New Delhi: The AYUSH Admission Central Counseling Committee (AACCC) has revised the counselling scheme and schedule along with eligibility for Round 3 (MOP-up round) for the candidates seeking admission in PG Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy courses.
Notifications giving notice to this effect are clearly given below:
In addition, candidates admitted in Round 1 and Round 2 will be allowed to upgrade for the 03rd Round / Mop-up Round of All India Quota Counseling, however, in Round 2 and Round 3 (Mop-up Round), Admitted students will be given admission for All India Kota Rounding. The notice states that vacating/exiting their admitted seats will not be allowed and will not be allowed to participate in further state counselling.
The conversion of seats reserved for persons with disabilities to a particular category remained incomplete due to non-availability of candidates in the respective categories in the case of government colleges and government. During the allocation of 03rd round (Mop-up round) to the grant colleges. Other terms of the consultation plan will be the same.
On the amendment of eligibility to participate in the 03rd round (mop-up round), the AACCC notice states,
It is for information to all AIAPGET-2019 eligible candidates who participated in AYUSH PG Counseling that eligibility to participate in 03rd round (Mop-up round) has been changed as follows:
Eligible rounds for 03rd round / MOP:
A) Candidates who are registering for the first time.
B) Candidates who are registered but have not been allotted seats in Round-1 and Round-2.
c) All the candidates admitted in Round 1 and Round 2, who have given a wish for up-gradation.
Candidates who are waiting for admission to PG Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy courses; You can be requested to view the schedule and plan of online counselling uploaded on the official website of AACCC mentioned below:
Deadline for online counselling (allocation process) for 15% AIQGET
GOVT./GOVT. Aided / National Institutes / DEEMED / Central Universities / Private Institutions
(MD.-Ayurveda / Siddha / Unani / Homeopathy) SEATS – 2019-2020
All AIAGGET qualified candidates seeking admission in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy postgraduate courses are requested to update from time to time on the “” website and “” Stay Information about AYUSH Medical Consultation.
Click on the link below for more information:
For Online Counseling for Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy Seats click here
For Ministry Of AYUSH Notice click here