Q. What is your opinion of coronavirus, what homoeopathy can do?
A. Unless we have selected the real symptoms of the different stages of this influenza from the clinicians who are dealing at this moment with the infected cases, we cannot do anything substantial.
We should know the symptomatology of the beginning stages -before pneumonia- and propose remedies for this stage in order to reduce the victims of going to the second stage. Also, we should know the symptomatology of the later stage of pneumonia or diarrhoea to propose different remedies for this advanced stage.
But the symptomatology has to be taken by an experienced homoeopath in order to be reliable.
I think the best would be to establish contact with the clinicians in order to give us a fist hand information.
To give at random remedies as prophylaxis and to make people think that they are protected it is irresponsible.
Q2. What do you think about those homoeopaths who advertise that are treating cancer cases using homoeopathic remedies while at the same time the patients are treated with allopathic drugs?
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