Conventional Oncology-Care Versus AYUSH Modalities - homeopathy360

Conventional Oncology-Care Versus AYUSH Modalities

Message from Global Homeopathy Foundation, from the desk of Dr Sreevals Menon,
AYUSH streams can be used as:

1. Fields of integration (either after treatment or along with )eg- oral thrush, radiation mucositis, alopecia, discoloration, fibrosis, atrophy) 
2.Complementary therapies (for physiological balance. Eg- Cancer-related fatigue CRF) 
3.Alternative therapies. (either when benefits of  S/P- CT/RT is not beneficial) 
4.Adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies. (to regain blood count, or where low count contra indicates therapies
5.Rejuvenating therapies (stabilizing homeostasis after treatment, regain of papillae in tongue to regain taste sensation)
6. Optimizing physiological balances. (aplastic anemia, electrolyte imbalances, protein loss, weight loss) 
7. Addressing Post treatment sequelae. (emotional, psychological, mood changes, panic attacks, fear of recurrence, control of intervening infections) 
8.Metastatic carcinomas. ( brain and bone involvement, lung nodules in pre-existing primaries where more chemoradiation is not possible) 
9. Aged malignancies where treatment is optional.( benefits and cost of treatment outweighs status of the patient especially where multi-drug regimen is planned, or where targeted therapies or immune therapy is planned. 
10.Levels of malignancy where immunotherapy is indicated but nor feasible. 
11.Triple-negative and double negative breast cancers. (where trastuzumab or tamoxifen is less sensitive or not beneficial) 
12.Hepatobiliary malignancies with comorbidities. (high PT-INR, history of CLD, where TACE / RFA is not possible) 
13.Pancreatic malignancies. (especially post Whipple’s surgery, with liver metastasis, with obstructive jaundice where PTBD stenting is not possible) 
14.Stage ¾ lung malignancies (especially with low-performance status, EGFR –ve, or with low body weight or with dissemination where CT or RT is not feasible) 
15.Relapse in hematological malignancies.(especially in childhood malignancies, where BMT is advised but with bizarre results) 
16.Tumor markers upsurge after conventional treatments.(CA-125, CEA, CA19.9, PSA, AFP)
17.Recurrence in post surgical cases.(Glioma, lymphomas, for neurological focal deficits, CA colon, Ca Bladder where repeated TURBT is not giving relief. 
18. Lymph node metastasis.( continuous fever)
19.Esophageal malignancies where low EF contra indicates chemo radiation. 
20.CA stomach – inoperability with cachexia , post surgical vomiting, post surgical flatus 
21.Urinary bladder malignancies where repeated TURBT is not giving stability
22. Cervical cancer where chemo radiation is risky due to advanced stages or low physiological status. 
Therapeutic goals
1.Primary cyto-reduction 
2.Control of intervening infections 
3.Metastatic foci reversal 
4.Lymph node regression
5.Quality of life  
6.Enhancement of survival rate
7. Optimizing the organism fit for essential interventions like chemoradiation or surgical
8.Physiological equilibrium
9.Reduction of the pace of Metastasis

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