Homoeopathy is simple, also brilliant, really. Its credo is the whole person is affected by illness or disease, and it is the whole person who responds to homoeopathic remedies too.
Question & Answer: Dr Prokash Mollick & Dr Parthasarathi Mallick
Q:- How do you explain homoeopathy and its subtleties – because, for some, homoeopathy is a mysterious science; for most others, it is a true healing science?
Dr Prokash Mollick:- Homoeopathy is natural, mind-body medicine. It is, by far, the most gentle, safe, and humane form of medical science. It aims to treat the whole person rather than just the physical, or superficial, symptoms. Or, only symptoms that show up on the surface.
Homoeopathy work on the principle that the mind and body are so powerful connected that physical conditions cannot be effectively treated without a basic understanding of the individual’s personality, temperament, disposition, idiosyncrasy and also constitution.
Homoeopathy prescribes a different remedy for a given, or not given, illness depending on a multitude of factors, such as the nature of the individual, their state of mind and lifestyle. Put simply, the illness may be the same by name, but the presentation in not two individuals is the same. In other words, no two individuals present with the same, identical, or unique set of symptoms of the given illness [We will come to this later].
Q:- Interesting. You brought up an important issue, that no two individuals show the same individual symptoms of an illness. Could you elaborate?
Dr Prokash Mollick:- Absolutely, absolutely. Illness, according to homoeopathic tenets, ‘mirrors’ our internal imbalance. Homoeopathy suggests that illnesses first being at the most fundamental levels of our being. This underlying imbalance is the cause of all illness. This shows up in due course as symptoms. These symptoms are manifested, or created by the body in the process of trying to ‘correct’ that imbalance. Homoeopathy rectifies the imbalance by using the given individual’s unique set of symptoms as a ‘channel’ while choosing the natural substance [homoeopathic remedy] which activates a stimulated, energetic healing response in the individual.
Q:- Really? We’ve never heard about this theory.
Dr Prokash Mollick:- Let me illustrate. There may be two persons affected by a common illness, for example, migraine. One individual with the disorder prefers, or likes, a light handkerchief tied firmly around the head [feels better with it), while another, with the same disorder and diagnosis, does not like the hankie tied around the head [feels worse). This is homoeopathic ‘individuality’. It calls for the use of two different homoeopathic remedies to treat the problem.
Q:- Homoeopathy uses micro-doses. They are said to be so small that there is no actual molecule present in the supposed medicine. Please explain.
Dr Partha Sarathi Mallick:- Homoeopathic medicines represent a special system of energy medicine, or nanophamacology – a process that minimises the deadly’effects of crude medicinal, and also toxic, substances. Put simply, most homoeopathic remedies are derived from natural substances – plants, minerals, or animals.
A remedy is prepared by diluting the original substance in a series of steps. Remedies are sold in liquid, pellet, tablet and other forms. these are called potencies; they come in 6X, 12X, 30C, 200C, IM, 10M, and so on, as you’d have seen on homoeopathic medicine bottles. The bottom line; higher the potency, or dilution, the more powerful, or strong and gentle the remedy effect.
For sceptics, who argue that homoeopathy is all hogwash, just water, placebo, or “belief medicine, let’s delve into the actual facts and specific details –
Homoeopathic remedies are made in several potencies – from the lowest X[1 to 10) to the highest C[i to 100]. To aver as sceptics contend, that there no molecules left in 3X potency, for instance, is just hogwash.
It takes just 30 test tubes to make the 30C homoeopathic potency. Besides, modem technology can qualitatively measure and verify the difference between 12C and 30C, or higher potencies.
Research on high dilutions, used in homoeopathy, began in the 1950s, but since the mid-1990s there has been a quantified increase in the number and quality of published. A rigorous systematic review, or summary, of the total research evidence available – designed to provide more accurate information than signal studies – was published in 2007. It assessed the entire evidence base for the effects of high potency homoeopathic medicines. 67 experiments published in 75 publications were evaluated. 75 per cent of such studies found that homoeopathic high dilutions have biological effects. When experiments were repeated, the same results were replicated.
It may also be emphasised that homoeopathy stimulates the body’s own innate healing mechanisms, although explanations as to how exactly it excites the organism have expectedly evoked scepticism in conventional quarters. In the recent past, homoeopathy is being increasingly elucidated on the basis of quantum mechanics, bioenergetics, molecular memory and nanopharmacology. Besides, the use of advanced spectroscopy and thin layer chromatography (TLC), among others, has made it possible to actually ‘decipher’ the minute amounts of the medicinal substance present in homoeopathic remedies, while differentiating in their various dilutions, or potencies.
Q:- No system owes so much to one man as homoeopathy does to its founder Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD. Could you elaborate?
Dr Partha Sarathi Mallick:- Yes, Dr Hahnemann was a man of many parts – a highly qualified and trained conventional medical doctor, a classical chemist and botanist, among other things. Hahnemann was an irrepressible critic of the established practice of conventional medicine of his time – a form of treatment, or dogma, based more on a “code of belief” rather than fact, including certain maddening procedures, such as bloodletting, purging, blistering, and callous or insensitive treatment of the mentally ill, besides the excess’ use of high doses of sulphur and mercury.
He envisaged a revolution – to make medicine gentle, safe, humane, and effective, in the treatment of the sick who were ill in both mind and body.
Q:- How did he ignite the homoeopathic revolution?
Dr Partha Sarathi Mallick:- Hahnemann was a polyglot. He was fluent in over a dozen languages, other than German, his mother tongue. He was a painstaking translator of scientific works. When he was once engaged in the translation of William Cullen’s classical work, Lectures on the Materia Medica, in 1790, he could not resist or contain he analytical excitement, Cullen’s statement that cinchona (quinine) bark possessed specific febrifugal [fever-relieving] action, because it was both the most aromatic and bitter substance know, aroused his scientific mind, also curiosity.
Not the one to accept a word for a word, Hahnemann felt that this was simply an overstatement-because, there were several substances, not just barks, having extremely bitter and fragrant properties. None of them, perhaps, had the medicinal strength to cure fevers, no less malaria-like fevers. He was eager to test the idea. He made a decoction of cinchona bark. He now did what no one had ever dared, or done, before him in medical history. He drank the decoction. He soon developed ‘malaria-like symptoms on himself. This laid the foundation of homoeopathy. Dr Hahnemann now expounded his ‘like cures like’ principle-cinchona can ’cause’malaria-like fever, so can ‘cure’ the illness.
He soon embarked on a number of similar experiments and concluded that a substance or drug’ capable of producing a set of its own peculiar and characteristic symptoms, when given in small, minute doses to healthy individuals, can also our, effectively and safely, the individual or patient exhibiting a similar set of symptoms.
He called this homoeopathy (homoios-similar, pathos=sickness). Let us cull a few examples to bring out the homoeopathic perspective. When you chop an onion, you develop watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, cough and throat irritation, from exposure to the tuber’s active substances. The homoeopathic remedy, Allium Capa, made from red onion, can, from the homoeopathic standpoint, help you overcome a similar cold allergy attack, in which you may have similar symptoms – watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, cough and throat irritation. The actual symptoms of the illness, as you’d figure out, were not caused by exposure to the onion. Yet, the remedy made from the tuber can help the body overcome them because the symptoms are similar.
When one suffers, likewise, from sleeplessness, ironically as a result of joy, the ‘sleepless dilemma’ can be treated homoeopathically with the homoeopathic remedy made from coffee, Coffea Cruda, which can cause the been a quantified increase in the number and quality of published. A rigorous systematic review, or summary, of the total research evidence available – designed to provide more accurate information than single studies – was published in 2007. It assessed the entire evidence base for the effects of high potency homoeopathic medicines. 67 experiments published in 75 publications were evaluated. 75 per cent of such studies found that homoeopathic high dilutions have biological effects. When experiments were repeated, the same results were replicated.
It may also be emphasised that homoeopathy stimulates the body’s own innate healing mechanisms, although explanations as to how exactly it excites the organism have expectedly evoked scepticism in conventional quarters. In the recent past, homoeopathy is being increasingly elucidated on the basis of quantum mechanics, bioenergetics, molecular memory and nanopharmacology. Besides, the use of advanced spectroscopy and thin layer chromatography (TLC), among others, has made it possible to actually ‘decipher’ the minute amounts of the medicinal substance present in homoeopathic remedies, while differentiating in their various dilutions, or potencies.
Q:- No system owes so much to one man as homoeopathy does to its founder Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD. Could you elaborate?
Dr Partha Sarathi Mallick:- Yes, Dr Hahnemann was a man of many parts – a highly qualified and trained conventional medical doctor, a classical chemist and botanist, among other things. Hahnemann was an irrepressible critic of the established practice of conventional medicine of his time – a form of treatment, or dogma, based more on a “code of belief’ rather than fact, including certain maddening procedures, such as bloodletting, purging, blistering, and callous or insensitive treatment of the mentally ill, besides the excess’ use of high doses of sulphur and mercury.
He envisaged a revolution – to make medicine gentle, safe, humane, and effective, in the treatment of the sick who were ill in both mind and body.
Q:- How did he ignite the homoeopathic revolution?
Dr Partha Sarathi Mallick:- Hahnemann was a polyglot. He was fluent in over a dozen languages, other than German, his mother tongue. He was a painstaking translator of scientific works. When he was once engaged in the translation of William Cullen’s classical work, Lectures on the Materia Medica, in 1790, he could not resist or contain he analytical excitement, Cullen’s statement that cinchona (quinine) bark possessed specific febrifugal [fever-relieving] action, because it was both the most aromatic and bitter substance know, aroused his scientific mind, also curiosity.
Not the one to accept a word for a word, Hahnemann felt that this was simply an overstatement-because, there were several substances, not just barks, having extremely bitter and fragrant properties. None of them, perhaps, had the medicinal strength to cure fevers, no less malaria-like fevers. He was eager to test the idea. He made a decoction of cinchona bark. He now did what no one had ever dared, or done, before him in medical history. He drank the decoction. He soon developed ‘malaria-like symptoms on himself. This laid the foundation of homoeopathy. Dr. Hahnemann now expounded his ‘like cures like’ principle-cinchona can ’cause’malaria-like fever, so can ‘cure’ the illness.
He soon embarked on a number of similar experiments and concluded that a substance or drug’ capable of producing a set of its own peculiar and characteristic symptoms, when given in small, minute doses to healthy individuals, can also our, effectively and safely, the individual or patient exhibiting a similar set of symptoms.
He called this homoeopathy (homoios-similar, pathos=sickness). Let us cull a few examples to bring out the homoeopathic perspective. When you chop the onion, you develop watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, cough and throat irritation, from exposure to the tuber’s active substances. The homoeopathic remedy, Allium Capa, made from red onion, can, from the homoeopathic standpoint, help you overcome a similar cold allergy attack, in which you may have similar symptoms – watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, cough and throat irritation. The actual symptoms of the illness, as you’d figure out, were not caused by exposure to the onion. Yet, the remedy made from the tuber can help the body overcome them because the symptoms are similar.