Bjain To Distribute Books To The Merit Students Of LBS College, Bhopal - homeopathy360

Bjain To Distribute Books To The Merit Students Of LBS College, Bhopal

On the context of The World Homeopathy Day, an event was organized by LBS College, Bhopal wherein our team, B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Distributed the Complementary books to the Toppers of LBS Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal.


On the path laid by the founder of homeopathy, Master Samuel Hahnemann, we want young homeopaths to read more books and learn more to become tomorrow’s best homeopaths, thus BJain distributed the gift hampers constituting of books and catalogues to the students.


The hampers were awarded by Dr Prof. B.R. Gupta, the Principal of LBS College to 11 students namely, Sattar Singh, Shivani Sharma, Vikash Mishra, Harshita Mahajan, Krishna Shah, Manish Singh, Sindhu Randahle, Anita Bariwa, Sunita Bariwa, Aurna Karole and Poornima  Bajpai.


BJain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., is grateful to the Faculty of LBS Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal for valuing the understudies and empowering them by awarding books to the merit students, and making this day an increasingly unique one.

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