4th ICIO 2020 (International Conference On Integrative Oncology), held at Le Meridien, Kochi dated 8th & 9th February 2020.
The State governments may provide adequate facility for cancer-care in AYUSH Infrastructure such as hospital & dispenseries for patient care.
The regulatory councils and the government may introduce preventive promotive and curative care of strength in AYUSH systems in their curriculum.
Specialized short term courses for AYUSH practitioners and cancer control and treatment including palliative care.
Identifying Each of AYUSH having their own strength in prevention, promotion and curative tratment in NCD’s in general and cancer in specific.
Need of dedicated cadre of care delivery people mostly rooted in the Indian system of medicine/AYUSH with the objective of making integrative care in oncology happen because when multiple streams of care are being offered they are as a complex treatment plan for the patient.
– Input from Dr Arun Varma, Former Vice President & Head – Health Initiatives, IL&FS Education Technology Service, E-Health Expert [Unless we have a cadre of care-givers who are trained in that, though this is never going to be effective, because most of the terminally ill cases are going to be prolonged treatment plan for this people and as a result we need to have a care giving strategy too. The cadre could be called AYUSH intergrative care giver. The need to create this cadre which is not directly under the nursing council or not under paramedical council but under the AYUSH itself so that care delivery would not be a big challenge. It’s because at therapy level doctors will create a treatment plan but the real need is of a team to deliver it especially in these kind of end of life patients, when we need to have a multiple psyco-oncology, conventional medicine, Homeopathy, Ayurveda etc needed. The need is of a basic curriculum developed to create such a cadre. Multifront capacity building exercise need to take place in developing such a multi-disciplinary cadre.]
Need of Health Insurance for public for all AYUSH Streams crucial.
Research to be facilitated to identify the cancer diathesis in persons during the prodromal stage even before the disease could be diagnosed on pathological basis basis through the principles of AYUSH streams.
Validation techniques with pluralistic medical board (Research Protocols).
Development of Clinical and Practical guide lines for each and every variant of Cancer in AYUSH.
Allowing the patient to have evaluation at recognized oncological centres regarding scope of his disease and then going for a decision to choose which line he needs.
The conference has brought out the information that in AYUSH systems large number of practitioners are already involved in the treatment of cancer cases as standalone or as an adjunct to conventional treatment. The research councils in respectives systems should facilitate documentations of such cases to evolve to clinical treatment protocols.
Relevance of AYUSH streams in oncology care. a)complementary, b)alternative, c) Adjuvant, d)Neo Adjuvant.
Fields of integration. (When, Where, How).
Saving the golden hour of the patient.(decision whether available scope versus extended Ayush benefits ?).
Extrapolating available Data exchange between Conventional and AYUSH streams. (Combined Summit).
General awareness of scope of AYUSH streams to conventional oncology practioners for the best end of the patient. Free and Fair referral of patients to both sides. Evolvement of Data base for AYUSH cases.