Dr Ravindra M Bhandare
M.D. (Hom)
Lecturer Dept. of Repertory Dr. JJMHMC Jaysigpur
ABSTRACT:- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. So to dealt with this homoeopathy can beneficial to bring regularity of menses and reduced other complications.
Keywords: Clinical repertories, Regional repertories, Symptoms, Repertorial results, Remedial Analysis.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) also knows as Polycystic Ovarian disease (PCOD) which is marked by irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, obesity, and occasional hirsutism.
Signs and symptoms of PCOS often develop around the time of the first menstrual period during puberty. Sometimes PCOS develops later, for example, in response to substantial weight gain.
Signs and symptoms of PCOS vary. A diagnosis of PCOS is made when you experience at least two of these signs:
• Acanthosis Nigricans: characterized by thickened dark pigmented skin.
• Irregular periods. Infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles are the most common sign of PCOS. For example, you might have fewer than nine periods a year, more than 35 days between periods and abnormally heavy periods.
• Excess androgen. Elevated levels of male hormone may result in physical signs, such as excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), and occasionally severe acne and male-pattern baldness.
• Polycystic ovaries. Your ovaries might be enlarged and contain follicles that surround the eggs. As a result, the ovaries might fail to function regula
Complications of PCOS can include:
• Infertility
• Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
• Miscarriage or premature birth
• Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis — a severe liver inflammation caused by fat accumulation in the liver
• Metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that significantly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease
• Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes
• Sleep apnea
• Depression, anxiety and eating disorders
• Abnormal uterine bleeding
• Cancer of the uterine lining (endometrial cancer)
Selection of symptoms:
Here we can get more signs than symptoms as per homoeopathy we at present consider the signs for reportorial work and as per individulise case we finalise the medicine
1. Irregular Menses:
2. Acanthosis
3. Obesity
4. Inferlity
5. DUB
Repertorial selection:
Clinical and Regional repertories at present with current disease condition we look for the remedy and individualize it as per patient PDF
Clinical repertories:
Clinical repertories are the repertories based on clinical verification of medicines for the disease conditions as well gives us genuineness of work done by author in his or her work. These repertories facilitate the selection a remedy on basis of pathological similarity, causation, modalities and concomitants. So here will see PCOS sign and symptoms from two stalwart’s repertories
1. Homeopathic medical repertory by Robin Murphy.
2. A concise repertory of homeopathic medicine by S.R.Phatak
1. Murphy Repertory:-
• S; Skin; HARDNESS, skin; parchment, like
• F; Female; MENSES, general; irregular
• F; Female; OVARIES, general
• F; Female; CYSTS, genitalia; ovarian (43)
2. Phatak Repertory
• Skin parchment, like
• MENSES, general; irregular
• OVARIES, general
• Ovaries CYSTS.
Regional Repertory:-
As name suggest regional repertories are repertories of region here we will see the Uterine therapeutics Materia and Repertory by Minton
Minton’s Repertory:-
1. Menstruation- Time and quantity of Menstrual Discharge, irregular
2. General concomitant:- Skin, Unhealthy
3. Amenorrhea, ovaries, disease of
4. Abortion miscarriage, cystic
Here we took only those rubrics which are related cyst.
Final Repertorial result:
1. Lycopodium
(Wolf’s symptoms disappear in the evening)
Menstruation. – Too profuse and too long duration. Too late and too long during, or they may be too scanty. Menses too early, reappearing every six or eight days. Delay of the first menses. Chronic suppression of the menses. Suppression from fright Menstrual discharge partly black, clotted, partly bright red blood and partly serum.
Before Menstruation :-Great sadness and melancholy. Distention of the abdomen
During Menstruation :-Cutting pains from right to left, in the ovarian region.
After Menstruation.: Bearing down pain, as if the menses would reappear
Corroding leucorrhoea, Discharge of flatus from the vagina.
Concomitants:- Sad mood, weeps all day, cannot calm herself. Dread of men. Desires to be alone, or aversion to solitude. She has serious doubts about her salvation. Canine hunger Aggravations. From 4 to 8pm
Lycopodium is adapted to persons of keen intellect but feeble muscular development, also lean persons predisposed to hepatic and lung diseases
2. Apis mellifica
(Poison of the honey bee)
Menstruation. Premature, at the same time scanty or profuse. Painful, with a scanty discharge of slimy blood. Menstruation diminished or suppressed with congestion to the head. Menses supplemented with congestion or inflammation of the ovaries.
Before Menstruation. – Congestion of blood to the head.
During Menstruation. – Heat of head
Amenorrhoea. Attended with congestion to the head. Cardiac distress
Metrorrhagia in abortion from direct congestion of the uterus or ovaries, attended with bearing – down pains, heaviness in the abdomen, yawning and faintness.
Concomitants. Irritable disposition. Jealous. Very busy, restless, constantly changing her occupation. Awkward, breaks things and laughs about it
Eyelids much swollen, red and edematous. Swelling about the eyes; bag – like swelling under the eyes
No thirst, with dryness of the mouth and throat
3. Thuja occidentalis
(Arbor vitae. Three of life)
Menstruation. – Too early and too profuse. Menses too early at the same time scanty and of short duration. Menses becoming more and more scanty, attended with, and followed by, leucorrhoea
Before Menstruation. – Profuse perspiration. Great excitement and pulsation of the arteries
During Menstruation. Low – spirited. Spasmodic weeping. Great despondency. Palpitation of the heart. Excessively tired all the time ,Terrible distressing pain in the left iliac region
After Menstruation. Rush of blood to the head. Toothache. Sleeplessness, with apparitions as soon as she closes her eyes. Nightmare. Excessively tired all the time. Leucorrhoea with severe burning pain in the left ovarian region,
Concomitants.: Fixed ideas; as if a strange persons were at her side; as if the soul were separated from the body; as if the body, especially the limbs, were made of glass and would break easily; as if a living animal were in the abdomen. Music causes weeping. Scalp sensitive to touch and also the parts on which she lies
4. Silicea terra
(Siliceous earth)
Menstruation. – Too early and too profuse. Too early and scanty. Too late and too profuse. Menstruation too protracted. Delaying menses with diarrhea or painful pressure over the eyes. Menstruation irregular – every two or three months ,corrosive leucorrhoea, Discharge of blood between the menses.
Before Menstruation. Headache above the eyes. Pressing pains in the forehead. Diarrhea Constipation, stools hard and lumpy and remain in the rectum a long time, seemingly from a loss of power to expel them.
During Menstruation. – melancholy, and anxiety in the precordial region, with thoughts of suicide. Everything looks blue to her. Momentary blindness always cold during the menses (Puls., Sepia, Nat. mur.). Constipation, hard lumpy stools which when partly expelled, slip back again, as if from a lack of power to expel them
After Menstruation. – Bloody discharge of mucus from the vagina. Itching at the vulva. Labor – like pains in the vagina
Amenorrhea. – Instead of the menses a profuse discharge of whitish water from the uterus. Milky, watery, or brown leucorrhea instead of the menses.
Concomitants. Confusion of mind. Despondency. Melancholy and tired of life. Difficulty in thinking. Yielding, fainthearted, anxious mood. Restless fidgety, starts at the least noise. Ingratitude. She feels as if she were cut in halves and that the left side did not belong to her.
5. Arsenic album
(Arsenious acid)
Menstruation. – Premature and profuse. Profuse in feeble subjects, with organic lesion of the uterus or the ovaries, attended with great prostration and sinking of the vital powers. Suppressed menses with pain in the shoulder – blades and coccyx. Too early and too scanty (Arsenicum met.) Menstrual discharge pale – red blood
During Menstruation. Great suffering from various pains and complaints Extreme restlessness and agitation, full of sighs and weeping; she cries if left alone .Menorrhagia in women who are pale, waxy, weak and fatigued by the least exertion. The pains are worse about midnight, they seem intolerable, and drive the patient to despair and frenzy. External applications of warmth relieve the pain
After Menstruation. Discharge of bloody slime or mucus from the vagina. Stinking, watery discharge from the vagina and anus. Stitches from the hypogastrium to the vagina. Increased sexual desire with involuntary emissions. Acrid, corrosive, thick, yellowish leucorrhoea, excoriating the parts with which it comes in contract.
Concomitants. – Excessive anxiety and restlessness, driving her to and fro in the day time and out of bed at night. Anxiety and despair, thinks it useless to take medicine as her case is hopeless. Excessive fear of death, fears she will die suddenly when left alone, or on going to bed.
Excessive weakness and exhaustion of the limbs, obliging her to lie down. Great uneasiness of the lower limbs, she cannot keep them still.
Skin wrinkled, cold and blue or covered with a cold, clammy perspiration. White miliary eruption upon the skin.
Clinical and regional repertories are very much helpful for bed side prescription as well authenticity will help to prescribe will confidence.
1. D.C. Dutta, Text book of Gynaecology,4th edition, Calcutta: New central Book agency (P), ltd
2. Henry Minton ,Uterine Therapeutics Minton Materia Medica And Repertory, Reprint 1999, New delhi, B.Jain Publishers (P)
3. Khanaj V.R., Reperire, 4th edition, 2008, Jaysingpur, B Jain Publisher
4. Mac Repertory and Reference work Visionary ediion