AYUSH board will be formed in Jharkhand very soon. The Health Minister held a high-level meeting to enable Ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathic and Yoga in the state of Jharkhand. Its learners were invited to participate in the meeting and give directions.
Health Minister Ramchandra Chandravanshi said that the Jharkhand government will soon meet with experts and take a decision on the formation of a yoga institute with the formation of AYUSH Board.
Well, even though the government of Raghuvar Das in the state claims to repair AYUSH system, the situation is getting worse day to day. One AYUSH practitioner is appointed to take charge of two to three hospitals. For the betterment of the arrangements by the Directorate of AYUSH even the files are not been sent to the Ministry.
In fact, the AYUSH department in Jharkhand is working at a slow pace. Under Ayush, 80 percent posts of Ayurveda, Unani and homeopathic physicians are vacant. That is, only 20 percent of the doctors in AYUSH have the responsibility of health of the whole state.