There is a divine relation of ‘LOVE’ between drug personality and the Prescriber. If the prescriber knows the personality of drug, he or she is a master prescriber. Love thy drugs and you will be a master prescriber. Our holy book ‘Organon’ has no reference of word ‘drug-personality’. Where ‘Organon’ hesitated, Kent regulated. Kent invented the term ‘drug picture’. Today we call it ‘drug personality’. Tyler initiated the term drug pictures. Farrington accelerated the drug pictures through comparative study. ‘Drugs can be understood and not memorized. All who would memorize the drugs must ignominiously fail’, said Kent. This means understanding the drug. Understanding is reading with mind. Love thy drugs and you will see wonderful results.
Personality of human being and drug
Personality of human being is quality or condition of being a person. It is totality of quality and traits as of character and behavior. It is an instrument designed to reveal aspects of an individual. Personality of a drug is also individual like that of human being. It is the characteristic symptoms of drug. It is difficult to memorize personality of every drug. There are hundreds of them. It would be easy if we make a choice of drugs, we love. Before that, we shall understand how to memorize a drug. Here is a short story.
Manu and Tanu were meeting daily at bus stand for going to homoeopathic medical college. They simply exchanged glances. After 15 days, they exchanged their names and started sitting together in the bus. After a month, they knew their families, residential addresses and mobile contacts. After another month, they started meeting in college canteen and malls. Now they could spot each other easily in crowded places. Acquaintances turned into friendship, friendship developed into intimacy and intimacy fetched love between them. This all happened due to their frequent meetings and interactions. After six years of passing out, their wedding took place. You should also start love affair with MM following Manu and Tanu. When we read a drug in the book for the first time, we know its origin and rough utilities. Second reading would lead us to its qualities and capabilities. Third reading will enables us know its organ-wise use, modality and all hidden values. This way we can find its personality and face patients easily to select correct remedy. In a sum, we can say that personality of drug is nothing but knowing characteristic symptoms of the drug. Here are some examples.
Personality of Carbo veg
After reading time and again, you will summarize personality of carbo veg as follows. It is deep acting, cures long standing ailments and patient’s vital force is exhausted. No, this is not personality of CV because we have many drugs with same symptoms. CV personality is its characteristic symptoms. Offensive discharges, Putridity and burning, Coldness of legs and knees, Venous sluggishness to stagnation, Flatulence.
Personality of Nitric acid
Offensive, excoriating discharges, Splinter –like pains, Discharges have urinous odor, Ulcerations at the junctions of skin and mucous membranes.
Personality of Ignatia
Full of contradictions (fever but no thirst, sore throat relieved by swallowing, Chill relieved by uncovering, headache relieved by stooping etc.) Mental symptoms (Changeable mood, introspective, silent, sighing, melancholy with tendency to weep, full of disappointments, complaints from fear and jealousy). Effects of grief.
Personality of Gelsimium
Dull, stupid apathetic mental condition, Great weakness, muscular relaxation and deep seated aching, Paralytic action on ocular (eye or upper facial) muscles, Low type of thirst -less fever, Complaints arising from emotional disturbances.
Learn Personality of drugs from MM and not key notes
A couple comes to doctor. Wife has pains all over her body with vomiting. Husband tells, ‘She has pains every where in the body and with pains she vomits. When there is no pain, vomiting stops. First of all, please control her vomiting, doctor’. The doctor has to act fast, ‘What does she vomit? ‘It is the undigested food’, replies wife and goes to the wash basin to vomit. The doctor knew the personality of a drug that has such symptoms. He pours few drops of selected remedy in the mouth of patient. Like magic, there is no more vomiting during next fifteen minutes. She had no pains as well. There is only one such drug in MM having pains with vomiting. It is Ferrum phos. Doctor gave her FP 6 one drop on tongue. The strange thing is that FP has not been given importance in many short MM and key notes. Allen did not include FP in his very popular key-notes. So, the Drug personalities are to be learned from MM and not small pocket books or key notes.
Personality in brief called ‘one- line’ personality
A girl in the college inquires from her friend as to who is her boy friend in the hall. She points out in the crowd, ‘That “Lambu, or Thigna, or Mottu”. This is inadequate to recognize the person as there are many long, short or fat boys in the crowd. This is one-line description. Drugs also have such ‘one-liners’. See the examples. Bryonia -dryness, Belladona – suddenness, Causticum – slowness, Aconite -diseases with violence, Bismuth – rapid and sudden, Lycopodium – right sided, Kalmia and Cactus – travel from above downwards (rheumatism). Ledum travels below upwards etc. Such descriptions of one-line personality of drug are not trustworthy.
Relationship of personalities
Every person is known by his or her friends, relatives, and enemies. This is relationship. Drug is also identified by its relationship. It is seldom that one remedy given for a disease is adequate to bring complete cure. A drug is never proved in all respects. It has no foolproof picture of the disease. While proving a drug, a prover does not exhibit complete symptoms of body. Many symptoms are left out .Right from the onset to the termination of the disease; a sequence has to be maintained in respect of drugs. The remedies are selected one after the other depending upon the changed symptoms of the patient. A related drug has to be inducted. If one drug starts the curing action, the other completes the cure in most of cases. This is relationship of one with the other. If one drug is inadequate to exhibit all symptoms of patient, the remaining symptoms have to be covered by its complimentary, compatible or related drugs.
What are drug relations?
In a book of relationship of drugs, we find relations like complementary, compatible, and incompatible, remedy follows well, remedy is followed well by, remedy antidotes, and remedy is antidoted by, similar remedies. In some books, aggravations and ameliorations are also given with relations. Clarke introduced two new terms ‘follows well’ and ‘followed well’ for complimentary and compatible drugs respectively. Antidote is to counteract undesired effect of the drug given. It is to neutralize the effect of drugs previously given. Complementary is to complete the work of given drug. Compatible is to co-exist or which can be used along with. Complementary is thus called compatible, if prescriber uses two remedies (not at a time) in some difficult cases. The term compatible is a generic term and includes ’complementary remedies’, those which the ‘remedy follows well’ and those which is ‘followed well’. Inimical is drug that will harm the patient if used immediately before or after the medicine selected. Incompatible is synonym for inimical.
The term ‘incompatible’ was introduced after Hahnemann. It means ‘does not follow such and such drug well’. Whenever some ‘terms’ are introduced, our fraternity reacts. Dr. Nash’s reaction was,’ I do not believe in the as called incompatible as some do. I should give Causticum after Phosphorus, Silicia after Mercury or Rhus tox after Apis, if I found them indicated.’ Dr Gladwin opposed this,’ When we know that two inimical remedies would fight, why should we give them a chance to fight’. Logic appears true. Clarke says it in different tone,’ some remedies have a very injurious effect on each other’s action, when one is given immediately after the other. A case which was going well with Calcarea was spoiled by Bryonia when followed immediately’. Dr. S. P. Koppikar says about incompatible, ‘It may aggravate the existing troubles, bring in new complaints unrelated to the case, produce allergic reactions and complicate the case that would become chronic.
Example of relationship of drugs
To understand relations of drugs in a better way, let us take example of a defective sewing machine. It is not running smoothly and needs lubrication. We grease its visible parts first, say handle, and crank. It still runs hard. We pour machine oil in given inlet holes. The machine now runs smoothly. Grease did not complete the work. We poured machine oil and it did the job. Relation of grease with oil is complementary. The same stand true for drugs. If we have no machine oil at home, we pour available mustard oil. It serves the purpose temporarily. Machine oil and mustard oil have compatible relation. The same stands true for drugs. Children are naughty. If a child in your home acts as mechanic and pours water in sewing machine to lubricate it, it is disastrous because water is inimical or hostile to oil. The same is true for drugs. What would you do? You would clean the parts and pour machine oil. This is antidotal action. You have nullified action of water. The same is true for drugs. We stop this relationship business and come to methods of memorizing personalities of drugs.
To memorize the drugs, we have to love them. HOW? Select ten drugs you like. Write them down. Select five drugs you adore from above ten drugs. Select three drugs you love from above five drugs. Select your first love from above three drugs. Here is what you have to do now with your love drug? Suppose your FIRST LOVE is ‘Colchicum’ .Paste picture of Colchicum on your mobile as lock wall paper. Paste picture of Colchicum. Write common name ‘Meadow saffron’ with its picture. Now write its personality- General exhaustion of mind and body, Great muscular prostration, aggravation from exertion even thinking, aggravation from motion. Read it daily when starting use of mobile phone. Unlock the wall paper and reach your regular wall paper. It is Colchicum continued. Write digestive, abdominal symptoms with its connection of inflammatory gout .Extreme aversion to food, nausea and loathing at the thought/smell of food, abdomen distended with urging to stool and passage of jelly like mucus. Write its trait. Colchicum stands between arsenic (weakness) and china (tympany or ear drum)
When alone, read both the wall papers every time you open the mobile. Act like a baby to learn the personality of drug. When babies find a new word, they repeat it over and over. Repeating reading loudly will bring you nearer to the personality of drug. After every 10 days, change your ‘love’ for another drug you had selected (top ten) .This ‘love’ method on your mobile is worth the trouble you take. If you love twenty personalities of polychrests, you will be true lover to reach fame of master prescriber.
(Abstract from the presentation of the author in KML seminar on 12th Sept.,15 at PHD conference hall, New Delhi)