Health and Family Welfare Service Minister S Shivananda Patil said he would make every effort to set up one homoeopathic clinic in each of 177 taluks across the state. At the moment there are 43 homoeopathic dispensaries. The minister was speaking after laying the foundation stone for the Homeo Bhavan inside the premises of Karnataka Drugs and Logistics Warehousing society campus here on Wednesday.
He promised the Karnataka Board of Homeopathic system of medicine to ensure that the government would extend support for the development of homoeopathic medicines in the state. Dr B T Rudresh, president of the homoeopathy board, said though he had approached the previous chief minister Siddaramiah for funds for the construction of the bhavan, the proposal was somehow rejected at the finance department.
He said he has contributed Rs 52 lakh for the bhavan, as he has not used the government benefits he enjoys. The previous health minister has granted 20 guntas of land inside the Karnataka Drugs and Logistics Warehousing society campus on Magadi Road. An office will be constructed on 2 guntas of land. Dr Rudresh said he has sought Rs 5 crore from the government to construct the bhavan.