This article tells about importance of cry and its homeopathic approach, detailed explanation about cry, its type with clinical enquiry in newborn, infants and children, rubrics from different repertorial references are included in this article which proves the importance of considering cry while treating children with homeopathy. Also, homeopathic remedies with its indications obtained from different literature sources helps the physician in analysis and understanding different medicines.
Various old literature and repertory about cry as well as its clinical significance in relevance according to homeopathy is being reviewed and thus the importance of cry of chidren in homeopathic case taking and prescription has been emphasized.
Cry, types of cry, clinical enquiry, homeopathy, repertory, rubrics, homoeopathic remedies.
Babies are born with an ability to cry, which is how they do most of their communication, for a while babies cry to indicate: his/ her stomach is empty, his / her nappy is wet, his / her feet is wet, baby might be tired, need to be cuddled and held (1). Generally babies cry more and are more wakeful during late afternoon and evening, crying also tends to increase at 2 to 4 weeks, then decreases. Most of the babies spend less time crying, when they reach 3 to 4 month of age (1)
Homeopathy has great scope in treating the clinical condition related to newborn and infants, children with repertorization based on type of cry and through materia medica reference, thus exact treatment for that particular case can be obtained. The scope of homeopathy doesn’t depend upon causative agent or ultimate, but in treating actual derangement of vital process (12).
HUNGER CRY: Short, low pitched (soft) and rhythmical (1), infant need to eat more often when they are going through a growth spurt (1).
PAIN CRY: Babies have different cry to communicate pain or discomfort.
High pitched striking Abnormal CNS function, meningitis, Hydrocephalus, malnutrition (2)
Gravel in mouth, Laryngitis(2)
Grunting Pneumonia, Sepsis (2)
Irritated, long, loud, intense, high-pitched, Colicky, abnormal pain (2)
Hoarseness Hypothyroidism, trauma to pharynx, Vocal cord paralysis (2)
Muffled Epiglottitis
Stridorous Foreign body, infection, larynx abnormalities(2)
Vigorous and lusty Kernicterous (2)
Weak and whimpery, Muscle weakness, Myasthenia gravis
Sudden onset unexplained paroxysmal loud more or less continuous. Abdomen may be distended, tense and tight. Legs are drawn up to the abdomen through momentary extended feet may be cold, hands clenched. Each attach last for about 2 to 20 minutes, sobbing continuous for more than 30 minutes then falls asleep. During attack one may hear loud borborugmi. Temporary relief by passing flatus, stool, held upright, lying in lap, massage, breast feeding (10).
A. Onset, pattern and duration, time, associated signs and symptoms: GIT symptoms, RS symptoms, CNS manifestations, fever, trauma, vaccination history, aggravation and amelioration factors (10).
B. Physical examination: General – well look, not sick. Systemic- abdomen, CNS, respiratory system.
C. Investigation : Not necessary – diagnosis established by history and physical examination (10)
Excessive crying is suspected surgical cases associated respiratory distress. Intermittent colicky (short duration ) in infants 3 with hot application, >2pressure on abdomen. (10)These children are prone to get spasmodic condition and neuralgias which are very violent that affect nerves and organs cramps that come in fingers from writing, playing musical instruments, screams and cries with intense pain. (8)
MEDORRHINUM: Easily (weepy ameliorates the child sadness) hypersensitive can’t sit still, nasty, can’t concentrate especially after eating uncontrolled. (9)
NATRUM MURIATICUM: Little infant they cry little and talk little, try to keep less communication.(9)Child is nervous, irritable, prostrated. They are greatly disturbed by excitement, extremely emotional. The child is in the state of fret and irritation, slight noise, the slamming of door the ring of bell causes startling in child and starts crying.(8)
PHOSPHORUS: The child is anxious, fear being alone, twilight, ghosts, thunderstorms, quickly prostrated by unpleasant impression and starts crying. (8)Cries when seeing insect, bees and spider if the child falls gets fright start crying and run to parents crying and wanting of hugs and kisses but consolation aggravates the child. (9)
PULSATILLA: From shame of enuresis crying continuously and easily, the complaints and the mood are marked by changeability and shifting the child does share the symptom with chamomilla which is expressed as too crying and capriciousness, but pulsatilla child is hot, has a pitiful cry whereas chamomilla child has a snarling cry. (8)
RHEUM: Child is sour, impatient, colicky they are always screaming and crying with urging and sour stool, they are impatient, desire many things and cries, dislike even playthings. They suffer from colic which causes severe crying with sour sour stool and nor relieved by passing stool. The colicky returns back uncovering the part, the stool is characterized by poppy, sour, brown, green, fermented, slimy or acrid stool, associated with shivering, aggravated by eating unripe food. The child is restless, irritable, and peevish with pale face. He cries and tosses about all night the mouth is covered by offensive mucous after sleeping, and after sleeping there is bad taste and offensive breath, unable to collect her sense for long after waking. (8)
STANNUM METALLICUM: Cries with colicky abdominal pain, better by caring the baby on abdomen. (11)
SILICEA: The child lacks stamina, fear he might fail, dread appearing in public and there is no self confidence. They are irritable, touchy and don’t like any interference. A sticking feature is the sweat about the upper part of the body and the head. (8)
SULPHUR: Child starts crying while passing motion. (8)
THUJA: Extremely obstinate child throw things in anger and starts crying. (11) Child is hasty and anxious, can’t concentrate, child is ill humored and has fixed ideas. (8)
ZINCUM METALLICUM: Cries during sleep with night terror, fright. (11)
This article, thus, proves the significance of treatment of children through homoeopathy and the significance of cry and its type in selection of right similimum.
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About the author:
Dr Uma Maheswari, Intern, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore