This a case of Personality Disorder which has been cured with Chamomilla–a drug usually prescribed to children. This case taught me that how a conventional children remedy can be also useful in adults when suitably indicated.
Name: Mrs Y
Age: 79 yrs /Female
Job: Home maker
Case History
Presenting complaint:
A person who had already been benefitted from Homeopathy sought medicine for his mother’s behaviour towards him. She had difficulty in adjusting to day to day life, making his life miserable. It was impossible to bring her to the clinic for treatment as she never obeyed her son. At the same time, he cannot reveal it to her that she should take some treatment. Hence, the only option left was to take her case without acknowledgment from her.
Her son narrated that his mother could not cope up with life. He said that he was fed up with her as she interfered in all spheres of his life, making it miserable. Mother was very rude towards him and often used to beat him in a fit of anger even after his marriage, an act far beyond for his age—being treated as a kid. She used to always complain to the neighbours and relatives that she was being ill-treated by her son although her son took her care at his best. Without any concerns, she used to answer her son snappishly and in an uncivil manner. She was scared of others except for her son and daughter in law, whom she used to dominate.
While watching television shows, she behaved childlike—clapping hands and commenting back, especially for dialogues in revengeful scenes.
She became stubborn in nature and never used to listen to others. As she is aged, hence the son has advised her not to go out of home without informing. However she has never listened to that. She would disappear from the house, without any information early in morning to roam around entire day in temple or nearby places and come back in the evening.
Family History
Parents healthy and died due to old age.
Has 3 elder and 4 younger siblings.
One brother: Diabetic
One son: Depression
Past History
Till 50 years: Skin eruption – cured
At age of 60 years: Cancer of Right Breast – cured
Diabetes mellitus, on Glymipride Tab.
Thermals: Hot
Thirst: Completely thirst less
Appetite: more and cannot tolerate hunger
Stool: Normal, no complaints
Urine: Normal, no complaints
Sweat: Nothing particular
Mind: Broken family since he was a child. Father rarely came home. Even if he came, always there used to be fights between parents. Father never showed love towards his mother and insulted her in any situation. No financial help from father. Hence mother alone took care of everything. Anxiety about disease. Tendency to curse when angry. Keeps revenge in mind and not moved by apologies. Likes pampering. Secondary extrovert, low confidence, does daily chores in a fast manner. Low Intelligence as she passed high school after 6th trial. Anger on contradiction. Often tell lies to others.
Daughter in law’ version regarding mother in law:
Initiate conflicts with daughter in law and son but not with others. Just after marriage, mother in law interfered in their life and opposed their being together. Not willing to take up any responsibilities. Careless when it comes to taking care of her grandchild.
Rubrics Taken:
- Stomach- Appetite, ravenous
- Mind – Anger violent
- Mind- Answers civil cannot give
- Mind- Rude, Naughty, Childlike (considering her childish nature while watching televisions and her desire to roam around without informing her son and beating nature)
- Hot, right sided
- Drug should cover Tumours Mammae also.
Repertory Chart
Diagnosis: Personality disorder
Diagnosis based on ICD 10 Classification- F60.3 Emotionally unstable personality disorder –F60.30 Impulsive type
The general criteria of personality disorder (F60) must be met at least three of the following must be present, one of which is (2):
(1) A marked tendency to act unexpectedly and without consideration of the consequences.
(2) A marked tendency to quarrelsome behaviour and to conflicts with others, especially when impulsive acts are thwarted or criticised.
(3) Liability to outbursts of anger or violence, with inability to control the resulting behavioural explosions.
(4) Difficulty in maintaining any course of action that offers no immediate reward.
(5) Unstable and capricious mood.
Case Analysis
Line of treatment- First to arrest the worsening of personality disorder and then to annihilate in it whole extend. This is a case of personality disorder which is disturbing the whole family environment. The common thread running in her through is a childish behaviour in old age.
Medicine: Analysing the case and rubric, given Chamomilla 30 single dose.
Mode: (Mixed in tea without her knowledge)
Explanation: Organon aphorism 228, “This is so much the more easily effected, because in the administration of the medicine—the only circumstance in which the employment of coercion could be justified—in the homeopathic system the small doses of the appropriate medicine NEVER offend the taste, and may consequently be given to the patient without his knowledge in his drink, so that all compulsion is unnecessary”.
Follow up
Follow up after one month: Very much improved still no complete cure
04/01/2017– Follow up:
Rx, Chamomilla 1M (in tea without her knowledge)
Totally she has changed. She has confessed to her son that she was troubling all along his life and apologised. Presently they are leading a happy life.
We can infer that a drug which has power to produce a morbid condition can cure the same condition at any age when indicated.