Author: Dr Megha Chaudhary, B.H.M.S, M.D (Medicine), Assistant professor (Community medicine) R.V.H.M.C, Dabok, Udaipur (Rajasthan)
Context: Numerous clinical studies demonstrate that homoeopathy accelerates early symptom relief in acute illnesses at lower risk than conventional drug approaches. Acute infection which affects individual of all ages and sexes, can be cured by proper homoeopathic treatment on the basis of patient individual characteristics. Infection caused by agents include viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.
Objective: To investigate the intrinsic effect of individually prescribed medicine on the basis of classical homoeopathy to the patients suffering with common symptoms of infection.
Introduction: Disabled immune response increases susceptibility to acute infections, when vital force is deranged (disturbed) due to any acute cause (disturbed emotions) like fear, suppressed anger, excitement, mortification, etc. Pathogens like virus, fungi , bacteria themselves make a human host for growth and reproduction by secreting substances, which bind and block the vitamin D receptor ,a nuclear receptor that controls the innate immune response. Immunosuppressants, such as penicillin, corticosteroids further allow bacteria to proliferate and leads to recurrent infections. Homoeopathic medicine works tremendously in acute infections and cures the patient in quick and harmonious way.
Aims: To treat the patients suffering from acute infections with classical homoeopathy.
Study design:
Material and source of data :The patients were randomised and screened from camps organised by the Samarth dental and homoeopathic clinic on 12 February 2018.
Methods of collection of data: Patients were screened and only patient suffering from acute infections that required medicinal treatment selected. As onset of illness was acute, so detailed miasmatic case history was not taken into consideration.
Methodology: Blood and urine samples were collected from the Patients. Changes at mental level and physical generals in acute episodes of infection were recorded.
Case reports:
1. Patient age 40, female suffering with urine infection with symptoms of burning pains, especially during micturition, weakness ,high fever, chills. She was extreme chilly and thirstless. Dullness from last night with desire for cold drinks ,angry when forced to answer.she was prescribed single dose of Acid phos 200 ,followed by sac lac for 5 days.
2. Male patient, 35 yrs with symptoms of high fever, chills, bodyache, coryza. Clinical signs of enlarged left neck lymph nodes and ESR 40 indicated infection in blood. Dull, hot, thirstless, needs consolation and wants mother near was prescribed single dose of Pulsatilla 200.
Result: Presented cases of acute infection treated using classical method of Homoeopathy. The treatment remained efficacious long after cessation and without any side effects.
Conclusion: Homoeopathy cures the patient suffering with any acute infection in a rapid and harmonious way and reinstitute the healthy state of not only body but also mind.
Summary: Homoeopathy works tremendously in both presented acute cases of blood and urine infection. Patients were treated by classical method of homoeopathy, on the basis of symptom totality. changes in mental level and physical generals in acute phase were recorded.
Keywords: Acid phos, acute, classical, efficacious, harmonious, Homoeopathy, immunosuppressants, individual, lymphadenopathy, penicillin, Pulsatilla, Vital force.