Theme of International Conference on World Homoeopathy Day 2020 to be organized by Ministry of AYUSH, NIH, CCRH, CCH, HPL at Kolkata is Enhancing the Scope of Homoeopathy in Public Health.
Date of Conference: 10th & 11th April 2020.
Last day for uploading abstracts on website: is 15th March 2020.
Sub-Themes for Presentations:
1. Role of Homoeopathy om Mental health & Psychiatric disorders.
2. Role of Homoeopathy in Non-Communicable diseases.
3. Role of Homoeopathy in Communicable disorders.
4. Epidemic diseases – What Homoeopathy has to offer?
5. Environmental & Occupational disorders & its Homoeopathic Management.
6. Quality standards for Homoeopathic Medicines.
7. Scientific evidence of Homoeopathy.
8. Strengthening Homoeopathy through Evidence based Case Studies.
9. Mainstreaming of Homoeopathy in Healthcare delivery system.
10. Homoeopathy for Women and Child Health.
11. Homoeopathic Education System-Gaps and Setting Standards.
12. Homoeopathy for Geriatric Diseases.
To submit the abstract, click here.
To submit the poster, click here.
Dr M.K. Sahani invites you in the conference.