An Innovative Proposal For Scientific Alternative Medical Journals - homeopathy360

An Innovative Proposal For Scientific Alternative Medical Journals

Medical Journals

An innovative proposal for scientific alternative medical journals

G Vithoulkas


Contemporary homeopaths all over the world are witnesses to one of the strangest things to have ever occurred in our complex modern scientific society, namely, that our most prestigious homeopathic journals with an “impact factor” rarely, if ever, publish studies on cases treated and cured with homeopathy. Why is this so?

Let us examine this question. It is a well-known fact in the international homeopathy community that every day, there are literally thousands of chronic sufferers treated successfully all over the world through the intervention of homeopathic remedies. All homeopaths have observed the occasional “miraculous cures” occurring in their own practice and in those of their colleagues. However, despite these remarkable “cures”, it is very strange that hardly any of these evidential cases appear in our homeopathy journals.

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