PROF. DR SHANTILAL MOTILALDESARDA left untimely for the heavenly abode, on 1stDecember, 2018.
Dr SM Desardawas the President of Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College, an Executive Member of Central Council for Homoeopathy and Dean Faculty of Homoeopathy.Formerly he served as the Principal, DKMM Homoeopathy Medical College, Aurangabad; Bhagwan Homoeopathic Medical College, Aurangabad and Professor and HOD, Materia Medica. He was a great administrator, orator and lead every one with his wisdom and kindness. He had hosted many celebrations for the upliftment of Homoeopathy.
He also held the positions as member in Faculty of Homoeopathy, Rajeev Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore; Joint Secretary, HMAI (Homoeopathic Association of India) President, Teachers Association, Homoeopathic Medical Colleges, Maharashtra State, Chairman Board of Studies in Basic Subjects, Homoeopathy Faculty, Dr. BabasahebAmbedkarMarathwadaUniversity, Aurangabad. He was a Regular Examiner for undergraduate and post graduate courses at Dr BabasahebAmbedkarMarathwada University, Aurangabad;Amarawati University; North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, SRT University, Nanded; Nagpur University,Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
His name has been very popular amongst the homoeopathic graduates, particularly among the post graduates all over India. He authoredGems of MCQ’s in Organon & Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Pioneer of Homoeopathy. He was the recipient of “Mahatma PhuleSamata Award” “Best Teacher Award ”, “Jewel of India Award”.He had dedicated his life to elevate homoeopathy to where it stands today, his unobstructed and fully devoted attitude has been a guiding light for us even today.
Demise of Dr SM Desarda is an immense loss to Homoeopathy profession counting literature, industry and teaching. He will always be remembered in our heart for his dedication and work. May God give courage and strength to his family members to face this huge loss. We convey Our Deepest Condolences and Sincere Devotions for the departed Noble Soul.