Implement Adhar Fingerprint Scanning in Homoeopathy Medical Colleges & Hospitals as in Haryana - homeopathy360

Implement Adhar Fingerprint Scanning in Homoeopathy Medical Colleges & Hospitals as in Haryana

Need of implementing Adhar Fingerprint scanning in Homoeopathy Medical Colleges and hospitals

Mansoor Ali 

Govt of Haryana successfully implemented Adhar based data entry to the patients and doctors in Homoeopathy department.

Patients and doctors need enter their adhar number to scan their fingerprints.
If Ministry of Ayush and CCH implement this system in Homoeopathy Medical colleges, we can prevent Ghost faculty, fabricated  data entry of patients too.
In many colleges, attendance registers are being fabricated and clerks are signing for ghost faculty. No correlation of data with the biometric register.
Many colleges hiring local villagers, including children, to pose as patients to pass a CCH inspection
No correlation of data between IPD, OPD, Lab, X-ray, ECG registers – that itself indicate that the registers are fabricated – but with the help of softwares everything is correlated now a days!!.

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