AHMEDABAD: The Fee Regulatory Committee, Medical on Tuesday declared the fee structure for the para-medical courses including Physiotherapy, Ayurveda and Homeopathy among other courses. The fee in the 66 physiotherapy colleges ranged from Rs 50,000 to Rs 3.27 lakh.
Unlike the medical courses where the increase every year was uniform of seven to eight, the increase every year for physiotherapy, Ayurveda and homeopathy courses was about five to six percent. The FRC Medical has not kept huge difference in fee for the 75% government quota and the 10% Management quota. In case of several colleges, the FRC has given the management fee about 30% to 75% higher than the government fee structure.
IT is worth recalling that last month The Fee Regulatory Committee (Medical) had increased the fee for medical colleges from the year 2018-19. The Fee was been increased by 12% to 40%. In case CU Shah college the fee has been increased by around 40%. The FRC has also given an annual increase of 8-9% every year for the students admitted in the year 2019-20 and 2020-21.
The officials said that for example the fee in case of physiotherapy college in Vadodara was 3.11 lakh for government quota while the same for management was Rs 5.30 lakh. However, for the Government quota fee is increased to Rs 3.39 lakh for the year 2019-20 and the same for 2020-21 is Rs 3.69 lakh.
Similarly, for the 22 Ayurveda colleges there were several new colleges that were added last year and hence the FRC has declared the fee for these colleges for the first time. The fee ranged from Rs 3.5 lakh to a maximum of Rs 4.81 lakh. The maximum fee of Rs 4.81 lakh was in the case of JS Ayurveda College Nadiad. The management quota fee for this Nadiad college was Rs 7.18 lakh. However, in case of Ayurveda colleges there has not been much variation in the fee for the year 2019-20 and 2020-21.
According to the notification of the FRC the same for the 33 Homeopathy colleges ranged from Rs 0.55 lakh to a maximum of Rs 1.50 lakh. However, fee for the year 2019-20 and 2020-21 was increased by nearly six to seven percent. The maximum fee in a management quota in Homeopathy college was Rs 1.75 lakh. Meanwhile for the five colleges of optometry the fee fixed ranged from Rs 0.45 lakh to a maximum of Rs one lakh.
Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/education/news/fee-for-para-medical-courses-declared-ranges-from-rs-50000-to-rs-4-18-lakh-for-government-quota/articleshow/64849957.cms