Calendula Officinalis Homeopathic First Aid Remedy - homeopathy360

Calendula Officinalis Homeopathic First Aid Remedy

CalendulaCalendula, the yellow marigold, is another member of the Compositae family, like our friends Arnica montana and Bellis perennis, and is a remedy that has as many wonderful uses. I would make sure that all mothers and fathers were familiar with this remedy, if I could. This remedy is truly a friend to children, and everyone else.  Here is a list of some of its uses:

1)            For falls, lacerated wounds, and septic wounds. Calendula Officinalis  is the great homeopathic antiseptic. Germs cannot thrive in the presence of Calendula. Calendula will draw out dirt that is embedded deep in the wound. Apply Calendula topically to all wounds where the skin is broken. If even with the application of Calendula topically, the wound begins to look infected, take Calendula 30C internally, and it will heal that wound up promptly, as I have witnessed with my eldest son and his falls. Just recently my husband was knocked off his bicycle by our dog, Sarah, and got a pretty bad cut on his lower leg. We applied Calendula topically to the wound, but even so after two days there was a bright red area around the sight of the injury, so I gave him a dose of Calendula 30C internally and the wound healed beautifully within a day or two.

Calendula is listed in my repertory for painful wounds, wounds that do not heal, chronic effects from wounds, wounds that tend to break open and heal again, dissecting wounds, festering wounds, gangrenous wounds, gaping wounds, inflammation of wounds, neglected wounds, suppurating wounds, and lacerated, torn or ragged wounds. As you can see Calendula and wounds are best buddies.

Calendula prevents too early scab formation at the wound site, and stimulates the growth of epithelial cells. It keeps the healing agents actively working on the site until the wound is healed. This helps to inhibit scars and infections. Avoid frequent changing of the bandage, because this interferes with the healing process, and causes too early scab formation, which can result in scarring.  Remember when cleaning a wound always clean outwardly away from the wound.

2)         Gunshot wounds. Calendula prevents suppuration and infection of gunshot wounds. I would hope that the hospital staff would give you an internal dose of Calendula for this, as well as apply it topically to the wound.

3)         Diaper rashes. Calendula is very helpful to heal up the diaper rashes of babies. If the rashes are severe, please see a professional homeopath, as the child may need a constitutional remedy.

4)          Promotes healthy granulation of the tissues and prevents peritonitis after surgery. I always recommend my clients who are going through surgery to take Calendula 30C or 200C after they have taken their Arnica, Staphysagria, Hypericum and other pain medications and healing agents to help complete the healing of the wound and prevent infection. Calendula helps prevent keloid formation. I cannot imagine going through a surgery without having this remedy as insurance.

5)         Promotes healing after dental work. I always recommend my clients to apply a compress of a few drops of Calendula tincture dissolved in warm water to the socket of the tooth that has been removed in dental extractions, or to the sight where dental work has been done to promote healing, prevent infection, and bring soothing relief. It also helps to stop bleeding.

6)         Soothing relief during and after delivery. A compress of Calendula tincture dissolved in warm water and applied to the perineum during and after labor can be very soothing and healing to the laboring mother.

7)         Calendula helps with the maturation and healing of abscesses.

8)         Calendula helps to relieve the pain and fever of carbuncles.

9)          In Clarke’s dictionary, I read that Calendula tincture applied on a hot compress, can help in pneumonia and other internal inflammations.  

In summary, Calendula is wonderful to have around the house in many forms, as a cream, in tincture form and as an internal homeopathic remedy. Please remember Calendula as the favored topical application of homeopaths for wound dressing.


Author: Deborah Olenev C.C.H., RSHom (NA)


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