Anhalonium   - homeopathy360



This is a case of a woman who knows she is the messenger of God. Her internal conflict is on the one hand fear of hubris, and on the other hand, fear that she will fail to be able to carry forth God’s message. Anhalonium have the Mind rubric: weakness of will and the Delusion rubric: of immortality. Anhalonium is the link between the universal energy of God and the earthly plane.
D.O.B. 1942.
Occupation: Practitioner of esoteric science.
First Consultation: January 2007
Presenting Physical Symptoms and Illness:

  • Positive Rheumatoid factor
  • Hashimoto’s
  • Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies
  • Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (TPO)
  • Acne Rosacea
  • Inability to manage weight, diet, exercise, food
  • Inability to manage teaching timetables and work diary schedules
  • Extreme heat and flushing
  • Arthritis in hands and feet
  • Unsteady on her feet
  • Feels mentally vague and unable to regulate a food regime
  • Hypoglycaemic
  • Heat and skin rashes under her arms
  • Complains of vague memory loss

Presenting Illness:
A prerequisite of an auto-immune disease such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, is that its pathology has to have its foundation in delusional disturbance. Auto-immune diseases produce anti-bodies which attack the body’s own connective tissue and organs. The excess anti-nuclear anti-bodies subsequently become self-destructive. The rubrics that point to the correct remedy for the numerous auto-immune cases which I have treated in my practice are found within the Delusion rubrics because these are the rubrics which resonate with conflict, self-destruction and disorder; they match the very nature of the disease state. The primary trauma which caused the primary Delusion rubric is the causation in the case. Then there must be evidence in the case-taking of self-destruction and pathology which proves the need to use a Delusion rubric in the rubric-repertorisation. This is confirmed in the pending development of an auto-immune condition. You can only use a Delusion rubric in the case analysis if you can identify how the patient has used the psychological delusion as a revisionist misinterpretation of reality. You can only use a Delusion rubric in the case analysis if the four prerequisites have been noted in the patient’s case-development.
My role in finding this patient’s simillimum is to uncover the inner, self-destructive, ‘never-well-since-event’ which was the precursor to her auto-immune condition.
Case Analysis: I used the following key points and headings in analyzing this case.
Striking, or Peculiar Signs and Symptoms; Organon 153

  1. Rubric-repertorisation
  2. Theme
  3. How, Why, and When Causationsthe ‘Never-well-since-event’
  4. Materia Medica
  5. Follow-up Consultations.

Striking, or Peculiar Signs and Symptoms; Organon 153
A prerequisite is to find the inner disturbance which is the core of our case-taking, and it is always reflective of what is unusual or disturbing to your (the homoeopath’s) inner sensibilities. My aim in listing the rubrics used for each section is to construct a rubric repertory of the consultation which will enable you, the reader, to see one of the processes of case analysis which will be invaluable to your understanding of unusual cases.
This patient teaches a form of inner emotional work which enables her patients to be in touch with their own emotional consciousness and life purpose. Her work involves the mapping of several planes of consciousness to help her patients understand their own individual emotional mapping and behavior in the world. The ‘sixth ray’ she refers to is one of the categories of her levels of awareness or planes of consciousness.
 Case Notes
 Question: You were talking about your concept of the sixth ray can you tell me about that?
The sixth ray is about devotion and idealism. It is devotion to an ideal or personification of an ideal. It a can be devotion to a person, to a Guru or teacher. Joan of Arc would be an archetypical example, so there can be a martial element to the sixth ray, which would emphasize the idealistic nature, or there can be more of a personal devotional nature to it, like the student to the master. Having a strong counter dependence to the sixth ray, I realized my life’s purpose is a sixth ray life purpose and that is not around devotion to a particular person but devotion to an ideal. A sense of what has to be done and an absolute commitment to making sure that it is done. And for a long time feeling somewhat embarrassed about that, wanting to deny that, but I think it is also about building the capability. The ideal is all very well and good, but if you don’t have the strength of form to give it carriage in the world then it’s just about smoke and mirrors. A lot of my life has been spent building the vehicle to enable the ideal to be in the world, to have expression in the world. The ideal that is at the seat of the sixth ray is about consciousness. It is about the unfoldment of human consciousness, towards a destiny of complete realization.
Striking, or Peculiar Signs

  •  Joan of Arc is her ideal, or the personification that she identifies with.
  • This patient sees herself as having a similar life purpose to Joan of Arc.
  • Joan of Arc is able to hear God talking to her. Joan of Arc has clairaudience.
  • God tells her to go into battle to defeat the English. Joan of Arc resorts to military force to defeat the English i.e. martial element.
  • She tells us: my life’s purpose is a sixth ray life purpose.
  • She tells us she has devotion to an ideal.
  • The ideal is all very well and good, but if you don’t have the strength of form to give it carriage in the world then it’s just about smoke and mirrors. She is worried that her body will not be well enough to carry her on her journey.
  • Her life purpose is about the unfoldment of human consciousness towards a destiny of complete realization. The patient is talking about how she is the messenger of a universal energy. She needs to be the link between the universal energy of God and the earthly plane.

It is important to note the rubrics for her alignment with Joan of Arc because this is an unusual personification to identify oneself with. In repertorising a case such as this it is important to listen to the patient’s description of herself and repertorise on the basis of how she describes herself. She tells us her goal, like Joan of Arc’s was towards the unfoldment of human consciousness towards a destiny of complete realization. What we know of Joan of Arc from history is that she had visions, and heard Gods message. When I ask this patient to describe herself she tells me that her life goal is aligned to Joan of Arc’s. Then I should repertorise of what I know about Joan of Arc. The Delusion rubrics for the personification of Joan of Arc would be the following Delusion rubrics.
2. Rubric-repertorisation

  •  Delusions: beautiful: anh.
  • Delusions: fancy, illusions of: anh.
  • Delusions: hearing: illusions of: anh. [This rubric pertains to clairaudience.]
  • Delusions: visions; has: [This rubric pertains to clairvoyance.]
  • Delusions: voices: hearing: [This rubric pertains to clairaudience.]
  • Delusions: visions, has: wonderful: [This rubric pertains to clairaudience.]
  • Delusions: immortality, of: anh. [1] 1. (Her life purpose is about the unfoldment of human consciousness towards a destiny of complete realization. This is the Delusion rubric: of immortality. Hubris is an insolent pride or alignment with the Gods, leading to nemesis. ‘Hubristic denial’ is the belief that God has bestowed upon one great powers of omnipotence.)
  • Delusions: answers to any delusion: anh. [1] 2. [aster.] [The meaning of this Delusion rubric is that Anhalonium are liable to be influenced or taken over by someone else, or desire another form. This rubric is about self imposed abandonment of the conscious self. Anhalonium desire decomposition of shape in the world. Anhalonium like the sensation that they are floating without form; transparent and able to be carried off into a non-material world. This Delusion rubric also means she can be easily swayed by any possible psychological delusion, or overwhelmed by mental and emotional instability. This confirms her doubt about having the strength of form to give it carriage in the world.]

The Mind rubrics to match her devotion to her ideal are:

  • Mind: euphoria: anh.
  • Mind: fancies: exaltation of: anh.

 The following statement: The ideal is all very well and good, but if you don’t have the strength of form to give it carriage in the world then it’s just about smoke and mirrors, indicates a conflict over her ability (strength) to fulfill her quest.
The Mind rubrics that match her weakness of form are:

  • Mind: execution lost as the result of overpowering visual sensations: anh. [1] 1.
  • Mind: will: weakness of: Anh.
  • Mind: will: loss of will power: Anh.

 Immortality and omnipotence are the key words of an Anhalonium case. Anhalonium is the link between the universal energy of God and the earthly plane. Regardless of the nature of the trauma or disease, each individual Anhalonium patient will always be in a crisis which mirrors, or resonates with, the theme of immortality and omnipotence. In this Anhalonium case the woman is the messenger of God.
 3. Theme
Anhalonium want to escape identifying with the external world by involving themselves in their inner spiritual clairvoyance and clairaudience. Anhalonium use divine auditory intervention to avoid emotional, mental, or physical interaction with the worldly plane. Anhalonium have the Delusion rubric: merged with present eternity. [1] 1. Anhalonium only experience conflict if they are hindered. Anhalonium experience all illness as a hindrance because they do not want to identify with their emotions, their mind, or their physical body. Anhalonium do not want to identify with their ‘ego’. The ‘ego’ is the realistic rational part of the psyche. If a remedy profile has a weakened ‘ego’ then their psyche is under threat. Anhalonium choose to abandon their psyche, preferring transparency of the self. Anhalonium do not want to identify with their somatic ‘id’. Anhalonium abandon their unconscious instinctual ‘id’, preferring an out-of-body decomposition. Anhalonium have the Delusion rubric: body is immaterial. Anhalonium do not want to be ruled by the conscience of the ‘super-ego’. Anhalonium do not want to identify with the inspirational ideals and spiritual goals and conscience of the ‘super-ego’ which criticizes or prohibits any feelings or actions. Anhalonium identifies entirely with their immortal ethereal body. Their spiritual goal is to merge in eternity and not to strengthen their ‘super-ego’ on this earthly plane. Anhalonium have the Delusion rubric: of immortality. Anhalonium are in tune with the psychical energies of the soul. Because Anhalonium are in tune with the psychical energies of their soul they have no fear of death. Anhalonium know that their soul goes with them when they die. Disease is viewed as a hindrance because it forces them to become aware of their somatic body. Anhalonium will always be very agitated when they are sick because it forces them to re-enter their somatic consciousness. Anhalonium have the Delusion rubric: parts of the body seem too large. Anhalonium do not want to ‘live in their body’. When they are sick they often complain that their body is cumbersome and irritating. If Anhalonium are forced by illness to ‘live in their body’ they often experience a peculiar ‘persecution complex’. Anhalonium patients have often said to me: I hate it when I am sick, it forces me to become aware of my body. People around me love it when I am sick because it makes them think I am just like them. I don’t want to be like them. I think they all sit around looking at me, willing me to be sick so that I have to come back to this earthly plane. I feel surrounded and attacked. This is the Delusion rubric: sees faces scheming, and the Delusion rubric: snakes in and around her. It is crucial that the Delusion rubrics are used in case analysis to psychosomatically mirror any emotive theme which is disproportionately paranoid. When Anhalonium are forced by illness to ‘live in their body’ they imagine that their body is forcing them to become aware of a somatic consciousness which they wish to discard. This is the psychodynamic meaning of the Delusion rubric: parts of the body seem too large.
Anhalonium choose to connect to their immortal soul. Anhalonium have a psychic connection to a spiritual world, and actively disconnect themselves from an earthly, external world. Other Delusion rubrics to consider for Anhalonium would be, out of the body, separated from the world, and decomposition of space and shape. Anhalonium do not have any Delusion rubrics pertaining to self-blame or ‘delusions of original sin’. If your patient blames themselves for their illness, then the simillimum is not Anhalonium. Anhalonium does not necessarily blame anyone else, either.

  1. Denial: Delusion rubric: hearing: illusions of: anh. Delusion rubric: voices: hearing: anh. Delusion rubric: music: thinks he hears: anh. Delusion rubric: visions, has: wonderful: anh. Delusion rubric: visions, has: colorful: anh. [1] 1. Delusion rubric: sounds: color; are like: anh. [1] 1. Delusion rubric: transparent: everything is: Anh. [2] 1. Delusion rubric: seeing: herself: anh. Delusion rubric: space: decomposition of space and shape: anh. Delusion rubric: visions, has: beautiful: kaleidoscope changes; varied: anh. Delusion rubric: figures: seeing figures: anh. Delusion rubric: floating: air, in: anh.
  2. Forsaken: Delusion rubric: faces, sees: scheming: anh. Delusion rubric: snakes: in and around her: anh.
  3. Causation: NONE.
  4. Depression: Delusion rubric: hindered; he is: anh.
  5. Resignation: Delusion rubric: body: out of the body: Anh. Delusion rubric: transparent: he is: anh. [These rubrics can pertain to hubristic visions of clairvoyance or to physical disassociation.] Delusion rubric: large: parts of the body seem too large: anh.

4. How, Why, and When Causationsthe ‘Never-well-since-event’
Question: Where do you think the blackness [shadow] comes from?
My earliest memory of my work in the world came in my adolescence, when I had a sort of a waking dream. I was on the hill where the Masonic temple stood and I was singing and they were listening and they (the Gods) were being moved. My singing had an extraordinary rightness and potency to it. There are numerous moments over my life of luminosity where the Gods came to dwell along side of my mere humanness. My difficulty was being able to embrace the grandeur as well as live with my human limitations and be who I am at the moment; which is certainly not God-like. So the bigness and the littleness and the gap in-between was a challenge to live with, and the sense of shame thinking it was something that I would ever do.
 There is hubris in that. But secondly the shame that comes with the contrast with that vision and what I am actually capable of. It is not something that I am now living or grappling with, there is a depressive element in me. I am flawed.
Case Analysis
On the one hand she aligns herself to the potency of the luminosity of the Gods. Anhalonium is the only remedy listed under the Delusion rubric of immortality. I was singing and they were listening and they were being moved my singing had an extraordinary rightness and potency to it. There are numerous moments over my life of luminosity where the Gods come to dwell along side of my mere humanness. On the other hand, she identifies with her impotence: my difficulty was being able to embrace the grandeur as well as live with my human limitations and be who I am at the moment; which is certainly not God-like. There is a notable contradiction in what she has told us: the shame that comes with the contrast with that vision and what I am actually capable of. It is not something that I am now living or grappling with, there is a depressive element in me. I am flawed.
She aligns herself to God, but she is flawed and not able to live up to her ideal of being God. This is where her inner disturbance and inner conflict lies. In homoeopathy we do not prescribe on the basis of an event or particular disease; we prescribe on how the individual perceives and consequently internalizes that event, or how the patient experiences their particular disease. Each Anhalonium patient will conclude that they will survive any future potential assault if they were as one patient put it, outside of my body, in tune with God and the universe. A disturbance should be immediately noted by the homoeopath as unusual in the case if it is a peculiar and strange symptom of the case. The case notes transcribed below reflect how the patient has internalized trauma from her father’s constriction and control in her childhood, and created the polar opposite of expanding her life purpose into the universal life purpose of attuning herself with the messenger of universal energy: God.
Question: What is the first conscious memory of being flawed?
It would have been maybe three or four years.
What was the event?
Dad was fixing up a house and there was a lot of tension in the house. Dad was a volatile individual, and there was a snake that came into the house and Dad’s response to that. The fear that I went into. It wasn’t so much the snake but Dad’s response to that. It has either been inflated in my mind or it happened very closely to that event where we were jumping on one of the beds and my brother slipped between the bed and the wall and dislocated his shoulder or broke his arm. And once again Dad’s response to that was once again the most terrifying thing. It was the omnipotence of the Gods to just sweep all, to lay waste to everything that had been built, and there is nothing you can do about it. Absolute helplessness in face of the annihilating storm; you cannot do anything about it. 
 But why were you flawed in that?
 Well, it was my fault of course. [Laughs] I suppose my impotence would have to travel with omnipotence. It’s my omnipotence that says of course I am to blame if this is happening. I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t make it okay.

  • Delusions: immortality, of. anh. [1] 1.
  • Delusions: separated: world, from the: he is separated:
  • Mind: will: weakness of: Anh.

She has no power or will power over the world: it was the omnipotence of the Gods to just sweep all, to lay waste to everything that had been built, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Anhalonium feel separated from the world, and believe they have been rejected by the world because they are so different. They also choose to separate themselves from the world to connect to the ethereal. Anhalonium have wonderful visions of the spirit world which are much more attractive to Anhalonium than this earthly world. Anhalonium will embrace death because they believe they are going to live forever in ‘spirit’. If your patient is fearful about their fatal illness and death the simillimum is not Anhalonium. Anhalonium are not interested in, and do not cope with, the earthly plane of existence; they only feel depressed if they are hindered from leaving. Anhalonium feel like they are suffering by being forced to live on this earthly plane. They feel like they are waiting to die so they can be an immortal soul merged in eternity. Anhalonium have the Delusion rubric: he had to wait. [1] 1.
The Mind rubric, loss of will power indicates that within Anhalonium is an ability to have insight into their loss of will power, and insight into their desire for power when they align themselves to the immortality of God. Aligning themselves to God carries omnipotence and expansiveness. This reflects and explains the meaning of what is an unusual Delusion rubric: answers to any delusion. Anhalonium have the Mind rubric: heightened awareness of body. In Anhalonium, this awareness becomes intensely apparent when they have to face pain within a weak body that is on this world, not merged within the immortal, universal, omnipotent power of God. Anhalonium want to merge with the universal power of immortality.
 5. Materia Medica
 Anhalonium have to expand their reach and identity into the universe and into everything outside of their material world in order to have the sense that they will survive. Anhalonium is a drug remedy prepared from Peyotl, the cactus from which the phenethylamine mescaline is extracted. Sankaran, in The Soul of Remedies, writes, “The experience of mescaline is often one of merging with one’s surroundings or the feeling of being one with the whole of existence, seeing oneself without boundaries. This experience implies immortality – what dies is the body; as the self is continuous with the whole of existence, it cannot be mortal.” Immortality and omnipotence are the key theme words in an Anhalonium case. Sankaran says of this crisis within Anhalonium, “He starts living inside a bubble, isolated from the rest of the world but inside it, he creates his own universe.” Anhalonium have the Delusion rubric: he is separated from the world, which reflects the struggle to stay on the earthly plane of consciousness.
When I studied homoeopathy, Delusion rubrics were interpreted as the flights of fancy of the unstable patient, or the presenting fantasies of the patient when they have a high fever. This astounding misunderstanding of the Mind section of the repertory is distressing to say the least. It is within our patient’s disturbance that we find the peculiar symptoms that Hahnemann asked us to look for in aphorism 153 of The Organon. These disturbances are the Delusion rubrics.
The Delusion rubrics reflect our unconscious and subconscious; they are not relayed by our patients as part of their conscious, logical mind. The distinguishing characteristic of Anhalonium (which you will not see in any other constitution other than perhaps Anacardium) is that it is merged with the expansiveness of the subconscious and unconscious, as well as being acutely aware of struggling with the conscious world. This patient outlines the purpose and idealism of Anhalonium, and the struggle to be on the earthly plane, when she says, a sense of what has to be done and an absolute commitment to making sure that it is done. The ideal that is at the seat of the sixth ray is about consciousness. It is about the unfoldment of human consciousness towards a destiny of complete realization.
In An Insight Into Plants, Sankaran writes, “This is exactly the experience of Anhalonium. It has a lot to do with the mind expanding. There is talk of depersonalization and dissolving of the borders and yourself, expanding into the universe. The feeling is as if there is decomposition of shape. One’s body is immaterial and enlarged and diminished. The merging of oneself with one’s environment is basically a self-expansion. This is the main symptom of Anhalonium. In Anhalonium everything is getting narrow and shrinking and I have to expand or I will disappear.” Anhalonium has a need to feel like they are expanding into the universe. Sankaran places Anhalonium in the Cancer Miasm and within the Cactaceae family. The sensation of Cactaceae is contraction, within the plant kingdom the theme is polarity and expansion. Anhalonium also has “confusion as to his identity, depersonalization, loss of self-knowledge and self-control, disassociation from or self-identification with environment.” [Vermeulen].
6. Follow-up Consultations
Question: Do you think that since taking the homoeopathic remedy your grounding in dealing with the world is better?
Yes, I think so. What I would call the first ray element of will or power has found its right place in a way that it hasn’t up till now. It is not nearly as shocking to a relatively sensitive personality vehicle as it used to be. So the personality vehicle has the strength to contain and hold that potency. The other thing that has happened since taking Anhalonium is that it is as though the masculine principle has taken its right place, which is absolutely standing in support of the feminine principle; absolutely making its commitment to serve the enduring values which are held, and ensuring that they get carried into the world. That is what Anhalonium has done. The impact on me is a much greater sense of capability and of authenticity, as there is a much greater representation in the outer world of what is being experienced in the inner world. As that more extroverted work goes forward I get feedback from the world that I would never get. It has opened parts of the world to me that I normally don’t have access to. Left to myself I live a relatively introverted lifestyle, but that is not good enough for the work that I have to do and it’s certainly not good enough for what Anhalonium is asking of me. So the fact that I have been able to adopt that stronger position is that I have met the world with a new face to different parts of life, with people whom I normally wouldn’t speak to. Activities that I have had to engage in, that I am not used to, where I have had interesting and unusual responses from people that are very affirming. My instinct is not to speak about what I do for fear of thrusting it down people’s throats, and that had to change and I think it is that masculine energy and the Anhalonium effect.
Is it fears of thrusting it down their throats or the fear of their rejection?
Well it’s both, shame of the idea that I would attempt to persuade anyone of anything. That is a shameful thing to do. But also that would be times ten if I am rejected. Equally, if I am accepted, and if it is the result of convincing someone, either way I lose; the horror of it. So it has been a confronting thing to do the work that I do and bring it into the world and market it and confront it when it is too forceful.
Has the sense of shame and horror lifted inside of you?
Yes, it has in the sense that it hasn’t stopped me, but the template is still there; the shadow is still there. That depressive element was as if somehow I could scuttle away and avoid my task, could say no and the cost was great, and it was only when I learnt how to say yes that the balance was achieved, of a particular sort. I am still in the process of achieving it.
So when you have students who are also in the Sixth Ray concept, how do you feel towards them?
I feel tender, deeply aware of its dangers, how you can put yourself into someone’s clutches, and for it to be my clutches. So I feel protective of their right to choose of the absolute necessity of their separateness and time, conscious of the need to say yes to what they offer even though it’s scary. It is scary to be offered devotion, not that it is done in an obvious fashion as it would be done in an old mystery school.
Do you think, since taking the remedy, there is less struggle over that degree of responsibility?
Yes, in that I don’t think I would have created the opportunities in which they could offer in that way because I would not have wanted that responsibility. I am reserved in my acceptance of help, in part because I am needlessly independent but also because I don’t want to enter into enslaving relationships with me as the slave, or me as the slave master. With the person offering help and so I am very alert to the quality that is in the individual because of that fact. All through my life, in one way or another, there have been several individuals drawn to me who want something of me, who want something of what I have to offer. There is a little straw that goes in and a suck, suck, suck, but nothing good that comes from that. From time to time, after running a weekend workshop or some other public piece of work, there would be people who would come up who would have that devotional element in them and want to be with me and offer themselves to that. That thing that happens after people have had an experience. I have found those experiences challenging. On the one hand there is a genuine experience there, but on the other hand there is a giant invitation to the pedestal, and I don’t want followers; not interested it. It would prevent me from doing the work that I am to do, let alone all of the damage that can be created out of that. So it is how to say yes to the support in people, but no to that which would not serve life. That is the task.
So now you can see why I gave you the story of Galadriel and her struggle to not take the Ring? The temptation was so strong and yet she would not achieve what she had to achieve.
The funny thing is she knew! These are the sort of things I know because I reflect but in the doing of it, especially in years gone by, it was me finding my way through. Following my instinct, my intuition, saying no because I knew I had to say no without understanding why I had to say no. Also, whenever you have done a big piece of work, and have felt the expansion of the boundaries, [spreads her arms wide to express expanse] to that larger aspect of the self that comes into play, then there is the emptiness that has to be dealt with. Where there is emptiness and stillness required. Followers don’t allow that. They want the archetype on tap, and they want to feed from that but the work is to access our tap to that, not to feed on others.
 (Anhalonium have the two Mind rubrics: forsaken feeling, isolation, and heightened awareness of body. The constitution Anhalonium always resonates with the energy of what Sankaran identifies as “a total solitude and where they can identify themselves with not only a group or family but with the whole of existence.”)
Do you think that since taking the remedy, the amount of time you have needed to rejuvenate yourself to go back out into the world is less?
Yes. I don’t get much time these days, and yes I am still here. A few years ago I did what I call, fry my brains. I was doing an Easter Mediation and fried my brains in that I wasn’t able to deal with the potencies of energies that I encountered. The result of that was I wasn’t able to work in that way anymore. A lot more work had to be done, that sort of connection with that archetypal part of life had in the ordinary and the everyday, I think it has led to a safer progress, it has less bells and whistles but it has got those great moments of exaltation.
 So, it would be interesting to see, in doing the workshops you are about to do, if you are able to hit that degree of exaltation and still be able to stay grounded and have some energy.
I would say that at the moment I am able to have quite a solid connection with the exalted in my work and to come back pretty quickly from it.
Has anything changed in relation to your business partner and how you have been able to work with her?
 Yes. She has been coming into the world, more and more. She may well be an Anhalonium type. She is still grappling with not being able to stand with a clear form which can enable that.
 (Anhalonium has the two Delusion rubrics: separated from the world and he is transparent.)
Sankaran states, in The Soul of Remedies,Anhalonium comes from a situation where people experience a total solitude and feel they could lose their identity. In such a situation the only solution is being in the Anhalonium state, where they can identify themselves with not only a group or family but with the whole of existence. The experience of mescaline is often one of merging with one’s surroundings or the feeling of being one with the whole of existence seeing oneself without any boundaries. This is the closest to the highest spiritual experience, as described in Hindu or Buddhist philosophy as oneness or non-duality of Spirit. This experience implies immortality – what dies is the body: as the Self is continuous with the whole of existence, it cannot be mortal.”
Case Analysis
First Consult: January 2007 Remedy given dry pilule Anhalonium 200 C. 1/weekly continuous. The consultations are every six weeks.
Follow up: March 2007

  • Rheumatoid factor now negative
  • Hashimoto’s. All Thyroid levels are now normal
  • Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies still high >500 normal range (<60) previously 25600.
  • Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (TPO) still high, indicative of idiopathic hypothyroidism
  • Acne Rosacea is now less
  • Inability to manage weight, diet, exercise, food. I needed to do a lot of counseling around food and exercise but she has started a food regime, weight management and exercise regime
  • Extreme heat and flushing is now less
  • Arthritis in hands and feet, greatly improved
  • No longer unsteady on her feet
  • Vague, unable to regulate a food regime (hypoglycaemic)
  • Starting to regulate eating regimes
  • Heat and skin rashes under her arms, improved
  • Complaints of memory loss are not an issue now
  • Complaints of vagueness no longer an issue

Follow up March 2008. Remedy has not changed. Dry Pilule Anhalonium 200 C. 1/week

  • Rheumatoid factor still negative
  • Hashimoto’s. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) increase from 4.19 to 7.10 normal range (0.35-5.50). New Remedy given Thyroidinum 30 1/day.
  • Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies still high and increased to 2111 normal range (<60) previously 25600
  • Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (TPO) decreasing to 1119 they were 2282 still high indicative of idiopathic hypothyroidism. Normal Range (<60.)
  • Acne Rosacea is much improved
  • Now more able to regulate exercise and food management, and timetable management
  • Extreme heat and flushing: still improving
  • Arthritis in hands and feet: greatly improved, no pain

Follow-up Conclusion
The rubrics which point to the correct remedy for curing auto-immune cases are found within the Delusion rubrics because these are the rubrics which resonate with conflict. Disturbance and conflict in a patient will cause destructive pathology. Internal struggle is evident in chronic disease states. Physically, she has a thyroid auto-immune condition, Hasimoto’s and Rheumatoid Arthritis. All auto-immune conditions are reflective of inner conflict. This conflict resonates across all levels of her life, not just on the physical. As Anhalonium she is enthralled with her life’s work, and yet is struggling with managing its carriage in the world. The ideal is all very well and good, but if you don’t have the strength of form to give it carriage in the world then it’s just about smoke and mirrors. A lot of my life has been spent building the vehicle to enable the ideal to be in the world to have expression in the world. When she talks about her lack of form in the world, she is also talking about her physical struggle around practical matters of living and working. In this case, I have done a lot of counseling around how to eat, how to manage time, and the need for exercise. She has struggled to manage her time in her practice and in appointments with patients. She has now reduced appointments to a manageable and containable time slot of one hour, as opposed to two hour appointments. Anhalonium will lose themselves in their patients, and the fact that she can now put boundaries and time constraints around appointments for her patients is proof of her well being. She has also been vastly more productive in her writing, teaching, and commitment to completing her project around the levels of consciousness. She has been able, after one year of taking the remedy Anhalonium to work out a marketable method of teaching her life’s work so that others can understand the complex nature of the levels of consciousness with which she identifies.
Follow up October 2009.
Remedy has not changed. Dry Pilule Anhalonium 200 C. 1/week. Thyroidinum 30 C. 1/day.

  • Rheumatoid factor still negative
  • Hashimoto’s. T4. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) T3. Levels now all within normal ranges
  • Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies decreasing to 1608 normal range (<60) previously 25600.
  • Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (TPO) decreasing to 567, they were 2282, still high indicative of idiopathic hypothyroidism. normal range (<60.)
  • Acne Rosacea is much improved
  • Inability to manage weight, diet, exercise, food are still ongoing issues to address
  • Extreme heat and flushing, still improving
  • Arthritis in hands and feet, greatly improved, no pain

This case is ongoing. Her Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies are still high, but they have decreased considerably (as above). Her Thyroid function tests (T4. TSH. and T4.) are now within normal range.
 Follow up October 2014.
Remedy has not changed. Dry Pilule Anhalonium 1m. 1/week. Thyroidinum 30 C. 1/day.

  • Rheumatoid factor still negative
  • Hashimoto’s. T4. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) T3. Levels now all within normal ranges
  • Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies decreasing to >500 normal range (<60) previously 25600.
  • Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (TPO) decreasing to 400, they were 2282, still high indicative of idiopathic hypothyroidism. normal range (<60.)
  • Acne Rosacea is much improved
  • Ability to manage weight, diet, exercise, and food; losing weight on a calorie restricted diet; this is the first time she has been able to achieve this goal
  • Extreme heat and flushing finished
  • Arthritis in hands and feet, greatly improved, no pain

This case is ongoing. Her Thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies are still high, but they have decreased considerably (as above). Her Thyroid function tests (T4. TSH. and T4.) are now within normal range.
Sankaran, Rajan. The Soul of Remedies. Santa Cruz, Bombay, Homeopathic Medical Publishers, 1997. p.9.
Sankaran, Rajan. An Insight Into Plants. Santa Cruz, Bombay, Homeopathic Medical Publishers, 2002. p.143.
Schroyens, Frederik. M.D. Synthesis. London, Homeopathic Book Publishers, 1997.
Vermeulen, Frans. Prisma. The Netherlands, Emryss bv Publishers, 2002.

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