A Wart is Dissolved by Causticum - homeopathy360

A Wart is Dissolved by Causticum

Abstract: A case report concerns the homoeopathic treatment for a wart of ten years old boy. Six months ago one small, smooth growth had appeared on the lateral aspect of right eye brow. Gradually the growth increased in size and had an appearance of a cauliflower. The mother came to me and I prescribed the child only two doses of Causticum -10M after taking full case history; evaluate the symptoms and performing repertorization through Kentian method. Eventually with patience improvement was observed within 3 weeks of treatment. Within two months from the beginning of treatment the wart dissolved without any local application and surgery.
Keywords: Wart, Homoeopathy, Causticum.
Warts are the growth of skin resulting from Human Papiloma Virus infection.
Generally three types of warts are found. They are as follows-
1. Common Warts appear on the any part of the body.
2. Planter Warts appear on the sole of feet.
3. Genital and Anal Warts appear on the genitalia and anal.
There are various types of treatment procedures are available is allopathy for removing the warts are as follows:
1. Applying Salicylic Acid.
2. Applying Liquid Nitrogen.
3. Applying Podophyllin.
4. Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP).
5. CO2 laser surgery.
6. Interferon injections.
Case Presentation
A ten years old boy along with his mother came to me with the complaint of a small growth is present on the lateral aspect of the right eye brow since six months which was diagnosed as wart.
Associated Complaints
Stammering and frequently falling while walking since childhood.
History of present illness
Six months ago one small, smooth growth had appeared on the lateral
aspect of right eye brow. Gradually the growth increased in size and had an appearance of a caulifl ower. The patient had not gone through any type of treatment.
Past History
The boy had a history of neonatal jaundice and treated by the modern
medicine. Although the boy grew physically but he had delayed walking and speaking. The boy could not talk or walk up to the age of two years. The boy now aged ten years
is stammering and falling while walking. The parents consulted Pediatricians, Neurologist and performed necessary investigations like X-ray, CT scan, MRI etc but
no abnormality was found in the report. Therefore, the parents stop pad the treatment.
Family History
Father: Single cauliflower like wart like left temporal region and soft tumor present on scalp.
Physical General
Thermal reaction: Chilly patient.
Appetite: Good.
Desire: Meat.
Aversion: Sweet.
Stool: Soft , yellowish.
Urine: Clear.
Mental General
Depressed for his illness.
Local Examination: of wart.
Inspection: Looks like cauliflower.
Diagnosis: Wart.
Miasmatic Consideration
Chilly patient: Psoric.
P/H of Jaundice: Sycotic.
F/H of Tumor: Sycotic.
Depressed for his illness: Psoric
Desire for meat: Sycotic
Aversion to sweet: Psoric.
Stammering: Sycotic.
Delayed in walking: Sycotic.
Wart on face: Sycotic.
Rubrics after evaluation of symptoms
Depressed for his illness: Mind,sadness.
Chilly patient: Generalities, cold,in general, agg.
Desire for meat: Stomach, desire,meat.
Aversion to sweet: Stomach,aversion, sweet.
Stammering: Mouth, speech,stammering.
Fall during walking: Awkwardness,
Lower limb, stumbling whenwalking.
Wart on face: Face, wart.
(See Repertorization Sheet)

After proper Repertorization according to Kentian method, on numerical calculation ‘Causticum’ got highest marks 17/6.
Causticum – 10M of 2 doses was prescribed and he was advised to
take the medicine every morning in vac ven.

Follow up
(See Table)

As per repertorization, Causticum got marks 17/6 and covers particulars general symptoms, also having psoric and sycotic miasmatic backgrounds and as
per comparative Material Medica Causticum is the most appropriate
medicine for this case. Thus, the patient was prescribed only two doses of ‘Causticum-10M’. After three weeks the mother of the boy reported that improvement was observed and the wart had decreased in size. The treatment was continued with a placebo.
Eventually, the wart dissolved in about two months.
1. J.C.Sterling, S.Handfi eld-Jones, P.M.Hudson. Guidelines for the management of cutaneous warts. British Journal of Dermatology 2001; 144: 4-11.
2. Das Asok Kumar. A Treatise on Organon of Medicine, 5th Edn. Calcutta: Souvik Homoeo
Publishers; 2002.
3. Hahnemann Samuel. Organon of Medicine, 6th Edn. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (Pvt) Ltd;
4. Banerjee DD. A Text Book of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Reprint Edn. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (Pvt) Ltd; 2007.
5. Mandal B. Text Book of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Reprint Edn. New Delhi: B. Jain
Publishers (Pvt) Ltd; 2002.
6. Boericke Willium. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory,
9th Edn, Reprint. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers
(Pvt) Ltd; 2002.
7. Allen HC. Allen’s Keynotes Rearranged and Classified, 9th Edn. New Delhi: B. Jain
Publishers (Pvt) Ltd; 2002.
8. Banerjea Subrata Kumar. Miasmatic Prescribing, 2nd Edn. Germany: Narayan
Publishers; 2006.
9. Kent James Tyler. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medical, 6th Edn,
Reprint. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (Pvt) Ltd; 2004.
10. Clarke John Henry. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medical, Homoeopathic Publishers Co; 1900.
11. Shaikh Md Ismail. Homoeopathy at a Glance – What is homoeopathy: Similima. Com [Internet]. 2012 July [cited 2012 July 15]: [about 4 p.]. Available from: h? p://www.similima.com/homoeopathy-at-a-glance
About the Author
Dr. Md. Ismail Shaikh took his degree ‘Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery’ from Burdwan University; ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital
and Health Management’ from Indira Gandhi National Open University and
‘Master of Business Administration in Hospital Management’ from Vinayaka
Missions University. Now he is working as an Assistant Superintendent (N.M.)
at Malda Medical College and Hospital, Department of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of West Bengal.He has writt en various articles in
National and International Journals.

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