Interview of Professor Dr George Vithoulkas - homeopathy360

Interview of Professor Dr George Vithoulkas

ED: How and when did you first become acquainted with homoeopathy?
GV: This is a long story but the important detail is that I had to have an accident with my car -where nobody was hurt- in order to open my eyes to this extra ordinary science.
ED: What are the scope and limitations of homoeopathy in the treatment of the ailments of the modern world?
GV: Homoeopathy can cure chronic diseases where conventional medicine can only palliate them with an important point: treatment must start in the early stages of chronic diseases.
If this happens and if there are physicians that are well versed with this therapeutic science, then there could be a 50% reduction in the chronic sufferers of the country that will adopt with seriousness, this healing modality.
ED: More than 200 years have passed since Dr. Hahnemann. How much has homoeopathic science progressed with time?
GV: Homoeopathy was almost collapsing to zero numbers in
patients and doctors in USA and Europe 70 years ago, due to a lack of understanding of its potentials. Today real classical homoeopathy according to the dictum of Hahnemann appears to be the new force within the modern medical world!
My teachings, through the E-Learning Course, have been adapted by several medical institutions and the demand from such higher medical centers of learning continues, in spite of rabid opposition.
Homoeopathy is needed to be explained properly and then every one who came in contact with the right type of explanation is like having a revelation.
My book The Science of Homoeopathy written in 1978 has become today, a textbook for students. It is amazing how easy it is today, to explain homoeopathy to all people, whether scientists, artists, philosophers, businessmen, literate or even illiterate and how easy it is to make them understand its importance in medicine. So I can say there is quite a lot of new knowledge but at the same time there is an intellectual preparation on the part of the general population to perceive its beneficial effect.
ED: What is your perspective regarding Classical homoeopathy in the sense of single remedy, single dose approach compared to modern homoeopathy which is propagating combinations? How much do you think the pharmaceutical companies are affecting this concept?
GV: What they call modern homoeopathy is an euphemism, covering the ignorance of the practitioners.
Homoeopathy is based on the idea that the only remedy that will excite the immune system is the simillimum, meaning the one and only remedy that will have a deep curative effect and this remedy is found after a hard work in taking the full history of the patient and then studying the pathology to fit it to the indicated remedy that will cure the case. Now because we do not want to do all this hard work, we have coined another expression like “modern homoeopathy” in order to cover our ignorance, in which instead of searching for the correct remedy, you may prescribe several remedies together, hoping that within these, the correct one may be included.
Such a practice may look easy but in the end leaves the patient
after years of treatment without any real progress.
ED: How do you think we can put an end towards the debate on unscientificity of Homoeopathy?
GV: The problem is that we cannot prove the effectiveness of homoeopathy through a double blind clinical trial, which would mean that we could give one remedy to all patients suffering from a specific disease and see the results, as our system states that every patient may require a different remedy.
What we can do is to publish in peer review medical journals, not in our homoeopathic journals, cured cases of chronic conditions that could not be cured by conventional medicine.
In the beginning, the medical societies will ignore the results, but after we have published a few thousands of such cases, I am sure the sceptics will stop criticising and will be forced to look upon this matter with an objective eye.
In the meantime, we should try to educate better the homoeopathic physicians in order to take up such cases.
ED: Sir, would you like to say something for the undergraduate students regarding what could be done so that their education be more consolidated and we can bring out better Homoeopathic professionals? Since you have been teaching for long and travelling all over the world so the students will love to have your guidance.
GV: This is the real problem and the challenge for classical homoeopathy in our times.
The homoeopathic centers of learning should upgrade their teachings and should not be afraid to allow the students to attend well known homoeopathic educational
centers abroad. In every hospital attached to a college, there must be at least a few teachers who can show the students in their attached hospitals how to deal with such severely sick persons.
A teacher in every college should be judged and promoted primarily for his ability and knowledge to cure patients. If this happens in a great scale, then the prevalence of this science will be secured.
ED: What is the scope of homoeopathy in foreign countries and what will be your piece of advice for the homoeopaths willing to practice abroad, say, in Greece for example?
GV: Any homoeopathic physician who is able to deal with difficult chronic conditions will be welcomed to a European country or in USA. There is a tremendous need for knowledgeable classical homoeopathic physicians in these countries and India is in a position to prepare and provide such physicians to the west.
By saying, good classical homoeopaths, I do not mean the type of teachers that give seminars and present all kinds of new ideas, I mean thoroughly educated ones that can take the impact of handling difficult chronic cases in these countries
ED: What do you feel is the most gratifying for you as a professional – medical practice, teaching, or writing? Or; what has been/will be your most gratifying achievement as a homoeopath?
GV: I love to see and treat cases, that is what my heart loves, writing is an obligation and it is the most taxing to me, but teaching, I feel is my mission in this life, so I can part the bit of knowledge that God has allowed me to gather, through experience, of more than half a century.
About Dr. George Vithoulkas
Dr George vithoulkas needs no introduction. He is a renounced practitioner, a distinguished scholar and teacher with an experience of more than half a century in Homoeopathy. He is the man who has been honored with Right Livelihood Award (also known as Alternative Nobel Prize, “…for his outstanding contribution to the revival of homoeopathic knowledge and the training of homoeopaths to the highest standards”1 in 1996. in the year 2000, he was honoured with the Gold Medal of the Hungarian Republic, by the country’s President, Arpad Goncz, for his work in the homoeopathic medicine2 and in the same year he was also awarded by the minister of Health in india with the Gold Medal as the “Homoeopath of the Millennium”. in 2012, he was honored with the Honorary Award of National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Ukraine named after P.L. Shupyk”
today, dr vithoulkas is the Honorary Professor at various universities such as University of the Aegean (Greece); moscow medical Academy; state medical University of Chuvash republic (russia); Kiev medical Academy (PHee); dnipro medical institute of Complementary and Alternative medicine (Ukraine) and many more. in 1995, Prof. George vithoulkas established the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos, Greece, where he serves as Head of educational department (educator) sharing the knowledge gleaned from 55 years of his experience and teaches his most current theories regarding levels of health. Fifteen thousand (15,000) medical doctors and homoeopathic practitioners from sixty-two (62) countries have been trained here.
He is also a distinguished scholar who has been called to present at various international and european Organisations. in 1980, dr George vithoulkas was invited by the World Health Organization to write the first article on homoeopathy for the book, Traditional Medicine, published by WHO, as well as the main article in the round table discussion for WHO’s scientific magazine, the World Health Forum3 journal. in 1996, he was invited by the European Parliament to explain the position of homoeopathy, after which the european Parliament voted in favour of homoeopathy. in 1999, he was requested by the Council of Europe to make a day- long presentation before the social, Health and Family Affairs Committee. in 2008, he was invited as an honorary speaker at the “2nd World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy)”.
He also has several books and articles under his authorship. Few popular ones have been named here: Talks on Classical Homeopathy, Homeopathy-Medicine of the New Man (1st edition 1970 by Arco UsA, 21 editions after this), Homeopathy-Medicine for the New Millennium, The Science of Homeopathy and its second volume The Levels of Health, A New Model for Health and Disease, Essence of Materia Medica.

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