21st All India Homoeopathic Congress - 24th & 25th November '2018, Patna - homeopathy360

21st All India Homoeopathic Congress – 24th & 25th November '2018, Patna

Homoeopathy – Medicine for the Changing Global Scenario

On – 24th – 25th November ‘2018


Shri Krishna Memorial Auditorium 

Gandhi Maidan, Patna


Organized By

The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India Bihar State Branch 

Homoeopaths of Bihar are enthusiastic to accept the challenge of organizing once again 21st ALL INDIA HOMOEOPATHIC CONGRESS ‘2018 at Patna. We had the privilege of organizing HMAI congress in the year 1995. The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, Bihar State Branch has very long history with units in all the corner of the state.  With the same spirit we are eager to welcome you all and congregate to share experience and develop fraternity with spirit to live for the continuity of   Homeopathy to be the first line treatment.
Seat will be limited, thus we appeal to make hurry in getting yourself registered as delegate. There will be no spot registration.
Registration will be done on first com first serve basis.

We extend the warm welcome to you all.

Dr Ramjee Singh (Chairman Organizing Committee) Mob: 8757321579
Dr Arun Bhasme (Chairman, Reception Committee) Mob: 9422241432
Dr S.M. Desarda (Co-chairman, Reception Committee) Mob: 9823169855
Dr B.M Ojha (Organising Secretary) Mob: 930828718
Dr M.K. Sahani  (Scientific Committee) Mob: 9431020622
Dr  Nitish Dubey  (Chairman Organizing Committee) Mob: 9534641217
[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2Fhomeopathy360.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F09%2F21st-All-India-Homoeopahic-congress-2018-Patna-compressed.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]  

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Team Homeopathy 360