In literature, the woman has been depicted as a Goddess of beauty who inspires us to love every creational being in the form of an embodiment of cosmic panaroma of infinite attraction towards her. But as the man could not sustain and retain the qualities of rational and cognitive order, he turned towards the devils workshop of ignorance and fell victim to many ills and degenerated himself to a very low order of lust, greed and passion which caused many abnormalities in human society, externally as well as internally. The regressive movement of human society from the original world of physico-psychospiritual parallalism has gone to appalling situation of havoc. One of the main victim in this disorder has resulted into a lower status of objective approach to the woman rather than the esteemed status of divine blissful subjective self. The hasty turning has befallen a thunderbolt of immesurable sufferings on innocent inspirational subjective fellow being. The woman, a chunk of wolf’s greeds vulgarity and exploitation.
In the materialistic world it is said that women are born to create. The crooked thought has drawn a very gloomy picture of woman.
That in India nearly 100,000 women die every year due to abortion and child birth. And two thirds of pregnant women are anemic and complications of pregnancy due to high fertility lead to placenta pravevia, abrupt to placenta, prolonged pregnancy, ectopic gastation, eclampsia, thousands cases of malpresentations of fetus, post partum hemorrhage and rupture of uterus.
Add to this that pregnant women lose immunity to maleria and are most succeeptible to viral infections like ineffective hepatitis. Pregnancy also precipitates the development of overt leprosy and diabetes, and child birth trigger’s off episodes of major psychiatric pathology like manic depression and actute psychosis.
Mortality among females is greater than among males of all ages, especially in the age group of 15-35. The maternal mortality rate in India is still an unbelievable in rural areas. There is marked increase in the numbers of teenagers seeking abortion. Repeated abortions had been low birth-weights and obstetrical complications.
Ill health in woman has adversely affected their potential contribution and participation as workers, mothers and members of society. Women, though child bearing are important contributors to the labour force. They also provide physical and psychological well being to them to the family through selection, preservation and preparation of food, partial production and maintenance of house-hold goods, basic education, socialisation and the next generation and basic health care. Yet their own health problems have never received serious attention.
A women is not considered feminine enough if she does not suffer menstrual discomforts, labour pain or leucorrhoea. Dysmenorrheal in the young is dismissed as pain due to emotional problems in highly strung girls. If it were so, dysmenorrhoea (pain during menstruation) should be a problem at the time of menarche and not two to four years later.
All ailments in women are regarded as originating in the uterus. Surgeons have cashed in on this and have women the impression that after the age 40, wombs are better out than in. Hysterectomy is the order of the day and there are few middle aged women married to affluentmen who are still living with thier uteriintact. Indian women with poor hygiene and repeated infections often suffer from leucorrhoea.
Generally, many physcians over emphasise the psychological causes of women’s disorders and encourage the over use of drugs such as tranquillisers and antidepressants. Hysteria is a common diagnosis for all female complaints and disabled women suffer even more acutely.
Cervical cancer due to early sexual activity and poor hygeine is common. There is also a lot of abuse in the application of newer technologies like amniocentesis. It is now a new way of getting rid of female fetuses.
The exploitation of women does not confine itself to economic, social or sexual areas. Family planning programmes are glaring examples. By and large the risky methods of contraception are tested in females.
Hormonal contraceptives in the garb of “freedom (at last) against unwanted pregnancy” are currently being inflicted under most unethical practices. Depoprovera and Norigest, infectible contraceptives widely being tested in India, have side effects which have branded them as harmful in the western world. But with disgracefully low ansumer awareness have, they continue to cause irregular bleeding missed periods, anxieties and tensions.  Ironically, they also interfere with breast feeding which is the safest contraceptive in use today. Further more, they get secreted in breast mily and enter into infant’s system.
Occupation hazards to which women are exposed are only just coming to light. It is now known that women have lower capacity to sustain heavy manual and physically demanding work. They have less tolerance to heat and vibration and employment in certain industries like electronics weaving and carpet making, have caused severe visual impairments. The process of cooking itself is hazardous. The member of women who die every year due to burns is frightening. Recently studies on rural energy patterns show that a woman spends a great deal of time on fuel collections. She uses stoves that are not only fuel insufficient but also those expose her to serious respiratory diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema through inhaling animal dung smoke.
Mulnutrition in women has been further aggravated by repeated pregnancies and lactation. The average Indian women becomes pregnant eight times and gives birth to eight to seven children of which four to six children live. Out of thirty years of reproductive life, she spends sixteen years in pregnancy and lactation. One hundred fourty million malnourished women support this vast industry. In India, 50% of all women and two thirds of all pregnent women are anemic.
In India women had to tend the milking animals obtain fodder for them. They had to carry heavy loads on their heads as part of construction work and were engaged in work even during the third trimester of pregnancy. Physical violence, rape and prostitution are other factors that affect women health. The beating of wife by her husband is a common scene in our country resulting in nervous breakdown which is very common in women.
Improving women’s health is not just a matter of providing maternal and child health services. It must include educational programmes and social reforms. Unfortunately, the greatest impediment in the realisation of her constitutional, legal and social rights has been the woman herself.
So there needs a practical approach to deal with women’s health in a co-ordinated way in all the fields of social, economic, physical and meta-physical sphere so that medical treatment may play a role of awakening their microvital force present in them.
Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole taking in view the physical, meta-physical, mental and spiritual endowments, symptoms, inclinations, traits, apptitude time schedule tendencies and indivuduality.
Here in the following lines I draw out some of the important drugs according to their actional forms. Every drug can be effective to raise the disturbed vital energy but important drug are given as under :-
Disposition to: Act, r, Alertis, Lyco, Nit. C.
After frieght – Gel. (herings)
In 3rd month – Apis, Sabina, Sec. Core. Thuja.
With spasmodic uterine cramp. – Caul.
and hemorrhage.
Threatening miscarriage from fits of anger; Cham.
With soreness of the overies; Apis.
In conditions of atony of the uterus-Helon.
Painless drainings when abortion threatens-Mill.
Due to lack of development of uterus – Plumb.
Extreme downward pressure at Vagina-Sepia.
With gushing of bright blood on the least
motion, especially in woman who are subject
to profuse and frequent menstruation – Trill.
Women prone to abortion (Hering) – Zinc Met.
Specific for threatened abortion
from mental shock           – Bapt.
Prevents habitual or other-wise abortion. – Vib . Prun
For excessive foetal monoments – Opium
Disorders in General : Bell., Calc. Cham., Ferr.1, Graph.,
Ip., Kali. C., Lach., Lyco., Nat. M.,
Nux.M. Nux.V., Pho., Plat., Puls., Sene.,
Sep., Sil., Sul., Tub.
Supressed (Amenorrhoea)
Aur., Uric. Con, Graph. Kali. C., Lyco., Puls. Sil.
Senec., Sul., Tub.
Early (Frequent, too soon) – Amb. G., Bell. Cal., Cham.,
Carbo.V., Ferr., Ip., Kali.C., Nat.M.
Nux.V., Phos., Plant. Rat., Rhus. Tox.
Sabina., Thuja., Tub.,
Late :- Caust., Dulc., Graph., Kali. C., Lach., Lyco., Nat. M.,
Puls., Sep., Sil., Sul.
Scanty:- Amon. C., Aur., Con. Dulc., Graph., Kali. C. Iach., Pul.,
Sep., Sul., Vib. Op.
with dyspnoea: Arg. Nit.
Short :- Amon. C., Graph., Lach., Pul. Sul., Thuja.
One day only : Alum., Arg. Nit., Sep.
One hour only – Psor., Few hours :- Vib., Op.
Painful (Dysmenorrhoea): Bell., Cact., Cal.P., Cham., Cimic,
Coloc., Graph. Kali C., Med., Plat., Puls., Psor.,
Sep., Sulphur., Tub., Vip.op.
Black: Chin, Cycl., Kali M., Lach., Mag. P., Plant, Puls. Ustill.
Brown: Bry., Thuja.
Dark: Amon.C., Cham.,m Med. Sabina., Vib.
Green: – Lac.C., Med., Sep., Tub.
Watery:- Alum., Dulc., Ferr., Gossi, Nat M., Puls.
Bright Red :- Bell, Dule., Erig., Ip., Mill, Thos, Sabin., Ust.,
Changeable :- Pul.
Pale:- Ferr, Graph., Nat.M.
Pitch. like :- Calc., Graph. Mag. C., Plat.
Alum., Ars., Bor., Calc., S. Ced., Chin., Coccl, Graph., Hydr., Iod., Kali.C. Kreos., Med., Mrc., Nat., M., Nit., Ac., Flat., Puls., Sepia., Sil., Stamn., Sul., Biochem. – Calc. P.6x, Kali P., 6x, Kali.S., 6x
Leucorrhoea with amnenorrhoea – Xanthoxylum
Loucorrhoea Putrid, in general very fitid and Exhausting – Kres.
Leucorrhoea in little girls., also ova Testa., – Cubeba.,
For spurious pregnancy, movements in abdoman like child’s fists – Sul.
Sensation of something alive – Crocus & Thuja.
Following drugs recommended for the stages of pregancy:-
Tub – in Ist month.
Leuticum – in 2nd month.
Carcinocin – in 3rd month
Sulphur – in 4th  month
Cal. Curb., in 5th or 7th months.
Calc.F. or dulc., in 6th & 7th months.
Cauloph. – in last months.
Eel Serum, Acid phos, Kali.C., & Kali Ars – for albuminurin.
Calc. Phos.-prevent mothers from giving birth to hydrocephalic babies Prolapse of Uterus : Sepia., Pyrogin, Bearing down pain relived by holding the breath.
Impotency : & Sterlity :- Eupt. Per. Sterlity & uterine atony – Bar. P. Amon. C., Aur. M., Bar.M., Bor., Calc.C., Can.I., Caul., Caust., Coccuil, con, Croc.S., Dulc., Ferr.Phos., Graph., Hyos, lod., Med, Merc, Nat.M, Phos., Plat., Rut., Sep., Sul, Sul Ine.Acid.
Uterus-Cancer with haemorrhage:- Bell, Crot.H, Kreos, Lacho, Phos, Ust.
Saclike swelling:- Alumen, Alumina, Bar.C., Bell, Cale.F., Canth., Caps., Cocco.Ind., Hep.S., Hyos., Kali Bich., Merc-C., Merc.S., N.M., N.V., Phos., Phyto., Sabad., Wyeth.
Inflamation:- Aco., Bell, Caps, Cist., lod., Kali. bi., Merco, cor., Merc.S., Nat.S., N.V., Puls., Sul.
Vagina Prolapse – Bell., Ferr., Kreos., Merc.S., N.V., Ocim.,C Sepia, Stan., Staph., Sul.Ac.
Vaginismus:- Aco., Amb.G., Arn., Aur., Bell, Berbs., V., Cact. G.,. Caust., Cimic., Coff., Con.M., Ferr.lod., Gels, Hamm., lgn., Mag Phos., Murek., N.V., Plat., Plumb., Puls., R.T., Sec.Cor.,sil., staph. Tar.h., Thuja,
Inflamation of Vaginer-Acute:- Aco., Apis, Arn., Ars., Bell., Can., S, Canth.cimic., croc.C. Con, crot.H., Helon, Hyd., Kali.C., Kali.M., Kreos., Lyco., Mag.M., Mere.C., Merc.V., Sep.Sulp., Thuja.
Inflamation of Vagina-Chronic:- Ars., Borax, Calc., C., Carbo veg., Ferr.M., Hydr., lod., kreos., Kali.C., Kali.M., Lyco., Merc.S., Nat.Ars., Nux.V., Puls., Puls., Sepia., Staph., Thuja.
Author: Dr. R.K. Dhiman

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