In the latest proposal of council action alongside the unethical medical practitioners, two medical practitioners are going to face the deed, which may comprise cancellation of a license issued by the Tamil Nadu medical council. One doctor has been held on the quay on the excuse of lending his prescription pads to the quacks and another a radiologist to, on account of authorizing a Homeopath to perform ultrasounds in his nonattendance.
The recent reports depict that action is going to be against radiologist Dr Kulandaivelu, working at Suham centre centered on the sigh by the health officer, Dr Elangovan. The complaint suspected that the radiologist was permitting a homeopath to do an ultrasound during his absence, while all accounts were to state health department were sent in the Radiologist name, the Homeopath was conducting the ultrasound and was validating the reports in her name.
During the enquiry on the matter, Dr Kulandaiveludefends to the council that the said Homeopath had completed a course in Sonography under bharathidasan university and therefore, allowable to carry out the ultrasound.
Dr K Senthil, president, Tamil nadu medical council informed, “the disciplinary committee even checked with the university and establish that the course only helped doctors and not to perform scan”. The disciplinary committee has held the radiologist guilty and furthered the result to the council for action. The results may be involving the suspension of license adds the daily.
During the same meeting, another medical practitioner, Dr sivakumar was facing the heat after that it was established that he was working under a clinic run by the quack and Aburaj at the same time was offering his board as well as prescription packs to quack for practice.
The quack was officially caught red handed by the Department official and filed a complaint about prescribing Sivakumar name.
In his Defense, Dr Sivakumar informed the council that he used to work there in quack clinic on Sunday only, and was not attentive about the fact that his name and pads were being abused by the quacks.