About GNM
GNM (German New Medicine) is not only a new paradigm of medicine but also a new consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities.
In the preface of the fourth edition of ORGANON OF MEDICINE, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homoeopathy, also stated that every organism has the natural ability to heal itself (vis medicatrix naturae) and to continue good health (homeostasis).
Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer (1935 – 2017), the originator of GNM, was a German physician, who discovered Five Biological Laws that explain the cause, the development, and natural healing of diseases, based on biological principles that apply to every human being. Founded on sound scientific criteria his research shows that diseases are not “errors” of nature but meaningful biological special programs that have been successfully practised over millions of years.
We invite you to join the “GNM INDIA” groups to understand the real process of natural healing as the new foundation of homoeopathy and of medicine in general.
Who started the GNM groups in India?
Dr. C.J Varghese is a member of the International LearningGNM Teachers Team under the guidance of Caroline Markolin, PhD (see http://learninggnm.com/documents/varghese.html). He manages the Whatsapp groups “GNM INDIA“ that offer to study GNM free of charge. Currently, there are 2200 members in 14 groups – GNM INDIA A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I., J, K, L, M, and N. GNM India H is a group exclusively for Classical Homoeopaths, L for Non Medicos and M for Conventional Medical Doctors.
Procedure to join a GNM India Group
We are happy to announce that admissions to a GNM group are ongoing. The majority of the members are homoeopaths, although the groups also include allopaths, ayurvedic, dentists, health workers, psychologists, neurologists, counsellors, bankers, businessmen, teachers, retirees, and many other people from all walks of life from all states of India.
Please submit your request to join a GNM India group by sending a WhatsApp message to Dr C. J Varghese (phone: 9447019733) with your full name, profession, address, city, state of India, and an acknowledgement of respecting the rules of the group.