Ludhiana: For homoeopathic practitioners from different parts of Malaysia who are attending a seven-day training workshop at Homeocare in Ludhiana, the weeklong training has been a rich experience in practical learning.
One of the participants Bob Lim says that homoeopathy expert Dr Muktinder Singh’s vast experience and deep knowledge in the subject have been instrumental in helping the participants learn more about this system of medicine. “We learnt a lot,” he says, adding, “In our country (Malaysia), there is a need for homoeopaths to group together as the isolationist approach does not add to the popularity of the system.”
The participants feel that the week-long training has provided them with experience in handling acute cases.
Dr Alfred Chong says that it is unfortunate that the homoeopathic system of medicine is not very popular in Malaysia which is a multiracial country where different people repose faith in their own traditional system of medicine. In such a scenario, homoeopathy is not a popular option and only less than 10 per cent have heard about homoeopathy.
“During these six days, I learnt the technique and methodology of taking case histories,” says another participant Lily Lee.
Athi Ganganaidu is the third generation Indian settled in Malaysia. “During the week, we got exposure to cases that we never knew could be treated through the homoeopathic system of medicine. We came across a case in which the patient’s body was not receptive to dialysis,” he says.
Wanina, another participant, says that the homoeopathic system works well with children. The training programme has kindled the interest of her husband Gohboon Joh in the homoeopathic system of medicine.
Homeocare director Dr Muktinder, while explaining the principles of homoeopathy, says homoeopathy has fixed laws. Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy, was a German allopathic practitioner who developed the homoeopathic system of medicine.
“People say homoeopathy is slow. But it is not so. It is not a lifelong therapy. It is economical and sans any side-effects. But quacks are quacks and can be found in any system of medicine and homoeopathy is no exception,” adds Dr Muktinder.
The training will conclude on Sunday.