Today’s Hyperactive Super Kids ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)facebook twitter Mail Today’s Hyperactive Super Kids ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) - homeopathy360

Today’s Hyperactive Super Kids ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)facebook twitter Mail Today’s Hyperactive Super Kids ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Abstract: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) is the modern life style psychological disorder. Today’s kids are easily hyped up and stressed out. It becomes difficult for the parents, teachers and other associated with children, when to suspect ADHD. Hyperactivity with short span of attention towards children leads to disorder of childhood stage which when progress may leads susceptibility of children to serious disorder like anxiety and depression. Here the role of Homoeopathy starts with INDIVIDUALISATION of every child followed by SYMPOTOM TOTALITY which helps in digging out the best constitutional medicine to modify their behaviour and achieve their academic goals.
Besides obesity, hypertension and diabetes the fast growing life style disorder of elders, same with due to children being stress out by parents high expectation, early age freedom and fast paced development on academy, socially and personally gives birth to modern life style psychological disorder named ADHD (ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER). This creates environment of no space to explain what children want.
Over ambitious parents transformed childhood into an insanely programmed, status obsessed and sometimes spirit sapping race for their children. Today’s childhood is becoming like:
1. Overloaded, over prepared, hyped up and stressed out with fraction of the rest.
2. In communities where academic expectations run highest, the real culprit is panic about racing the exams.
3. Early and easy availability of smartphone’s and tablets aggravates mental thoughts, keeping kids connected and distracted long after light out.
4. Spending most time in internet surfing with facebook, whatsapp etc. creates enthusiasm to search every dam meaning of life.
The above maintaining cause like fault of education, bad practices and neglect of mind or ignorance… leads to the development of mental diseases (Aphorism-224).
Who is responsible for all this – Parents, latest technology, competition or child himself?
In simple word ADHD is:
(A) Attention – Special courteous act indicating affection.
(D) Deficit – Inadequate in degree or not able to fulfill a need
(H) Hyperactivity – A condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement
(D) Disorder – A disturbance in mind or normal functioning or cause to be worry Or one can say inadequate affection and attention paid to children result into excessive restlessness and hyperactivity.
Symptoms start with complaints from school; teachers and friends as kid have noisy fight with playmates, repeated minor accidents, abrupt answering hyperactivity and many more.
Along this continuum of normalcy to hyperactivity and inattention are full blown symptoms of ADHD, it becomes difficult for the parents, teachers and other associated with children, when to suspect ADHD?
There is perfect short hand for childhood love, attention, stripped of real play and haunted by the pressure of perfection. And this gives birth to:
1. Prevalence of anxiety, depression, attention deficit, hyperactivity, impulsiveness.
2. Inability to cope with even minor setbacks.
3. The freedom to discover true independence, the space to screw up and bounce back.
4. They can fall gently into sleep which is a gateway of their obstructed dreams or sleeplessness.
5. A substantial risk of addiction like tobacco, cannabis and alcohol to self medicate and obtain relief from distressing symptoms.
6. Doesn’t pay attention, makes careless mistakes.
7. Has trouble staying focused, easily distracted.
8. Appears not to listen when spoken to
9. Has difficulty in remembering things and following instructions.
10. Has trouble staying organised, planning ahead and finishing projects.
11. Gets bored with a task before it’s completed.
12. Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books, toys or other items.
If Hyperactivity Accompanies
1. Constantly fidgets, squirms and move around constantly- RESTLESSNESS.
2. Often leaves his or her seat in situations where sitting quietly is expected- UNSTABLE.
3. Talks excessively, has difficulty playing quietly or relaxing- TALKATIVE.
4. Is always “on the go” as if driven by motor- HURRIED.
5. May have a quick temper or a short fuse- HYPERACTIVE, ANGER.
ADHD can be associated with disorder like Learning disabilities, Conduct disorder include anti
social behaviour like stubbornness, aggression, and frequent temper tantrum, deceitfulness, lying and stealing, Mood disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Restless leg syndrome, Sleep disorder like insomnia and bed wetting.
How to Tackle These Children
1. Keep eye on child by age group of 6 yr to 12 yrs.
2. Besides providing cell phones or smart phones get engage them more on regular physical activities.
3. Combination of counselling, life style changes and medications.
4. Parenting and education. More investment of time and energy of parents, in early childhood.
5. Teachers need to make learning for these children applicable to their lives and interactive in nature. They need to be taught in multiple learning formats like simultaneous use of listening, speaking, reading, pictures and interactive activities that challenge and engage this population and gives them a feeling of ownership in their process of learning.
6. Psychological therapies like behavioural, inter personal psychotherapy, family therapy.
(Aphorism-226 – Display of confidence, friendly exhort, sensible advice with appropriate diet and regimen).
7. Clinically diagnosed ADHD often warrants allopathic drug treatment on a prolonged basis and help them to modify their behaviour and achieve their academic goals. But sometimes children act doped-up and lose the good side of their hyperactivity. So not getting most striking improvement for long time (Aphorism-230). Here the role of homoeopathy starts. In long term follow up from childhood to adulthood about 1/3rd shows significant improvement but a significant 2/3rd continue as adult ADHD subjects. The symptoms shift more towards inattention than hyperactivity or more distressing condition like anxiety and depression. It concludes that ADHD can be life time distressing condition, if not treated on time.
Homeopathic Treatment Unlike conventional medicine, Masters of Homeopathy seeks to treat each child as an INDIVIDUAL. The remedy must reflect everything about the child’s disposition particularly noted along with SYMPTOM TOTALITY (Aphorism-210).
A detailed case history (Aphorism-218) about the health of the child and the family, the pregnancy and delivery, early development, vaccinations, life events, schooling, favourite foods, drinks to mention just a few points. The more information gathered, the easier it is to find that tailor-made remedy.
Being fundamental cause of mental disease is Psoric miasm, so patient should be subjected to a radical anti Psoric treatment (Aphorism-227).
Aphorism-221 The first place of proved medicaments indicated for suddenly broken out patient
like Aconite, Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscymus, Mercury etc. in highly potentised, minute, homoeopathic doses.
In Kent repertory rubrics having 3+ and 2+ drugs that can be choose for ADHD:
1. Anger, irascibility: Acon., Anac., Bry., Cham., Hepar., Ign., Kali-c., Kali-s., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Petr., Sep., Staph., Sulph.,
2. Conscientious about triffle: Ign., Sil.,
3. Contradict disposition to: Hep.
4. Contradiction intoleranr of: Ambr., Ign., Nat-m.,
5. Distructiveness: Bell., Hyos., Stram., Tarent., Vert.,
6. Discontended, dissatisfied: Anac., Calc-p., Merc., Nat-m., Sulp.,
7. Disobedience: Tarent.,
8. Escape attempt to: Bell., Hyos.,
9. Frightened easily: Arg-n., Ars., Bar-c., Lyco., Nat-m., Stram.,
10. Hurry: Nat-m., Sulph., Tarent., Stram.
11. Loquacity: Hyos., Lach., Stram.,
12. Mischivious: Hyos.
13. Obstinate: Alum., Arg-n., Bell., Calc., Cham., Nux-v., Tarent.,
14. Quarrelsome: Aur., Ign., Nux-v., Sulph., Tarent.,
15. Restlessness: Acon., Arg-n., Ars., Bell., Calc., Hyos., Lyco., Merc., Puls., Sep., Sili., Stram., Sulph., Tarent.,
16. Violent, vehement: Aur., Bell., Cic., Hyos., Nux-v., Stram.,
Mental characteristics of some selected medicines for ADHD:
1. Aconite – Acute, Violent, Sudden, Nervous and Emotional tension. Fear Frantic, Screaming, Anxiety
and Restlessness.
2. Aresenic Album – Insecurity, Dependency, Desire Company, Possessiveness, Fastidiousness, Anxiety.
3. Belladonna – Furious Excitement, Wildly Delirious, Excited Ferocious, Desire
to escape or hide himself. Quarrelsome.
4. Hepar sulph – Oversensitive, Abusive, Immediate reactive.
5. Hyoscymus – Violent, Jealousy, Suspicious, Obsessive, Erotic, Insanity, Delirium tremens, Fear of being alone, being pursued, Restless, Desire to strike, fight, insult and scold.
6. Mercury – Instability, Insufficiency in action, Impulsivity, Hurried in speech. Nervous with tremor, Violent, Hurried impulses. Restless, Indifference to everything. Slow in answering questions. Memory week. Precocious. Filthy in mind and body. Mischievous.
7. Stramonium – Sudden Violent insanity, Persistent disorder of mental faculty. Hallucinations. Terror. Ceaseless talking. Dread of darkness. Loss of reason or speech. Does all sorts of crazy things. Wildly excited. Violent speech.
8. Sanicula – Irritable, Unstable, never sticks long at anything, Obstinate and difficult to control.
9. Chamomilla – Child goes from one person to another is never completely still, never at peace. Emotional, Temperamental and oversensitive. Ugly in behaviour, cross and Uncivil, Quarrelsome, vexed at trifle.
10. Tarentula Hispania – Tarentism, Restlessness, Hysteria, chorea dances up and down, Screaming. Destructive, Insanity, Erratic. Impulsive. Symptoms suddenly appear with violence.
1. Boericke Willium, “Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 9th Ed. New Delhi: IBPP; 2006
2. Hahnemann Samuel, Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine, 6th Ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 2002
3. Kent J.T, Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 6th Ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 2005
4. Schopler, Weiz, king, Morgan, Introduction to Psychology, 7th Ed. New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd; 1993
5. Vithoulkas George, Essence of Materia Medica, 2nd Ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 1990
1. deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
Source: The Homoeopathic Heritage, Ma

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