EVENT INDIA VITHOULKAS 2 - homeopathy360



EVENTINDIA VITHOULKAS 2The Seminar held on 26th and 27th January 2019 was a sequel to the milestone seminar Event India Vithoulkas 1 which was the celebration of Prof George Vithoulkas’ 50+ years of teaching Classical Homeopathy.

This seminar was power packed with a focus on the core concepts and principles of homeopathy seen in the true scientific light that is its due.

The inauguration was star-studded.  Dr S Sacchidanand, The Honourable Vice Chancellor Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences was the chief guest of honour who graciously provided his insight into the situation with alternative medicine systems and how homeopathy was a very important mode of treatment in India and wished the seminar a success. He was felicitated by the organisers as a token of love and respect.

Nadoja Dr B T Rudresh, President, Karnataka Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, National Vice – President Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, Member of Faculty, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, addressed the gathering next and shared the joyful experience he had with Prof Vithoulkas at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Alonissos, Greece, where he was invited to present his 3000 cases of infertility cured with homeopathy. EVENTINDIA VITHOULKAS He gave him advice to the young students and asked them to be serious in their approach to homeopathic practice. This inspirational talk was followed by Sri Nitin Ramesh, Additional Advocate General for Karnataka, Bengaluru , High Court of Karnataka, saying that his experience with homeopathy and observation of the medical field, in general, taught him that any profession may be used for the good or the bad of the general population and homeopaths were probably most likely to more good than bad. He also commended the role homeopathy played in his personal health. George Vithoulkas event Both the guests of honour were duly felicitated by the organisers as a token of gratitude for their involvement and support.

The scientific session started off with a day-long session by Dr Atul Jaggi, Teacher of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy and the E-Learning Co-Ordinator. Famous for his meticulous step by step analysis and mathematical teaching style, he shed light upon the manner in which every nuance of the laws and principles of health, disease and cure as propounded by our masters come to play in treatment practically by using a very difficult case of ANCA negative rapidly progressing pauci immune glomerulonephritis. Vithoulkas event Through the shift of health level, the patient was able to completely do away with dialysis and bring out skin lesions and fevers.

The first day’s highlight was the live web conference with Prof Vithoulkas. His appearance on the screen was a moment of excitement to all his students in the hall. The 400 plus audience stood up to welcome and wish him in unison. He answered the questions that were sent to him by the students and doctors attending the seminar. The questions were varied in nature and challenging for any teacher to make clear. Vithoulkas India Prof Vithoulkas, however, was crystal clear on the concepts and practical applications as ever.

This was followed further by a video lecture of Prof. Vithoulkas, presented by Dr Latika Jaggi, E-Learning Co-Ordinator,  in which he spoke about his Continuum Theory of diseases in relation to the concept of miasms. Deep and stimulating, this lecture was a feast for the students of classical homoeopathy.

GVithoulkas Next day started with Dr Seema Mahesh, Research Head and Teacher of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy presenting the problems and solutions in homeopathic research. She examined the reason for the attack on homeopathy being called pseudoscience and proposed that better structure and design adapted to the particular nature of homeopathy needs to be devised in order to gain the right scientific evidence. Students and doctors were intrigued by the proposal and were eager to know the situation and possibilities of research in homeopathy. EVENTINDIA VITHOULKAS 2

This was followed by an enthralling session by Dr Mahesh M, Teacher of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy and the E-Learning Co-Ordinator. Known for his powerful and energetic teaching style, Dr Mahesh presented two serious pathologies that were cured with homeopathy, cases where placebo could have done nothing. This was an answer to the myth that homeopathy is a placebo. The audience was in tears and had goosebumps (in their own words) when the patients (a child of 3 years and a man of 75 years) who were thus cured of such serious pathologies as gangrene and severe oral HSV infection were brought live on the stage and exhibited their present state – cured.

EVENTINDIA VITHOULKAS 2The post-lunch session was by Dr Seema Mahesh again where she explained how immunological research today was reinforcing the concepts of homeopathy and showed through the link between The Continuum of a unified Theory of Diseases of Prof Vithoulkas and the latest immunological research that this was the future direction for homeopathic research to take. While very new to the audience this struck a cord and they were intrigued to know more about this possibility.

EVENTINDIA VITHOULKAS 2The day concluded with another exhilarating web conference with Prof Vithoulkas. This time students asked him questions live from the hall and he answered them with love. This connection with the great master left everyone inspired and yearning for more.

In all, the Event India Vithoulkas 2 saw some great progress in the way homeopathic seminars were conducted and represented in India. It is with great hope and excitement that the organisers now look forward to the Event India Vithoulkas 3 which they promise shall be even more powerful in terms of homeopathic knowledge and application.

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Team Homeopathy 360