The Lok Sabha has passed the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill 2019 in a nutshell. This will replace an Ordinance declared on February 21. The main purpose of the law is to increase the quality of education given in medical colleges. This bill provides for the session of the Medical Council of India for a period of two years from September 26, 2018. The bill also proposes to increase the number of members of the Board of Governors from existing 7 to 12.
In the Rajya Sabha, Homeopathy Central Council Amendment Bill 2019 was passed after discussion, this bill has already been passed by the Lok Sabha. Union AYUSH Minister Shripad Yaso Nike informed the House that the passage of this Bill has cleared the way for the formation of a new council which will help in eradicating corruption. Shripad Yasso Nike said that the government is going to set up a national homoeopathy research institute in Delhi and there is a plan to establish an Ayush Hospital in every district.
The Central Educational Institution (Reservation in the cadre of teachers) bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha. The Left parties protested and did not get enough time to submit the amendment, went out of the house. But the discussion on the bill continued.
The Chairman adjourned the House until Wednesday.
Now the discussion on the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Teachers Cadre) Bill 2019 will continue in the House on Wednesday. And it is expected that the bill will be passed by the Rajya Sabha.