By George Vithoulkas Stephan Heinrich Nolte, Marburg
Both the physical condition and mental symptoms are crucial for homoeopathic treatment. But the prescription propagated today by some homoeopathic teachers solely on the basis of mental and mental symptoms or after a central delusion is based on a misinterpretation of the Organon §210. The possibilities of a correct prescription under consideration of the mental condition are explained. The “new teachings” bring more confusion than benefit to patients and homoeopaths, threatening the future of homoeopathy.
Mental and mental symptoms, misinterpretation of the Organon, prescription practice.
Both the patient’s disposition and his mental symptoms are essential for correct homoeopathic treatment. However, it is now being proposed by several teachers of homoeopathy the aftermath of a misinterpretation of the organon §210. The possibilities of a correct prescription are considered the mental state. The “new ideas” rather confuse than help both patients and homoeopaths and wants to be disastrous for the future of homoeopathy.
Mind symptoms, misinterpretation of the organon, prescription practice.
This article was written to counteract the unsustainable concepts used by some of the newer teachers of homoeopathy, such as the idea that everyone has delusions and that all the pain he suffers now comes from these delusions. For example, if someone has elbow problems, you just have to look for their delusions to find the correct remedy1. Since the originators of these strange ideas come from India, I believe that they confuse their religious beliefs – everything is Maya, which means delusion [1] – with medical aspects of human illnesses. Today, homoeopathy suffers from the side effects of the delusions of those teachers who, driven by nothing but their ambition,
Mental and mental symptoms as a cause of any disease?
We all know how important a correct prescription is for the patient’s dispositions and mental and emotional symptoms. Samuel Hahnemann [2], James Tyler Kent [3] and all the old masters of homoeopathy have emphasized this, not least of all myself in the essences of medicines2. In these lectures, I warned my disciples that we do not always find a mental picture and that we do not find all the mental symptoms in the remedies, let alone the changes that we are currently experiencing in the world of mental illness.
For some years now, another Indian “homoeopath” has spread another, “new idea”: he claims that there are always and in all cases mental symptoms, and therefore every patient should be treated according to his mental symptomatology2. Each of his disciples is now looking for such symptoms – but mostly in vain.
The basis of these ideas is derived from § 210 Organon, in which it is said that “in any of the other so-called diseases of the body, the state of mind and spirit is always changed.” It came to a misunderstanding because the Indian homoeopath probably interpreted the word “changed” as “ill”. Hahnemann does not claim that the mental and emotional constitution is always pathologically changed since such a change can go in both a positive and a negative direction. It can also lead to healing and not necessarily to the disease. How else could symptoms such as serenity, peace of mind or fearlessness be regarded as mental and mental symptoms?
The whole § 210 reads like this:
“Of this kind are the so-called mental and mental illnesses. However, they do not make any of the other distinctly distinct classes of illnesses, as in every one of the other so-called bodily diseases, the state of mind and mind is always changed, and in all cases of illness to be cured, the state of mind of the patient, as one of the most excellent To be included in the epitome of symptoms, if you want to record a faithful picture of the disease in order to heal her homoeopathic success with success. The aforementioned Indian homoeopath has now influenced various other teachers to take this misunderstanding. They now interpret all these paragraphs in such a way that in all cases mental and emotional pathologies can be found and we should base our prescription on them.
Change between physical and mental and mental symptoms
On the other hand, we know that after the administration of the right remedy for severe anxiety neuroses-with many mental and emotional symptoms, such as the various phobias that plague the patient day and night-the state of mind improves, but may become more severe and stubborn Outflow occurs that can last for months or even years. If one tries to prescribe a second remedy for the discharge, there are no more mental and mental symptoms on which to base the follow-up prescription.
If the patient comes for treatment for the first time because of outflow, the same applies: even if she has a lot of itching and vaginal discharge, there is not necessarily any mental and emotional pathology during the persistence of the discharge.
I’m currently handling one such case: the fears and phobias disappeared, but a persistent, itching discharge appeared. The patient suppressed this after a few unsuccessful attempts at healing with allopathic drugs, and after a few months, the anxiety disorder came back in full severity. Life became hell to the patient. I treated the anxiety disorder again, the patient was fine, but again there was a marked discharge. During all the seven months with discharge, no mental and mental symptoms were found!
It seems to me obvious that Hahnemann did not mean it as these charismatic “teachers” understand it. Hahnemann observed how physical and mental and mental symptoms alternate in both directions, as he writes in the paragraph following § 210. It is well known and often verified that mental and emotional symptoms develop when the disease progresses centrally, while physical symptoms develop when the mental disappears. It is also known that in physical illness mental symptoms disappear and vice versa. Even a young homoeopath has experienced this repeatedly in his practice.
If one continues in the Organon, the situation further clarifies and Hahnemann’s ideas are clarified: In § 253, he discusses what mental illness is and what mental health: “… in the case of even the smallest beginning of improvement – a greater comfort, one increasing serenity, freedom of the spirit, increased courage, a kind of recurring naturalness. In the case of the beginning of aggravation, no matter how small, the opposite-a self-conscious, awkward, more compassionate state of mind, of spirit, of all behavior and of all postures, postures, and functions, which, if meticulously attentive, is easy see or show, but not in words can describe. “
The change between physical and mental symptoms is described in the following paragraphs, so in § 215:
Almost all so-called mental and mental illnesses are nothing other than diseases of the body in which every peculiar symptom of mental and emotional upset, increases with the reduction of the body symptoms (faster or slower), and finally reaches its end most striking one-sidedness, almost like a local evil put into invisible fine mental or mental organs. “
§ 216 states: “The cases are not uncommon, when a so-called bodily disease, threatening death, degenerates into a madness, into a sort of melancholy, or into a frenzy, by means of a rapid increase of the previous mental symptom, and thereby all the danger of death Body symptoms make disappear; The latter, however, improve almost to health, so that, in a word, the evils of the gross bodily organs are, as it were, carried over to the almost spiritual organs of mind and mind, which have never been reached or attained by any knife of dissection and they are derived from them. “And in § 218 we read:” To this description of the symptoms belongs first the exact description of all the coincidences of the former so-called body disease, before it becomes the one-sided exaltation of the mental symptom, the mental and emotional Disease degenerated. “From this last paragraph, it is clear that Hahnemann has already observed what every homoeopath can see: When physical symptoms are suppressed, the mental level becomes ill, and that’s why he’s talking about mental and emotional illness and non-change. I can already see that these points are difficult to understand, especially since the organon has to be read as a whole and not in the individual paragraphs before it can be interpreted correctly. I have tried to clarify these difficult issues in my book A New Model for Health and Disease [7] and to make the learners understandable. In this article, it is not possible to exhaustively illustrate this topic, especially as it has many other aspects. That Hahnemann has already observed what every homoeopath can see: When physical symptoms are suppressed, the mental level becomes ill, and that’s why he’s talking about mental and emotional illness and non-change. I can already see that these points are difficult to understand, especially since the organon has to be read as a whole and not in the individual paragraphs before it can be interpreted correctly. I have tried to clarify these difficult issues in my book A New Model for Health and Disease [7] and to make the learners understandable. In this article, it is not possible to exhaustively illustrate this topic, especially as it has many other aspects. That Hahnemann has already observed what every homoeopath can see: When physical symptoms are suppressed, the mental level becomes ill, and that’s why he’s talking about mental and emotional illness and non-change. I can already see that these points are difficult to understand, especially since the organon has to be read as a whole and not in the individual paragraphs before it can be interpreted correctly. I have tried to clarify these difficult issues in my book A New Model for Health and Disease [7] and to make the learners understandable. In this article, it is not possible to exhaustively illustrate this topic, especially as it has many other aspects. and that’s why he’s talking about mental and emotional illness and non-change. I can already see that these points are difficult to understand, especially since the organon has to be read as a whole and not in the individual paragraphs before it can be interpreted correctly. I have tried to clarify these difficult issues in my book A New Model for Health and Disease [7] and to make the learners understandable. In this article, it is not possible to exhaustively illustrate this topic, especially as it has many other aspects. and that’s why he’s talking about mental and emotional illness and non-change. I can already see that these points are difficult to understand, especially since the organon has to be read as a whole and not in the individual paragraphs before it can be interpreted correctly. I have tried to clarify these difficult issues in my book A New Model for Health and Disease [7] and to make the learners understandable. In this article, it is not possible to exhaustively illustrate this topic, especially as it has many other aspects. to clarify these difficult issues in my book A New Model for Health and Disease [7] and to make the learners understandable. In this article, it is not possible to exhaustively illustrate this topic, especially as it has many other aspects. to clarify these difficult issues in my book A New Model for Health and Disease [7] and to make the learners understandable. In this article, it is not possible to exhaustively illustrate this topic, especially as it has many other aspects.
Possibilities of prescribing mental and mental symptoms in practice
At the beginning of treatment, there are 3 options for prescribing:
●● In cases without mental symptoms, but with severe physical symptoms, the prescription should be based on the physical symptoms. Example: severe cases of psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid osteoarthritis, etc.
●● There are cases of pathological moods in which the indicated remedy is a “small remedy” whose mental symptoms we do not know. Even in these cases, our prescription must refer to the physical symptoms of the remedy we find in our materia medica.
● In cases where the pathological mental and emotional symptoms that may be present in one of our remedies are present, these should be taken into account and our prescription should be based primarily on them. Other possibilities arise in the course of treatment:
●● In a case of mental and emotional symptoms, physical symptoms appear while the former disappears. Here we can say grosso modo that the cure is going in the right direction.
●● Physical symptoms disappear, mental symptoms appear. Here there is not always a suppression, it can also go towards healing, provided the physical symptoms were worse and more hindering than the newly occurred mental. This seems to be a new perspective, but it can be found in Hahnemann when he writes in the footnote to § 210: “How often do you not meet, eg. For example, in the most painful, perennial diseases, a mild, gentle mind, so that the healer feels restrained respect and compassion for the patient. But if he conquers the sickness and restores the sick-as is often possible in the homoeopathic way-then the doctor often astonishes and terrifies the awful change of the mind, he often sees ingratitude, hardheartedness, Selective wickedness and the humbleness and outrageous whims of humanity that had been characteristic of this sick person in his formerly healthy days. “But the opposite is also found in Hahnemann’s observations, if he continues in the same footnote:” Those who are patient in healthy times One often finds in illnesses stubborn, violent, hasty, also probably insufferable, stubborn, and again also probably impatient or despairing; the formerly chaste and shy one finds now horny and shameless. It is not uncommon for the bright mind to stupidly meet the usually imbecile, as it were wiser, more sensible, and sometimes slow-witted, full of the presence of mind, quick decision, and so on. ” Those who had been specially fitted for this sick man in his former healthy days. “But the opposite is also found, according to Hahnemann’s observations, if he continues in the same footnote:” Those who are patient in healthy times are often stubborn, violent, hasty in illness well-behaved, obstinate, and again impatient or desperate; the formerly chaste and shy one finds now horny and shameless. It is not uncommon for the bright mind to stupidly meet the usually imbecile, as it were wiser, more sensible, and sometimes slow-witted, full of the presence of mind, quick decision, and so on. ” Those who had been specially fitted for this sick man in his former healthy days. “But the opposite is also found, according to Hahnemann’s observations, if he continues in the same footnote:” Those who are patient in healthy times are often stubborn, violent, hasty in illness well-behaved, obstinate, and again impatient or desperate; the formerly chaste and shy one finds now horny and shameless. It is not uncommon for the bright mind to stupidly meet the usually imbecile, as it were wiser, more sensible, and sometimes slow-witted, full of the presence of mind, quick decision, and so on. ” “Patients who are patient in healthy times are often found to be stubborn, violent, hasty, and also insufferable, stubborn, and again impatient or desperate; the formerly chaste and shy one finds now horny and shameless. It is not uncommon for the bright mind to stupidly meet the usually imbecile, as it were wiser, more sensible, and sometimes slow-witted, full of the presence of mind, quick decision, and so on. ” “Patients who are patient in healthy times are often found to be stubborn, violent, hasty, and also insufferable, stubborn, and again impatient or desperate; the formerly chaste and shy one finds now horny and shameless. It is not uncommon for the bright mind to stupidly meet the usually imbecile, as it were wiser, more sensible, and sometimes slow-witted, full of the presence of mind, quick decision, and so on. “
●● When physical symptoms appear and mental symptoms disappear, we are on the healing path as long as the physical symptoms are not as great or even greater than the previous limitations of mental symptoms. If an unsuitable remedy is given, the physical situation may worsen without healing. For example, we have seen this phenomenon in the non-indicated administration of Sulfur, when the skin has deteriorated, without any improvement in the state of mind.
Trials, Confusions and Outlook There are homoeopathic teachers who are themselves confused and therefore confuse their students, especially the beginners who trust them and listen to them faithfully. There are 2 main reasons for these trials and tribulations:
●● Teachers are not aware of the Organon’s understanding of themselves, and their experience does not allow them to understand it more deeply.
●● They are ambitious and desperately want to go a “new way” and give homoeopathy a “new face”; or else, they want to impress students with strange statements. It is to be feared that these “teachers” will soon suggest absurd things, such as the potentiation of the French national anthem, in order to treat French patriots. All this nonsense will be put forward in the name of the “renewal” of homoeopathy. For whatever reason, the damage is beyond repair. The learners are misguided, and homoeopathy gets a bad name. I can already see that the consequences of false teachings by “charismatic teachers”, who are themselves confused and confused, will be disastrous for the future of homoeopathy. Because it’s more about ideas and principles than names, I do not mention names. I am very worried because these misinterpretations will shape future students, but confuse and disappoint them when they want to put wrong ideas into practice and fail them.
Translated by Dr. med. Stephan Heinrich Nolte, Marburg Online to find under:
[1] Brodd J: World Religions. Winona, Minnesota: Saint Mary’s Press; 1998.
[2] Hahnemann S: Organon of the healing art, a standard edition of the 6th edition. Heidelberg: Haug; 1999.
[3] Kent JT: Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy. Chicago: Ehrhart & Karl; 1919.
[4] Sankaran R: The Spirit of Homoeopathy. Bombay: R. Sankaran; 1991.
[5] Sehgal ML: Rediscovery of Homeopathy. Delhi: Sehgal Brothers; 1992.
[6] Vithoulkas G: Essence of Materia Medica. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 1988.
[7] Vithoulkas G: A New Model for Health and Disease. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books; 1,991th
●● Anmerkungen
1 Sankaran R: [4] “I thus realized the importance of the section on delusions, because a delusion is a false perception of reality, and also a false perception of the present.
The whole mental state of a person is an expression of this false perception (delusion). “-” Cure is the restoration of health. It is achieved when it becomes aware of its
false perception of reality. This is made possible by exposing him to his delusion.
This is the basis of the Law of similars on which Homoeopathy is founded. “2 Vithoulkas G [6], Arsenicum album:” In
studying remedies, it is crucially important to the appreciation of the stages of development of the pathology. Otherwise, if we see a patient at a given stage, we may miss
the remedy simply because we are looking for symptoms that are characteristically found at
a different stage. In the early stages of Arsenicum, we see a relative preponderance of physical level symptoms with less emphasis on the mental disturbances. ”
Vithoulkas G [6], Phosphorus:” While the physical symptoms are predominant, there are
few symptoms in the emotional or mental spheres. ”
Vithoulkas G [6], Silicea terra:” Silica patients do not usually develop severe pathology on the emotional or mental plane, in my experience.
They mostly complain of a lack of mental stamina. “.
3 Sehgal ML [5], “To repeat, let me point out that we prescribe on the symptoms of the mind (leaving aside all the other symptoms relating to the popularly known physical level
of the body) and in turn get a stimulus in the automatic system, which is responsible for keeping the system of assimilation and elimination efficient. “