Different Dermatological Disorders And Frequently Prescribed Homoeopathic Medicines - homeopathy360

Different Dermatological Disorders And Frequently Prescribed Homoeopathic Medicines

Homoeopathy is a gift of God for the different dermatological disorders.it is said that to treat dermatological infections antibiotics ,anti-fungal and steroid are best, but it affecting the lever and immune system of body.so in place of uses of these harmful medicine it is better to use homoeopathic medicine without any side effects.it is to be selected on the bases of symptoms similarity and causative factors. these medicines will help in prevention and control of many dermatological diseases. These drugs are selected on the basis of the patient’s miasmatic state.it is very important to understand when and where to use these homoeopathic remedies. In acute condition homoeopathic therapeutics plays an important role in prevention and control of diseases process.
In the following article the therapeutic indications of acute dermatological disorders are discussed for the practitioners as a handy tool.
Dermatological disorder is a broad terminology which includes different diseases including:
Hereditary Disorders
Nutritional deficiency
Allergic disorders
Metabolic disorders
Diseases due to physical agents
Fungal infection
Viral infection
Bacterial infection
Diseases of Hair
Diseases of Nail
Diseases of pigmentation
Cold sore
Actinic keratosis
Latex allergy
Contact dermatitis
Chicken pox
Nutritional deficiencies
Deficiency of nutrition may be due to:
Poor intake of food due to poverty.
Lack of appetite,or eating selected food only.
Malabsorption due to diseases of Gastrointestinal Tract.
Increased demand as in chronic illness and treatment with certain drugs like Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide (INH).
The presence of gastrointestinal parasites which eat away large amounts of the ingested food.
If the clinical manifestation suggests the deficiency of a specific nutritional item,the patient isusually deficient in other nutrients also.
Thus, while treating the patient, the diet as a whole should be improved rather than supplementing the specific nutrients only.
Nutritional deficiencies

It presents as asymptomatic hard acuminate, follicular papules, usually on the extensor of the knees, elbows and buttocks. It is believed to be due to the deficiency of vitamin A and/or essential fatty acids and occurs more frequently in children.
The lesions are very rough to touch.usually patients are very healthy and do not show evidence of any nutritional deficiency.
However,occasionally other signs of vitamin A deficiency like dry skin with ichthyotic scales and Bitot’s spot on the conjunctiva may be present.
Investigations: Patient should be investigated for any associated gastrointestinal parasitic infection and treated accordingly.
Diet and regimen: Diet rich in Vitamin A should be given.
Some commonly indicated Homoeopathic remedies:
Hydrocotyle: Dry eruptions, great thickening of epidermoid layer and exfoliation of scales, eruptions on trunks and extremities, palms and soles.
Natrum muriaticum: Greasy,oily,especially on hairy parts,dry eruptions,especially on margin of hairy scalp and bends of joints.Worse,eating salt,at seashore,itching after exertion.
Sulphur: Dry,scaly,unhealthy skin,every little injury suppurates,itching and burning worse scratching and washing,Pimply eruption,pustules, rhagades,especially in folds,
Worse at rest,warmth in bed, washing, bathing, in morning, better by dry, warm weather.
Bacterial infection
Impetigo: It is a contagious superficial pyogenic infection of the skin.
Pathogens; Streptococci or Staphylococci or by both organism.
Two main clinical varieties known are as follows:
Non-bullous impetigo(or impetigo contagiosa)
Bullous impetigo
Impetigo contagiosa
The causative organism are mainly pyogenic staphylococci.
Incidence: it is relatively through out the world mostly in summer season, mostly school children are affected.
Overcrowding, poor hygiene, skin diseases are predisposed to infection.
Infection is transmitted by contact directly or through towels, handkerchiefs, etc. The most common site is face of small children. It can occur on any part of body.
The incubation period is 2-3 days.
Clinical features: In Impetigo contagiosa, the initial lesion is very thin walled vesicle on an erythematous base,rupture rapidly leaving behind superficial ulcer covered with bright yellow crust and pus.The lesions gradually extend irregularly to the periphery without central healing.in severe cases regional lymph nodes may be involved with fever and other constitutional symptoms. There is a tendency to spontaneous cure in 2-3 weeks.
Etiology: It is a superficial cutaneous infection with S. aureus.
Incidence: Bullous ipmetigo is usually sporadic.it can occur at all ages but common in childhood,occasionally in newborn.
Clinical features: In Bullous impetigo,the bullae are less rapidly ruptured and become larger;a diameter of 1-2 cm is common which persist for 2-3 days The blisters are filled with clear fluid.after rupture thin flat brownish crusts are formed.Central healing with peripheral extension results in circinate lesions.The lesions may occur anywhere including palms and soles. Regional adenitis and constitutional symptoms are usually absent.
Some commonly indicated Homoeopathic remedies
Antimonium crudum: Impetigo on face,genitals,extremities,neck,chest and back.,in individuals frequently suffers from gastric upsets.Suppurating,yellow crusted eruptions,painful to touch and easily detached-green serous pus oozes out from beneath.itching violently ˂ from application of poultices ˂ from bathing,working in water,alcohol and in the sun.
Arsenicum album: Scalp and face ,extremities,genitals,margins of hair.Black pustules filled with black blood and pus.painful sensation as from cutaneous ulceration, ˂ night, cold, touch, ˃from warmth.eruption bleed on scratching.skin symptoms alternates with asthma.
Croton tiglium: Face,genitals,eyelids,soles,abdomen.temples,vertex. pustular eruption upon an inflamed base with itching and stinging pain, presence of small vesicles, which may get cleared or may also burst. Violent itching and burning after eating. ˂ at night. ˃ gentle scratching and after sleep.
Staphysagria: Impetigo with thick scabs that itch violently.The person changes the place of itching on scratching.Impetigo alternates with joint pains.Presence of early ulceration once the scabs are removed. Eruptions extremely sensitive to touch. Impetigo developing in individuals with ill effects of anger and insults,sexual excess and abuse of mercury.
Sulphur: Dry,thick, yellow, scabs on scalp with profuse discharge, great itching, which is relieved by scratching. Purulent eruptions on elbow.
Fungal infection
: Tinea circinata
Definition: Ringworm infection skin areas with less hair like trunk and extremities.
Etiology: It is caused most often by trichophyton species, especially T. rubrum.
Clinical features: It manifest in the form of severely itchy,circular, or irregular, lesion which are well-defined active border consisting of papulo-vesicles while the central part of lesions shows erythema, scaling and occasionally hyperpigmentation.
Some commonly indicated Homoeopathic remedies
The intercurrent remedy very useful for such condition is Bacillinum, but there are many other good small remedies that have been very useful.
1) Chrysophanicum acid: a remedy that Clarke has very beautifully described.
2) The Juglans group of remedies: (Juglans Cinerea and Juglans Regia) is also very important for this condition.
3) Lappa Articum: another useful remedy can be use as a preventive meducune for those who are prone to develop Tinea corporis.
4) Tela Aranea: is one such remedy that is the most specific remedy for this condition.
The major approach is to use a constitutional remedy.
Viral infection
Herpes Zoster

Herpes Zoster is caused by varicella zoster virus.
Etiology: It is uncommon in childhood,the incidence increase with the age,both the sexes are equally affected.
Varicella occurs throughout the world and is transmitted by droplet infection.
Clinical features: It starts with severe pain localised to a nerve segment .in a day or two it is followed by grouped tense vesicles situated on an erythematous base.The eruptions as a rule are limited to a single neural segment and on one side of the body.i.e unilateral.occasionally vesicles may be found in other parts of the body,it is called did deminated herpes zoster.usually it takes 7-10 days to heal in some cases vesicles may rupture,leading to ulceration ,infection and scarring.severe neuralgic pain at the site of eruption even after the lesion have healed.This is called post-herpetic neuralgia.it may persist for several months.
Some commonly indicated Homoeopathic remedies
Borax venata: Herpes on the cheeks,around chin and on the nates. Tiny vesicles which when rupture exude hot,excoriating,watery fluid.Burning sensation is ˂ warm room and ˃ cold air.
Rhus toxicodendron: Left scapula, right side face,hairy parts,itching,burning, neuralgic pains.Restless with pain and itching.Itching alternates with pain in chest and dysenteric stools.˂ Sweating,night,after midnight,winter,˃warmth,hot bathing,constantly moving.
Thuja occidentalis: Herpes all over the body with violent itching and burning.Eruption only on covered parts.burning violently when scratched and are ˂ from cold water,night,heat of bed ˃ by gentle rubbing. Adapted to person of hydrogenoid or lymphatic constitution.Herpes after vaccination.
Sulphur: Herpes miliaris, phlyctenoides, circinatus, and squamous. Dry, scaly herpes on nape of neck and ankles.Moist herpes with small white vesicles in groups,forming scabs over the whole face.The patient is always worse from washing,bathing,getting warm in bed,Herpes after suppressed eruptions.
General management and prevention of skin diseases
Skin infection is a most common problem throughout the world. it’s general menagement is essential for fast recovery of the patient.personal hygiene is most important part, nutritional food is require,plenty of fluids is require for healthy skin.
Homoeopathic management
Skin infections are caused by micro-organism,Acute exacerbation of chronic maisms is brought on by strong exciting causing,whereas the acute miasmatic diseases are caused by susceptibility of micro-organisms.Both these conditions should be treated with remedies which reflect the picture picture of acute miasms only.The constitutional and anti-miasmatic remedies should be withheld until after the crisis subside, and complementary constitutional treatment is needed to complete the cure.
Homoeopathic treatment helps the patients to overcome from dermatological infection by raising resistances,it also improve the immunity of the patient.It is cost effective,Thus Homoeopathy as an alternative system of medicine is highly effective in treatment of dermatological disorders.
Skin- Homoeopathic Approach to Dermatology-second Revised Edition BY Dr Farokh J.Master,M.D.
Textbook of Dermatology for Homeopaths- Fourth Edition By – Ramji Gupta and R.K. Manchanda.
Pocket manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Indian Medicine and Repertory By William Boericke.
About the Author
Dr Bhaskar bhatt is working as a professor at L.R.SHAH Homoeopathy college, Gardi Vidhyapith. He is H.O.D. of Community medicine and teaching Homoeopathic Pharmacy and Community medicine since last 22 years. He has completed his post graduation from Ahmedabad Homoeopathic Medical College,he was dean of Homoeopathic faculty in Saurashtra University,and a senate member in Saurashtra University.

About the author

Dr Bhaskar Bhatt