THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: CM Pinarayi Vijayan said that state has a history of wholeheartedly accepting homeopathy. He was inaugurating the World Homeopathy Day celebrations organized by the Progressive Homeopaths Forum (PHF) at the Government Homeopathic Medical College on Tuesday. He said that PHF gave a message of pro-people treatment by celebrating the birth anniversary of Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy.
The CM said that first major step in the progress of homeopathy in the state was through the introduction of the first government homeopathy dispensary by the EMS government in 1957. “Following this, various institutions came up providing impetus to the growth of homeopathy in the state. Homeopathy education too got a major push through introduction of homeopathy education institutions. People like Athuradas Swamy, Dr K S Prakasham and Dr Padiyar made great contributions in the field. Effective treatment in homeopathy is provided via projects like Seethalayam, a scheme for women,” the CM said.
Government will set up ten homeo hospitals in state: Health min
Health minister K K Shylaja presided over the function. “In addition to the 10 NHM dispensaries announced in the budget, government will start 10 more government homeo hospitals using plan fund,” said health minister.
As part of the birth anniversary celebrations of Dr Hahnemann, PHF is launching Green Homeopathy campaign. CM launched the campaign by planting a sapling at the campus of Governemnt Homeo Medical College. Health minister inaugurated the website of PHF. PHF president Jayanarayanan handed over consent letter for organ donation by homeo doctors and students to the health minister. KGOA state treasurer Dr Sundareshan delivered Dr Hahnemann memorial talk.