Interview with Dr Girish Gupta - homeopathy360

Interview with Dr Girish Gupta

Dr Girish Gupta is an outstanding, well known and leading clinician at Lucknow with an ample experience of about 32 years in the field of Homoeopathy. Initially, he started his practice at Lucknow on October 2, 1982 in a small room set as clinic-cum-residence which was named as Gaurang Clinic in 1986.

After long struggle and hard work the clinic was uplifted in a Research Centre with the addition of the Clinical Pathology and Medical Mycology laboratories and renamed as Gaurang Clinic and Centre for Homoeopathic Research (GCCHR) in 1996. He was resolute to do “Something Significant” and redefine Homoeopathy on modern scientific lines.

Dr Girish Gupta serves as the member of Scientific Advisory Committee of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy. He has been recognized as a national and international level speaker in many seminars and workshops. His articles and successfully treated case histories have been published in many journals. He has been successfully conducting research on various projects on different diseases and has obtained high cure rate for several incurable ailments. He was involved in Clinical Research projects on various clinical conditions. He also conducts Experimental Research like, an In-vitro screening of Homoeopathic drugs against several pathogenic fungi like Candida albicans, Trichophyton, Aspergillus and Microsporum etc.

He is the recipient of many national and international honors like International Hahnemann Memorial Award 2001, Great Master’s Award 2002, Nation’s Vikas Ratan Award 2002, Jewel of India Award 2002, National Gold Star Award 2002, Mother Teresa Excellence Award 2002, International Gold Star Millennium Award 2003, “Kent Trophy” during XVIII All India Congress of HMAI in December 2012 etc.

Dr Girish Gupta and his team work with a common mission ‘COMMITTED TO BRING HOMOEOPATHY IN THE MAINSTREAM OF SCIENCE’.

Dr Abha (ED): Sir, Tell us something about your journey from a graduate to a researcher.
Dr Girish Gupta (GG): After passing out my graduation in Homoeopathy in the year 1980, I started my career as a researcher, not a clinician. Having done some experiments to screen the effects of homoeopathic drugs on plant viruses in collaboration with Plant pathologists of National Botanical Research Institute based at Lucknow, I published a paper in The Hahnemannian Gleanings in 1981. It fascinated Dr. Diwan Harish Chand, the then Advisor of Homoeopathy to Ministry of Health, Govt. of India. He opined me to submit a project to Central council for Research in Homoeopathy. Consequently, I submitted a research proposal entitled “Screening of Homoeopathic Drugs against human & animal viruses in experimental model”. I got it sanctioned after great efforts.
I started working as a Research Fellow in this project in the Department of Virology, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow under Dr. L.M.Singh, the then Scientist in-charge from October 1982. I worked for three years and obtained very encouraging results with homoeopathic drugs against Chicken Embryo Virus. This work was published in British Homeopathic Journal in the year 1986. It proved beyond doubt that potentized drugs have in-vitro biological activity. It was a befitting answer to skeptics who label homoeopathic medicines as Placebo. This was an experiment of its kind ever conducted in a reputed science laboratory under Government of India. After completing this work, I kept my research aptitude alive even in private practice. I have developed a team of homoeopathic graduates who are conducting evidence based work on about 16 ongoing self-funded projects.
ED: How were your initial days of beginning to practice homoeopathy, and how were those different from today’s time?
GG: I started private practice on 2nd October 1982 and faced lot of difficulties. It was not very easy to practice pure homoeopathy at that time. Firstly, I did not mix it with anything else & secondly I utilised all diagnostic tools as against prevailing myths that such tests are not required in Homoeopathic practice. I used to document cases with pre and post diagnostic reports to make it evidence based. This helped me prepare papers for presentation in conferences and to publish in journals.
Now a day’s lot of gadgets like computers, scanners & smart phones etc. are available to keep the record and analysis of data but, during my time, only photocopiers and slide transparencies were available. Now Repertorization has become easy because of computer and software as against our initial days when most of the work was done manually.
ED: You are committed to bring Homoeopathy in mainstream of science. What is your plan?
GG: Well, I resolved since beginning that I have to do everything possible to bring homoeopathy in mainstream of science. I have made a sincere effort to achieve this and have established a Research Centre in private sector in the year 1995. My plan is to create awareness among masses to make homoeopathy as the first line of treatment at least in the areas where it excels. Moreover, my plan is to publish books on our evidence based research work published in various National & International Journals. This will prove to be an authentic reference material for research scholars pursuing M.D or PhD courses.
ED: In 2014-15, the AYUSH ministry was allocated a budget of Rs. 1,069 crore, of which 573.21 crore (53 per cent) was surrendered due to non-approval of projects. How do you propose a solution to this situation?
GG: This is very sad that our profession is not able to utilise the funds allocated by the Ministry of AYUSH. This is due to less number of stake holders,NGO’s, research Foundations & Societies etc. Our homoeopathic Medical Colleges should come forward to submit research proposals to AYUSH Ministry for funding. We should understand that only Government bodies like CCRH can’t do everything.
ED: First thing you started at your clinic was Clinical Pathology and Medical Mycology laboratories in 1996. These establishments need funds. Can your advice budding practitioners how to arrange for funds?
GG: Yes, establishment of laboratories in the clinic certainly require funds. These become self-reliant if we connect it with the patients. No agency gives funds to establish labs in a private clinic. It has to be one’s own endeavour.
ED: Having successfully treated many cases of Gallstones, Prostatic Complaints, Gynecological disorders, Thyroid disorders and hair fall, which amongst these was the most difficult to cure and why?
GG: Well, we have evidence based data bank on the treatment of Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, Prostatic hyperplasia, Thyroid problems, Kidney stones, Gall stones, Vitiligo, Psoriasis and various types of Arthritis like Rheumatoid& Gout etc. The most difficult among them is Vitiligo & Gall stones because these are one sided diseases where selection of medicine is a difficult task.
ED: Early menarche is on rise with problems of menorrhagia. What do you suggest in this regard?
GG: All menstrual problems are due to hormonal imbalance in girls/ladies. Early menarche is mainly due to obesity in girls, their exposure to so many hitherto hidden facts because of their access to social & electronic media which leads to development of hormones at early age. Hormone imbalance is the main cause of menorrhagia. My suggestion for such girls is to maintain body weight (Because adipose tissue secretes estrogen like hormones) and follow Indian life style by avoiding stress, doing yoga, consuming healthy food instead of junk food and to face emotional turmoil bravely and with confidence.
ED: Homoeopathy is becoming rich man’s soup. Comment.
GG: I don’t agree that homoeopathy is becoming rich man’s pathy. This is still very cost effective therapy compared to Allopathic & Ayurvedic medicines. It is very well affordable by a poor person. It is a bare fact that most of the charitable dispensaries in the country are homoeopathic.
ED: Homoeopathy at Public Health Care can have significant effect in reduction in the use of antibiotics and overall cost to the Government. How to integrate Homoeopathy at PHC level?
GG: I fully agree to the fact that use of homoeopathy at PHC level can reduce the incessant use of antibiotics, steroids, analgesics & antipyretics to a great extent. This will not only cut the budget of the government but will save patients from unnecessary side effects and reduce the menace of antibiotic resistance. This is high time the Government take a decision of utilising homoeopathy in the primary health care delivery system.
ED: Although pursuing B.H.M.S, students in various colleges depart from practicing after passing out. What is your advice to the budding students in this regard?
GG: There is a great scope of homoeopathy now a day as against the time when we started practice thirty-five years ago. The public is in search of good homoeopathic physicians. My advice to budding homoeopaths is to have confidence in this system of medicine and practice what has been taught in the colleges. Please do not indulge in malpractice and avoid using“Disease specific patent medicines”. These will not only ruin your practice but will create a bad image of homoeopathy in the public.
ED: How does a novice Homoeopath earn his bread and butter with few job opportunities?
GG: It is not very difficult for a novice homoeopath to earn bread and butter if one has sound knowledge, self-confidence, good clinical exposure under a senior physician and faith in this pathy.

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