sil., stann.
v  sleep; dreams; would be crushed;  2sulph.
v  sleep; dreams; cutting;  calc-f., chin., hura., mag-m., nat-c., nicc., op.
v  sleep; dreams; cutting; of being cut with a knife;  guai.
v  sleep; dreams; cutting; of cutting a woman up for salting;  calc-f.
v  sleep; dreams; cutting; of seeing a person cut up;  merc.
v  sleep; dreams; dancing;  gamb., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., zing.
v  sleep; dreams; danger;  aloe., am-c., anac., 2ars., bell., calc-f., calc-p., 2cann-i., carb-s., chin., con., graph., 2hep., iod., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-i., kali-n., 2lach., lyc., mag-c., mag-s., mang., nat-c., nux-v., phos., psor., puls., ran-b., rumx., sulph., tarent., thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; danger; while lying on left side;  thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; danger; of escaping;  hep.
v  sleep; dreams; darkness;  ars., aur.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people;  2anac., 2arg-n., 2arn., ars-i., 1ars., aur., bar-c., bry., calad., calc-ar., calc-f., 2calc-sil., 2calc., cann-i., carb-s., caust., cench., chin-a., con., 2crot-h., elaps., ferr., 2graph., iod., iris., kali-ar., 2kali-c., laur., lyc., 1mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., 2med., ol-an., ph-ac., 2phos., plat., sil., sin-n., sul-ac., 2sulph., 1thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people; dead bodies;  alumn., am-c., 1anac., aur., 2calc-sil., 2calc., cann-s., carb-ac., 2chel., 2crot-c., dirc., elaps., hura., iris., jac-c., mag-m., mag-s., merc., nat-c., nat-p., nit-ac., ran-s., rumx., sol-t-ae., tarent., 2thuj., verb., zinc.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people; dissecting bodies;  iris., sang.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people; smell of dead bodies;  calc.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people; friends long deceased;  arg-n., ferr., nat-c.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people; relatives;  ferr., fl-ac., mag-c., mag-s., rheum., sars.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people; while sleeping on the back;  arn.
v  sleep; dreams; of dead people; on the left side;  2thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; death; of;  alum., alumn., am-c., arn., ars., aur., brom., calc-f., 2calc., camph., cast., chel., chin-a., chin., cocc., coff., con., ferr-i., fl-ac., grat., hura., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-n., kali-s., 1lach., lyc., mag-m., mag-s., merc-c., nat-m., nit-ac., paeon., plan., raph., rat., rhus-v., sil., 2sulph., tarent.
v  sleep; dreams; death; approaching;  kali-c., kali-chl., sil., 2sulph., tab.
v  sleep; dreams; death; of dying;  am-c., arn., brom., camph., chel., dulc., fl-ac., sulph., 2thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; death; friend;  coff., con., fl-ac., kali-n., nicc.
v  sleep; dreams; death; own death, and orders the rapid removal of the corpse from the house;  fl-ac.
v  sleep; dreams; death; relatives;  alumn., 2calc-f., cast., chin., fl-ac., grat., mag-s., mur-ac., nicc., paeon., plan., plat.
v  sleep; dreams; death; is going to die;  nit-ac., sil.
v  sleep; dreams; harmful to reputation;  mosch.
v  sleep; dreams; devils;  apis., arg-m., kali-c., lac-c., nat-c., nicc., sin-n.
v  sleep; dreams; difficulties;  1am-m., anac., ant-t., 1ars., cann-s., caps., croc., 2graph., 2mag-c., mag-m., mur-ac., 2phos., plat., rhus-t.
v  sleep; dreams; disappointments;  cann-s., ign., rumx., ust.
v  sleep; dreams; disaster;  sars.
v  sleep; dreams; disconnected;  agar., 2arn., chel., chin., cina., cinnb., coca., crot-t., equis., grat., lyc., myris., phos., plan., plat., 2puls., sil., sol-t-ae., sulph.
v  sleep; dreams; disease;  am-m., anac., anan., apis., asar., bar-c., bor., 2calc., caust., con., dros., eupi., fago., graph., hep., kali-c., kali-n., kali-s., 2kreos., lac-c., 2lyc., mag-c., meph., nat-s., 1nux-v., phos., prun-s., rat., sil., sulph., sumb., syph., upa.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; boils;  prun-s.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; daughter has a stroke;  nat-s.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; epilepsy;  ir-foe., mag-s., sil.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; fainting;  graph.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; fever;  sulph.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; haemorrhage;  phos.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; hydrophobia;  anan.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; loathsome;  anac.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; sick people;  calc., ign., mosch., rat., rheum., staph.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; sore throat;  bar-c.
v  sleep; dreams; disease; spitting blood;  hep., meph.
v  sleep; dreams; disgusting;  aloe., alumn., am-c., anac., cast-v., chel., 2chin., con., inul., 2kreos., mag-m., mur-ac., nat-m., 2nux-m., phos., 2puls., sulph., zinc.
v  sleep; dreams; disgusting; of being smeared with human excrement;  zinc.
v  sleep; dreams; disgusting; about dirty linen;  kreos.
v  sleep; dreams; distant acquaintances;  fl-ac., plb., sel.
v  sleep; dreams; drinking;  dros., med.
v  sleep; dreams; drowning;  alum., bov., ign., kali-c., lyc., merc-i-f., merc., nicc., ran-b., rumx., samb., sil., verat., zinc.
v  sleep; dreams; drowning; on a foundering boat;  alum., lyc.
v  sleep; dreams; drowning; of a drowning man;  sol-t-ae.
v  sleep; dreams; drowning; mother had been drowned;  nicc.
v  sleep; dreams; duels;  asc-t.
v  sleep; dreams; earthquake;  rat., sil.
v  sleep; dreams; eating;  2iod.
v  sleep; dreams; eating; human flesh;  sol-t-ae.
v  sleep; dreams; embarrassment;  alum., 2am-m., 2ars., graph., mag-c., phos.
v  sleep; dreams; being tightly encircled;  ruta.
v  sleep; dreams; enemies;  arg-m., con., ptel.
v  sleep; dreams; previous events;  2acon., aeth., am-c., anac., 2ant-t., arg-m., asaf., aster., bov., 2bry., calad., 2calc-p., carb-s., chel., chin., 2cic., coca., cocc., 2croc., crot-t., elaps., eupho., ferr-i., fl-ac., graph., ind., jatr., kali-c., kali-chl., 2lach., nat-c., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., osm., ph-ac., phos., plan., 2rhus-t., sang., sars., sel., senec., sep., 1sil., sol-t-ae., spig., sulph., sumb., thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; previous events; events of the previous day;  2acon., arg-n., 1bry., calc-f., chel., 2cic., cur., ferr., fl-ac., graph., kali-c., kali-chl., lach., lyc., mag-c., merc., 2nux-v., 2puls., rhus-t., sars., sep., sil., stann.
v  sleep; dreams; previous events; of the evening;  ph-ac.
v  sleep; dreams; previous events; long past;  am-c., calad., ferr-i., ferr., senec., 1sil., spig.
v  sleep; dreams; events not yet taken place;  mang., 2sulph.
v  sleep; dreams; excelling in mental work;  acon., anac., arn., 2bry., camph., carb-an., graph., 2ign., lach., 2nux-v., puls., rhus-t., sabad., 2sabin., 2thuj.
v  sleep; dreams; exciting;  coloc., kali-cy., nat-m., nux-v.
1.    Internet sources- En.wikipedia.org

  • http://www.easy-dream-interpretation.com
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dream
  • http://www.easy-dream-interpretation.com
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dream

3.     http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/9-things-about-dreams?
4.     http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/the-health-benefits-of-dreams?
6.     https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
7.     http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/dreams-homeopathic-diagnosis/
8.     Craze R. The Dictionary of Dreams and their Meanings. London. Hermes House publishing Ltd.
9.     PANDA B. B., Significance of Dreams in Homoeopathic Prescribing
10.    Homoeopathy & Dreams- Spirit India
11.    Homoeopathic software: radar 10

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