Definition – Fibroadenosis is an aberration of physiological changes that occur in the breast from menarche to menopause. It is also called as ANDI (Aberration in Normal Development and Involution). Fibroadenosis is also called as Mammary dysplasia, Fibrocystic disease, Schimmelbusch’s disease or Hormonal mastopathy.
- Due to either increased estrogen secretion or deficient progesterone production, the fundamental abnormality is relative hyperestrogenism.
- Abnormal prolactin secretion is also implicated in its aetiology.
- Excessive caffeine ingestion or inadequate essential fatty acid intake.
- Psychoneurosis.
Age – Usually, females around the age of 40 years are affected.
- Fibrosis
- Increased connective tissue growth.
- Compresses ductules.
- Cyst formation. Cyst may be single or multiple-confined to one or many lobes.
- Adenosis – Proliferation of the acini and gland is an important feature of fibroadenosis.
- Epitheliosis – Epithelial hyperplasia mainly occurs in the acini. If epitheliosis is more, fibroadenosis can be considered as a precancerous condition.
- Papillomatosis and Apocrine Metaplasia – Of the epithelium lining cystic spaces.
Clinical Features
- Cyclical Mastalgia – Severe pain in the breast in the premenstrual period and during menstruation.
- On Examination – A coarse, nodular, tender, hard lump better felt with the finger and thumb is revealed. Often, there are multiple, irregular, firm lumps palpable bilaterally.
FNAC to rule out carcinoma of the breast. Aspiration should be done from the cyst or from the solid lump.
- Conservative treatment – It may have to be continued for some months.
- Surgery – Excision of the lump.
Surgical indications are:- FNAC suggested epitheliosis.
- Painful lump.
- Hard lump.
Reference: A Handbook of Surgery by Dr Mansi Sharma