Homeopathy as a complementary and alternative medicine has a promising role to play in Veterinary medicine. So far, about 290 studies on animals have been conducted across the world, out of which 44 studies are peer reviewed Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT), thereby showing plausibility of science even foranimals.Many homeopathic medicines have been indicated in commonly seen diseases as well asfor particular diseases which are specific to animals.
Keywords:Homeopathy,Animals,Aconite napellus,Arsenicum album.
INTRODUCTION: Animals respond to homeopathic medicines in much the same way as people do. There are many similarities between animal and human health problems and there are some important differences however, it is not a problem for homeopathicmedicine prescriber, as the choice of remedy is based uponpresented1symptoms.
Homeopathy is a system of curing all curable diseases,whether in humans or animals, by agency of small doses of medicines. When these medicines are exhibited in large and repeated doses, they are capable of producing in a healthy body, symptoms similar to those produced by the disease in a sick body, in brief this principle isexpressed as similia similibus curantur i.e. like is cured by like. The International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy (IAVH) was formed in 1986 in Luxembourg.  Department of AYUSH, Government of India and Veterinary Council of India has taken keen interest for development of Homeopathy.2
Mr Haycock, a distinguished veterinary surgeon, who is well acquainted with the old and new systems of medicines, says of Homeopathy “it cures disease more quickly;it does so without leaving any injurious effect upon the constitutional powers; it saves more animals and costs less.”3
Many researches have been started in the field of veterinary with homeopathicinterventions. By the end of 2013, the total number of peer-reviewed RCTs had risen to 44. Nineteen RCTs were placebo controlled while remaining 25 were controlled by another comparator.4
Following are a few commonly prescribed medicines in commonly seen diseases in animals.1
CONSTIPATION-Bryonia,Nux vomica,Alumina.
COUGH AND CORYZA-Aconite,allium.arsenic,nat mur,kali bi,merc,ant tart,drosera,phos.
DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING-Aconite,arsenicum,ipecac,phos,puls,nuxvomica,Veratrum.
JOINT PAIN AND ARTHRITIS-Bell,rhus tox,bryonia,silicea.
SKIN PROBLEMS-Sulph,arsenic, hepar sulph,rhus tox,sepia,kali sulph,graph.
URINARY PROBLEMS-cantharis,apis,sepia,puls.
PREGNANCY–Arnica,calc phos,Caulophyllum,calc carb.
RESULTS:The scientific report and research on scope of the homeopathic medicine in veterinary science was performed from the year 1998 to 2011, with the help of government veterinary officers of Panchmahal, Dahod and veterinary doctors of Panchamrut dairy and Amul dairy. Therapeutic trials usinghomeopathic medicines for certain diseases of animals were carried out,showing excellent results and without any side effects. These results demonstrated that homeopathic medicine were fast inusefulness andwere also cost effective, ascompared to other medicines. In particular, for milk producing animals homeopathic medicines’ advantage of being side effects freeis beneficial for human beings. Thereforehomeopathic treatment protects health of both animals and human beings. Aim of this studyis to spread awareness about Homeopathy and to show how Homeopathy is equally beneficial for veterinary health problems while treating hollistically2treating animals.
Table 01-Classification of diseases in various animals with indicated medicines3

Names of Animals Name of Diseases Indicated Medicines
Opthalmia Aconite,Euphrasia,Belladona,Arnica
Cattarrh Nux vomica, Mercurissolubilis,Bryonia
Inflammation of lungs Aconite,Belladona,Bryonia,Phosphorus.
Distempered(short dry cough with loss of appetite,flesh,strength and spirit) Aconite,Nux vomica,Mercurius Vivus,Belladona,Rhus tox,Arsenicum album, Sulphur
Colic Aconite,Arsenicum album,Nux vomica
Diarrhoea Arsenic,Chamomilla,Mercurius solubilis.
Rheumatism Aconite,Bryonia,Rhus tox,Sulphur.
Chancre of the ear Arsenicum album,Hepar sulph,Mercurius vivus,Carbo veg.
Mange Sulphur,Arsenic.
Angina Aconite,Arsenic,Belladona,Hepar sulph,Spongia
Cattarrh Nux vomica,Mercurius vivus
Inflammation of lungs Aconite,Arsenic,Belladona,Hepar sulph,Spongia
Inflammation of stomach Aconite,Arsenic,Pulsatilla,Ipecacuhana
Constipation Nux vomica,Bryonia,Cocaine
Diseases of udder Aconite,Belladona
Saint Anthony’s fire Aconite,Belladona
Mallanders and sellanders(scurfy eruptions occurring at forepart of the hock or back of  knee) Thuja
Farcy(oedematous swelling of the legs) Aconite,Arsenic,China,Rhus tox,Thuja
Grease(scurfy eruptions on the heels) Thuja,Secale cor,Arsenic,Mercurius vivus
Waters(excrescence,frequently appeared around the lips and eyes) Thuja,Arsenic,Calc carb,Causticum
Fatigue Arnica,Cannabis,Nux vomica
Founder(rheumatic inflammation of bones,muscles,ligaments and tendons) Aconite,Bryonia,Veratrum album,Arsenic,Sulphur
Hide bound(derangement of digestive organs) Arsenic,Ant crud,Mercurius vivus,Sulphur
Thrush(frog within soft and tender) Tincture sulphuris,Phosphoric acid,Squilla,Arsenic
Megrines(disease caused by undue pressure of the blood) Aconite,Arnica,Opium,Belladona,Sulphur
Colic or gripes Aconite,Arsenic,Nux vomica,Chamomilla,Cantharis,Hyoscyamus,Colocynth
Worms Cina,Sulphur,Mercurius
Inflammation of kidneys Aconite,Arnica,Dulcamara,Cantharis,Mercurius vivus
Retention of urine Lycopodium,Hyoscyamus,Cannabis indica
Abortion Sabina,Secale cor,Pulsatilla,Arnica,China,Rhus tox
Skin diseases Sulphur,Mercurius vivus,Arsenic,Thuja
Rheumatism Aconite,Bryonia,Belladona,Arsenic,Sulphur
Opthalmia Arnica,Aconite,Eupharasia,Conium
Warts Thuja,Calc carb, Arsenic
Swelling of head Aconite,Belladona
Acute indigestion Colchicum,Arsenic
Loss of appetite Arsenic,Nux vomica,Pulsatilla
Diseases of urinary organs Cantharis,Camphora,Nux vomica,Belladona,Pulsatilla
Satyriasis Cantharis,Pulsatilla,Phosphorus
Diseases of Sheep
Chancres or black mouth Nitric acid,Sulphur
Hoven or blown(flatulence caused by overeating) Arsenic,Colchicum,Nux vomica
Dropsy Arsenic.
Apoplexy caused by over-feeding Belladona,Aconite, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla
Core consists of the formation of an excrescence in the gullet or Alvine passage. Arsenicum, Mercurius, Silicea
Pip dryness of the tongue due to clogging of the nostrils Spongia,Mercurius vivus
White comb vegetable parasite or fungus, which attacks fowls Sulphur,Staphysagria
Feathering Calcarea Carb., Chamomilla Or Hepar Sulph.
Gapes gasping of breath Drosera, Dulcamara, Ignatia, Lachesis, China.

CONCLUSION:Homeopathic medicines are found to be effective even for animals, further research needs to done to confirm findings.

  1. Animals &Homeopathy Info [Internet]. Slideshare.net. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018];Available from:https://www.slideshare.net/OwenHomeopathics1/animals-Homeopathy-info?from_m%20_app=android
  2. Emerging Role of Homeopathy in Animal Husbandry: An Overview by veterinary doctors | Homeopathy Resource by Homeobook.com [Internet]. Homeobook.com. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018];Available from: https://www.homeobook.com/emerging-role-of-homeopathy-in-animal-husbandry-an-overview-by-veterinary-doctors/
  3. Ruddock E, Lade G.The pocket manual of homeopathic veterinary medicine. London: The Homeopathic Publishing Company; 1879.
  4. Veterinary Research – The Faculty of Homeopathy [Internet]. The Faculty of Homeopathy. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018];Available from: https://facultyofhomeopathy.org/research/veterinary-research/
  5. DrPrakash S. Thakor [Internet]. Drthakoridealcure.com. 2018 [cited 13 May 2018];Available from: http://drthakoridealcure.com/
  6. Rush J. The handbook to veterinary homeopathy.New Delhi:B. Jain Publishers; 2007.
  7. Swayne D, Glisson J. Diseases of poultry. Ames, Iowa:Wiley-Blackwell; 2013.


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