Today I am going to speak about Lilium tigrinum, Sepia, and Natrum mur.,
and although many of you know Sepia and Natrum mur. very well I think it is
an awfully good thing to have a comparison of these remedies, which have
certain very conspicuous likenesses.
Lilium tigrinum is much the least commonly needed and least commonly
used of the three, but they are all very useful, and to show their likenesses and differences I think is useful for you.
Lilium tigrinum is very difficult to explain. You can’t say: “This is what they
look like … ” because there is no absolutely fixed plan. They are rather compact people, firmly set up, fairly full-blooded, and fair rather than dark. Most of them are quite definite personalities. They are not the soft and yielding type by any means. They are not unduly aggressive, as the Natrum mur·. type can be, and they are quite different from the resentful attitude of the Sepia. So you have got here a quite separate personality for your Lilium tigrinum. They are fat rather than thin, and one thing which is always present in the Lilium tigrinum patient–when they come to see you-is that they sit there pushing their coat back or something back because they are much too hot. They are rather a poor colour. As a rule they have rather blue lips; that I find is more or less a constant with the Lilium tig. patient that I have seen where I have given it with good effect. They are apt to be a bit cyanotic generally and rather full lipped.
One point of similarity between these three drugs is that they are all apt to
be bad-tempered, they get all sorts of strange ideas into their heads, particu-
larly that people have done something that they should not have done and are against them, and if you try to explain they deliberately take you up the wrong way and if you persist in your explanation they get really angry. Now that is characteristic of all three of them and it is a useful thing to remember. They can all be awkward in this way.
The Lilium tigrinum has very definite mental symptoms. They get a sort of
crazy feeling in their heads at times and don’t know quite how to explain things, or what to do and what to decide, and they get very depressed and they some-times get very weepy. As a matter of fact, I don’t find the weepiness nearly as common as they say in the books. I find them very depressed and very down, but I don’t find them often very weepy. Now they always feel-and this is characteristic of them-that they have something most important and very urgent to do, which they are responsible for, which nobody else can do and that they are the people who are left to do it. They are often quite indifferent towards their families and they can be tormented about their future, their salvation, about anything to do with their lives. They arc always hurried. The Lilium tig. patients will sit down, but they seem to be in a hurry, they are all in a fidget; they haven’t time to explain things, and the thing that is characteristic of them is that they are full of “rush”, a sort of tormented rush that they have to get off their chests.
They feel the heat. I often think that it is quite a useful thing to remember
that they are awfully like a “hot’ I Sepia. If you have somebody who is very
hot and you are rather surprised as they are very like Sepia, don’t forget
Lilium tig. It belongs to the same group and has a great many of the same
characteristics and may be very like Sepia except that they are hot. Always
hot and always pushing back their coat collar and their things. They are definitely very snappy, or awfully bad-tempered and nothing pleases them. In fact they are impossible to please. They are very exacting. Now, I am going to give you an example of a Lilium. tig. patient because it gives you such a perfect picture.
I had a very interesting patient–she was one of my first–she is now 82. I meant to work out how old she was when I first saw her, but she was something like 48-so it is some time ago! She had a history that she wanted to go in for acting. She had an elderly mother and she had one step sister who was older than her, who was, fortunately, a school mistress in Gibraltar so got away from her for a good part of the year-but oh the life she gave her when she came home! However, this patient had been trained to be an actress. She had been sent to the drama schools, she had been given every opportunity to learn acting and at last she was put into her first play, and with a great deal of help and recommendation from leading actresses she was given a leading part in her first play. She went to the First Night and she was an absolute dead failure.She thought she had got a wonderful career in front of her and suddenly she found she hadn’t a career in front of her at all. So from the time that she failed she determined to be the centre of the stage somehow, and so she stayed in bed, and has stayed in bed for the rest of her life. Nothing would get her up. The only thing that ever got her up very quickly was an air-raid, but that was the only thing. She stayed in bed and her mother waited on her all the time and her poor sister, when she came home for holidays, waited on her morning, noon and night. She always felt that she was the pivot of the family: that they couldn’t decide anything without her; that they had to ask her advice over everything: that she managed their money affairs and all their other affairs and that was how she went on.
The family got rather worried about her-she could be so absolutely beastly
to them-and they suggested that I call in a psychiatrist. I did not want to do
this much, but I did it. I called in a psychiatrist, who couldn’t have been more
useless, incidentally, and who did not suggest anything at all helpful, so I then asked Dr. Borland if he would come round and see her. He came round to see her and he was too sympathetic for words! She told him how she had had to have a psychiatrist in and how she felt humiliated about it. (He wasn’t at all surprised; he would have been disgusted, too.) He said all the right things, all the time.
She told him of all her responsibilities, of all she had to do, all she had to
decide and he couldn’t have been nicer but as he went out he said to me: “She’s shouting for Lilium tiqrinum,”
So I went back and gave her Lilium tigrinum and I am bound to say, that
whatever else it did not do, and it did not get her up, it did make her very much nicer to her family and to the people she had to deal with and that was a great thing, because honestly, she gave them hell.
She now lives in a home. I don’t look after her, I’m glad to say. Dr. Raeside
looked after her up till the time he died. She is now too far away for me to
look after and I have refused to allow any of my Assistants to do so. (I felt that I must do something to save them from this.) She lives in a home and has a doctor somewhere near but every now and then she writes to me to say, “You gave me a ‘wonderful medicine once. Do you remember bringing Dr. Borland in who gave me a wonderful medicine and I wonder whether I could have a little more of it because I feel very overwrought.” I think “overwrought” is the word she uses. And I send her a 10M of Lilium tigrinum. She has never had anything else. And it improved her as much as anything. I have another old patient, a wonderful old patient, a most unselfish and charming woman who lives in the same home down at Balham, and she is frightfully nice to her. She tells me, “You know, when you send that medicine she is quite different. Everybody says so.”
Another thing: she always thought she had some fatal disease which the
doctors had missed. One was always thinking out some way to convince her
that she hadn’t something, to make things easier for her, but it did not help
They are very indifferent to their surroundings. They are very depressed. The books all say these patients are very weepy, but as I tell you, I have not
seen this. This lady certainly was not weepy and she was the best Lilium tig.
I have ever seen. I do not think they are weepy on the whole. I think they are
just hard-bitten.
They take offence at the very slightest thing. Her poor sister used to say,
“I shouldn’t do that, or I think it would be much better to do it some other
way”, and the patient would take offence because her sister had not taken her advice or had thought it bad advice, or something.
Now I am just going over the appearance and the mentals of the Natrum mur. and Sepia before we go on to the other things about Lilium tig.
You all know the appearance of the Natrum mur., it is such a common remedy and it is such a frightfully good remedy.
It also is not so much a definite personality as a definite character. It has got
much more character than the Lilium tig. As a rule they are square, well built, except in children. Natrum mur. children are very thin, you do get sometimes a run of Natrum mur. children who are all thin and scraggy. The Natrum mur .. adult tends to be rather broad. As a rule they have no particular colouring, they are sandy to dark, anything. They are not as a rule black-haired. Their skin at rest is nearly always rather sallow but there is one very misleading feature about this. If they are excited, or pleased, or going to enjoy themselves very much they can come in with such a bright flush that you think for a moment they must be a Phosphorus (you know how you decide on the look of a patient), and in a few minutes you look up with surprise to find that they look quite sallow. They have lost their flush which is from excitement only.
They have very characteristic movements.
They always have this definite walk. Usually on their heels first. Definite
movements; if they come to see you and you fetch them from the waiting-room they shake hands deliberately as well. If you do not fetch them from the waiting- room and they just come in they walk in very deliberately as if they have come to see you and the sooner it was over the better. So please get on with it-is their whole attitude. And they always sit down with a certain amount of strain, which is a funny thing because they look so deliberate. It is very common for the
Natrum mur. patient to put her parcels down with a little tremor. It is very
common for the Natrum mur. patient to have a little tremor at some time. It
does not last, it is not a permanent tremor by any means, but just in putting
down, picking up parcels, getting up from the table, just a sign of the strain
that they are undergoing in coming to see the doctor.
If they have a cold, or if they are not well, they are very apt to have herpes
round their lips and they are always apt to have a crack in their lower lip,
especially in the winter. I have had a run of patients lately who have had either a very sore boil in their nose, very swollen one side and frightfully painful, or some kind of spot under their nose which is very painful, or spots on their chin which are very painful. They are apt to get all those.
The textbooks tell you that the Natrum mur. has not got red lips. Well, I
do not think that is true. I think the Natrum mur. practically always has red
lips and practically always a crack in the lower lip, especially in the winter.
Natrum mur. has a great aggravation from consolation, when they are
depressed, that is. They quite like consolation at times, but if they are seedy
or with a frightful headache, they will break down if you condole with them-
and weep. If they are really ill they do not want to be consoled at all. They just want to be left alone.
They do not get the same irritability and annoyance as Lilium tig. does.
Natrum mur. has an unstable mentality. There is no doubt about that. That
is one of its characteristics. It is either up or it is down. They have no sense of humour. They are very nice people, as a matter of fact .. I am always afraid I make them sound horrible, but I do not mean to, because the Natrum. mur. can be very nice people, and often are. They can be absolutely up at the top and laughing, or they can be down in the depths in two minutes and too gloomy for words, but they have not got a sense of humour to start off anything or to suggest anything, or to put a thing humorously. And you will find that as you know them more. They are, really, a mass of contradictions. They arc difficult to get on with. They are difficult to live with. As Dr. Borland always said: They are very nice to know but not so nice to live with. And that is true, although, as I say, they can be very, very nice people.
The Natrum mur. likes attention. They pretend they do not like it, that they do not want attention and they do not want consolation and all this, that and the other, but I always remember a man I had in Hahnemann Ward, who grumbled frightfully when I was doing a round because he did not get his
coffee hot enough or punctually enough in the middle of the morning. And I
said to the nurse, “Don’t give him coffee for a few days, until my next round.”
So, when I did my next round the grumbles were worse than ever-he had
not had his coffee, they had purposely left it off. I said, “No, I left it off;
I ordered it not to be given to you because I thought you did not want it
from what you said.” Oh, yes, he did want it. There was no doubt about
that! You see, there was always something wrong. He wanted a little extra
attention. It’s 80 common in a Natrum mur. who is not really very well,
that they want a bit of extra attention, though they may tell you that
they do not like attention, or actual consolation, but they do like attention.
And the fact that he did not have his coffee was something terrible. However, I took full responsibility, so he had to get over it. His coffee was served as much as possible as he liked it before I next went round.
They are very impatient. They are one of the most impatient of all the
remedies. If they ask somebody to do something and it is not done quickly they are very apt to go for that person thoroughly. They are not going to wait while people just lounge about and do nothing. When they ask for something it has to be done very, very quickly.
They get a certain amount of palpitations and they are very sensitive to
sudden noise.
I remember a patient I had who was really the most perfect Natrum mur.,
she did extraordinarily well on it. She had a very large thyroid and had been
advised to have an operation, Natrum mur. just took down her thyroid and
she never had any further trouble. But she told me one day when she came in, “You know, I can’t bear noise.” So I said, “What effect does it have on you?”
“Well,” she said, “last night I was reading a book and my sister dropped
something behind me and I turned round and hit her over the head with the
book.” That is so typical of what they might do.
Another funny thing which I have met many times, and I have met it twice
lately, incidentally, and that is, they are very susceptible to music. Now, do
not think they are musical. The Natrum mur. is not a musical patient. But
you can go in and find them with the radio turned on and the most drivelling
and sentimental music you could possibly imagine over which they are quite
capable of weeping, and they wallow in sentiment.
Another thing that you can remember about Natrum mur., and this is a
most useful point, is that \t is the greatest of all the shock remedies. There is
no doubt about it. If you have nothing else to go on and somebody has had a tremendous shock, give them Natrum mur. It will help. I would have said in
almost any circumstances it will help.
I remember a woman ringing me up to say, “My sister has had the most
terrible shock. Her small son of three ran out into the garden without anyone
with him, fell into the lily pond and was drowned. You once gave me a wonderful shock remedy, can you possibly send me some for my sister. We will call for it if you will put it out.” So I put her out six powders of Natrum mur. 10M and they called for it and the sister had it and I never heard anything so I hoped she was all right.
Then a few years later-this woman had terrible luck-the same sister rang
me up to say, “My sister has had another frightful tragedy. Her older son
was playing in a cricket match at his Public School; he was hit on the head
by a cricket ball and killed instantly. He had a very, very thin skull, a most
unusual condition. And,” she said, “she did so marvellously the last time on the shock powders you sent and I wonder whether you could send some more.” So I sent some more and they did equally well. But it is the kind of shock I would not waste time giving Ignatia to. In a case like that it is not going to work and it is not going to hold, and it is not going to do anything compared with your Natrum mur.
Now, another thing about Natrum mur.ois that they do remember any
slight, or any bad treatment, or anything that they thought was unfair from
the time it happened for the rest of their life. They are very inclined to brood
over anything that they think has been wrong or been unfair to them and they do not get away from it and they are very touchy and very easily offended.
They look, when you read them up, in a way very like Sepia, but they are
not. They are really very different from Sepia.
They are very changeable. They have a great friend one week. And the next
week you find they are not on speaking terms with the great friend. That is
really rather characteristic of your Natrum mur., too.
Natrum mur. is, as I said, frightfully good in any kind of shock. I had a girl
in outpatients who got an enormous goitre after her parents and her brother
were killed in air-raid. She was the only one left alive in the house. She was
taken in by an aunt who thought she was a useful girl of 14 and she could more or less look after her family. So the girl was left with half the work to do and treated frightfully badly. This aunt brought her to the hospital because she began to swell in the neck and get a goitre. Her eyes became more prominent and she got a slight tremor. I put it all down to the awful shock she had had in losing her parents and her brother., but also followed on hy the bad treatment she had had from her aunt. I gave her some Katrum mur. which did her a tremendous lot of good. I finally got her away from the aunt, I was really so worried about her. I got her into a children’s creche for a year or two and then into nursing where she did extremely well.
Now Sepia. They tend to be fair with mouse-coloured hair rather than dark.Though I have seen plenty of darks, but that is what the books say. Often when they are brought to see you they are definitely resentful of having to come to the doctor; they do not in the least want to see one and they have this slightly resentful attitude. They say “Good morning” without any politeness or any sort of smile or anything else. They look as if they could not bear the thought of coming to see you, they have a really sullen expression. And they look stupid. But they are not stupid. They can look so tired that they look stupid. They have got an appearance of over-tiredness. They look as if they have a slow acting brain in contrast to Natrum mur. where you do not get a slow acting brain. In Sepia you sometimes get them when it almost seems as though they cannot answer a straight question and their brain is not working well.
Sepia is really a fatter patient than you expect, rather because they have
fat faces than because they are fat in the body. They have rather well filled,
full faces, otherwise they arc thin and tall and they get a sallow colour that
you do not get matched in any other drug. The Sepia sallowness is a thing that you will recognize. The shadows under their eyes are halfway down their cheeks and very often they have a saddle across the nose; not always, but they often do, and it extends across the nose onto their cheek bones and up to the shadows under their eyes. They very commonly have warty growths on their neck, sometimes also right up onto their face. As a rule they have pale lips and they look physically absolutely done, as if they are too weary to do a job. They nearly all have long backs and they look as if they could not possibly hold these backs up.
Their general Mentals are that they have a general resentment against their
fate. They feel they have had a poor deal from fate, and if you try to console
with them they will often round on you and feel even more resentful than usual and they may get weepy. The point about their getting weepy is that they feel much bctter after weeping and are more cheerful afterwards. They are depressed and they are worse for consolation. As a rule they do not weep unless you can break through all the defences they put up, but then they can weep and they will be very much better after.
They have quite as much sensitiveness to noise as the Natrum mur., but their whole mentality is different. This is the really tired-out patient: mentally tired, physically tired, nervously tired and definitely giving you the impression of being rather dull. And they are dull sometimes, a sort of despairing state. At times they feel they cannot go on, they simply are not fit to go on and they
just sit down and weep and cannot take up the struggle. If you try and cheer them they change into an obstinate, disagreeable, resentful mood and they feel that they are real martyrs, that people are not fair to them and they are liable to become very hopeless and very depressed. And then it is very difficult to help them; they do not want to be helped, they do not want to see people, they do not want anyone to offer to do anything for them, they do not even want to be made well. Occasionally, if they are not absolutely dull and sitting in a heap like that, they become more excitable if under stress. For instance, a mother looking after some child who is very ill, with several other children about and all the meals to prepare and all the work to do, can get very upset and excitable and tired, and they are very difficult. They are overworked and they are worried and they may become more excitable rather than more dull. If anyone calls to see them they are snapped at; and if anyone calls and offers help they are told that they do not want help and they are sent away. They cannot stand it, they tell you. The people who come, they say, do not really want to help, they just want to talk and the Sepias cannot stand talk. It makes them nervous and apprehensive. They are always afraid of something dreadful happening. If a child is ill, or if their husband is ill, this is frightful. They are going to the workhouse very quickly because he will not be able to work again-probably- and here are the children to be looked after and they will have no money, and
what will they do. So they are in despair.
They have a terrible fear of poverty, by the way, the Sepias. They tell you
they have always been independent, they have never asked for anyone’s help and they do not want to begin now. They can be very unpleasant in their remarks to their neighbours, however much these may try and help them. If you have a patient living next to a Sepia patient you will soon be told what the Sepia patient is like, and how they would really like to help this woman, but as they get their heads snapped off every time they do not know quite how to do it. That is a common thing.
It was Sepia that converted my partner, Dr. Banks, to Homceopathy. She
was doing an outpatients locum for somebody one day in the Children’s Out-
patient’s, and a woman brought in her child and presently said:
“As you are a woman doctor would you mind if I asked you for a little help
for myself.” And Dr. Banks said she would not mind. So the mother told her
awful story of how hard-worked she was, how nobody helped her, how they
were going to the workhouse, how tired out she was; how chilly she was;how she couldn’t get on. How she never had a pleasant smile for her husband, and how miserable it was at home. So Dr. Banks gave her something and never thought of her again. As she was walking through outpatients a month later, a woman rushed up, seized her by the hand and said, “I must thank you. My husband said if I saw you I must thank you, doctor. I am quite different, now. I am just like I was when he married me.” So Dr. Banks went to look up what she had given her, and found she had given Sepia 10M. And she never forgot her. And that really convinced Dr. Banks of the efficacy of Homceopathy, so I always feel grateful to Sepia for that.
There is one thing that all three of these remedies have. They are all sensitive to hot rooms. They nearly always get headaches in hot rooms, and Lilium tig. does not like heat in any form. They are all better for the cool, but Natrum mur. is sensitive to hot rooms but cannot stand exposure to sun at all, or getting very hot from violent exercise, that thoroughly upsets then. On the other hand they cannot stand drafts, and are sensitive to extreme cold. Now Sepia is verydefinitely aggravated by, and can be very faint in, a warm room and get a headache, and they are liable to faint if they have to stand or kneel for long. On the whole, though, they are chilly patients. They do not stand the cold well in any form. They are the cold one of those three. It is stuffiness that upsets them, not heat. They have cold, clammy extremities very often, and sometimes offensive foot sweat.
Now all three of these drugs also have bad headaches. The Lilium tig. head-
ache is always associated with a degree of mental strain. They get muddled;
they cannot think. They get a certain degree of ocular disturbance. If bad
enough they are said to develop a squint. I have never seen that. If their
headaches are very bad they spread to the back of their neck just to the top
of their back, and are quite bad. And nearly always they get some kind of
abdominal discomfort with their headaches.
Now Natrum mU1·. is one of our chief headache remedies. It is a wonderful
migraine remedy. It has a very, very severe headache. Nearly always the patient wakes with it. They wake with a sort of dull head, almost feeling as if it will burst. It can be a sick headache the whole morning. Very often they have certain ocular changes like zig-zags in front of the eyes and they certainly cannot read, and their eyes look heavy and dull and sometimes the headache is so acute that they cannot even raise the eyelids.
I have seen patients with a very severe migraine with these characteristics
where Natrum mur. has been the thing that has put them on their feet again
and has been quite wonderful. These headaches usually last into the second
night; they start in the morning and last into the next night and they possibly
wake up all right the morning after, but not necessarily, though as a rule it
is not so severe but it does not go off until probably the second day. It occurs
very often with a period, either before or after, not so much during.
Then there is another curious headache that Natrum mur, has which is much
more of a summer headache. It comes on between ten and eleven in the morning, it goes on very acutely until about three or four in the afternoon and then it fades away. That is, it comes as the sun gets stronger and it goes as the sun goes off. It is very useful to remember that Natrum mur. will be very good for those headaches.
Sepia has an all over headache; it tends to get worse till early evening, and
then they tend to be sick and at that time it goes off. And usually it is better
if they have applied heat. Nairusn mur. is never better for applied heat, inci-
dentally. It (Sepia) is also better if you wrap up the head and they are both
(Sepia and Natrum mur.) worse for light and for jarring noise and they are worse in a very hot room. But Sepia has this wonderful amelioration from tying up the head. It really wants tight pressure.
Now all these three remedies tend to be hungry remedies. Lilium tig. probably has the biggest appetite, but they do not get any real satisfaction from eating and they may remain hungry after a really very good meal.
Natrum mur. does not have the real hunger that Lilium tig. has, it has much
more an emptiness and after a meal is not satisfied, but does not take very
much at a meal. And they still feel as if they are hollow inside and they have a very definite salt craving. They like beer, and fish, and occasionally milk. But they do get an aversion to meat, to coffee and to fat food. And they have a great aversion to sour wine because it thoroughly upsets them. Lilium tig. has a really strong desire for meat.
Every now and then Natrum mur. has a real dislike of tobacco and says that
it upsets their digestion. They cannot even bear to see a friend come in smoking, whereas of all the remedies the one that has the most intolerance of tobacco is Sepia. They cannot bear it. Of course you must remember that they are hypersensitive anyhow to the smell of food and to definite smells, and tobacco is one of the smells that they cannot bear. I always remember Dr. Borland never smoked on his way up to do a round on the fifth floor (of the London Homoeopathic Hospital) where he had beds, because of a patient in there who was a real Sepia and could not stand the smell of tobacco. So that if he lighted a cigarette at the bottom he always put it out before he got to the fifth floor because this patient very much disliked the smell of tobacco. They like spicy, pungent foods and sometimes crave stimulants such as wine, etc. They say they feel so weak that it bucks them up. And they have quite a definite desire for vinegar. But the smell of cooking is quite intolerable to them.
There are two other things that are common to the three of them in different
ways. The Lilium tig. gets a certain fullness in the abdomen, especially as they are getting on in age or getting near the menopause. They feel that the whole of their inside is going to drop out. This is a very real complaint in the Lilium tig. patient. They sometimes have support for the perineum in order to stop it dropping out, so great is this feeling. And they are also very sensitive in the epigastrium at the same time, so that you cannot give them a belt because they cannot stand the pressure of a belt so they are sometimes extremely difficult to deal with. So when they do complain that they feel as if their whole insides are going to drop out, do not forget Lilium tig., because it is very useful. They get a sensation of a lump in the lower abdomen. Sometimes they get an urgent desire for their bowels to act, with this feeling ofloading. And it is all controlled a bit if they are kept very busy.
Now Natrum mur. hasn’t got this to anything like the same degree. They
have irregular periods, and they have a general period aggravation, either
during or after, rather than before, and with it, an associated backache, which is very bad in the morning but rather better when they get up and move about.
It may be painful to touch. You will find the Natrum mur. patient, sometimes,
lying on the floor with a pillow in their back.
Now the Sepia has almost as much drag as the Lilium tig., but not nearly
so widely spread. They do not feel that everything is going to fall out of their
tummy, they feel that just the pelvic organs are going to fall out. They often
have a retroverted uterus and a certain amount of prolapse and a sensation of something bulging into the rectum. But it is rather different from the Lilium tig. history. Lilium tig. feels that there is a large lump there and the whole of it is going to fall out. The other one feels that something bulges into the rectum
and that it is going to fall out for that reason. Sepia always feels as if it were
rather full, down there, though there is no urging to stool ever, and there is no tenesmus but they do get very acute dysmenorrhoea and they get acute pelvic pain beginning in the back and spreading round the sides and the backache is always better if they move about. In fact all Sepia complaints are better if they move about. If a Sepia patient is taken out to a dance and dances vigorously all evening they come in quite well. If they go for a long walk they come in quite well. The Sepia is quite definitely better from exercise. In fact, Sepia is better for three things: for movement, for sleep, and for food. These make the Sepia patient feel much better.
Now Lilium tig. and Natrum mur., and all three of them as a matter of fact,
have a great deal of heart palpitation and they are very good remedies for heart palpitation. Lilium tig. has the most marked symptoms here. They either feel as if their heart is grasped (like in Cactus), and it gradually goes off, and this is in a Lilium tig. patient with all the other general characteristics (or some of them), or else they feel they must bend double to relieve the palpitations, which is the reverse of Spigelia. They feel as if the heart is grasped and let go, and it feels overloaded with blood. And here again, if they do get palpitations they are very apt to tell you of the awfully imperative duties they have to do, and the responsibilities they have, and all the things that depend upon them, and a long story goes on …
Now Natrum mur. I consider one of the very best of the palpitation remedies.I would say that it is one of th’i best palpitation and blood pressure remedies that there is. It is useful to remember the things that these remedies do pathologically although I want you to think of them as whole pictures, drug pictures, but still it is useful to remember the goitres, and the palpitations and the shock that Natrum mur. helps and all the other things that are helped by these remedies. Another thing you ought to remember with Sepia is its extreme usefulness in cases of sterility. The number we have had in our practice is quite extraordinary. Just a 10M of Sepia and they have started a pregnancy.
The Sepias have just a mild palpitation; they sometimes feel as if the heart is
going to push its way through the chest wall, but I do not consider that I have
met many heart symptoms or much palpitation in a Sepia patient.I hope that was useful to you. These are useful remedies; they come in every
A lecture given during the 31st Session at the Faculty of Homoeopathy, in 1974.
Author: M. G. BLACKIE, M.D., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.F.HOM.
Source: The British Homoeopathic Journal, April 1975.