Homoeopathic Contest Solve the Case -Lippe Award 2019 - homeopathy360

Homoeopathic Contest Solve the Case -Lippe Award 2019

Homoeopathic Contest Solve the Case -Lippe Award 2019

WIN, First Prize, Rs. 1, 00,000.
Two merit prizes, each of Rs. 25,000
Examination prizes – 15,000 each, College shield – 10,000 each 
1428 – Sector – 4, Urban Estate, GURUGRAM – 122001. INDIA.

  1. Anybody who claims to be a qualified homoeopath.
  2. Age should not be more than 35 years on 10th January 2019.


  1. Registrations shall be done online link http://bamrahomeopathy.com/lippe-award2019.php from 10.12.2017 to 10.01.2019
  2. Registration Fee of Rs. 300/-may be sent either through cheque /DD / or through online account payment to Bamra Arogya Trust,
    SBI A/c No: 32167993954,
    IFSC Code: SBIN0000645.
  3. The venue, and details of the contest shall be intimated to the candidates latest by 31 st January 2019.


  1. The contest shall comprise of a subjective written test paper:
    1. Duration- 3 hours.
    2. Total marks- 100
    3. Contest Paper shall comprise of: – 10 short questions and -1 or 2 cured cases by the Masters like Kent, Burnett, Lippe, Andre Saine, Vithoulkas and candidate has to tell prognosis and remedy for the case with justification.
  2. Candidates are allowed to take their Repertory and Materia Medica in the contest hall.
  3. The winner of the award shall be declared by a BOARD, consisting of Experts, as constituted by Bamra Arogya Trust
  4. Winner will be accolade on the Annual Ceremony of BAMRA AROGYA TRUST to be held in March 2019.
  5. The contest will be held on Sunday, 10th February 2019.

For more details:
CONTACT: 9818946363, 9773979107, 9716742336.
Website: www.bamrahomeopahy.com ,
Email: adminexam@bamrahomeopathy.com
Note: Increase in the number of prizes is under consideration by the Board of trustees, as has been and would be proposed by the Heads.

Source: http://bamrahomeopathy.com/lippe-award2019.php

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Team Homeopathy 360