Prof. Vithoulkas Views On Camphor As A Palliative Remedy for COVID-19 - homeopathy360

Prof. Vithoulkas Views On Camphor As A Palliative Remedy for COVID-19

The Camphor nonsense
There is a lot of discussion concerning Camphor as a preventive remedy for COVID-19.The whole issue arose because of misunderstanding from half educated homeopaths.
They claim that in Materia Medica Pura, page 305, Hahnemann wrote that camphor could be used as a palliative in influenza. By that time, Hahnemann was prescribing low doses 3X-4X-5X, which contained material substance of Camphor, that is why he stressed that he was using it as palliative, due to its disinfectant properties.
That is why he writes further in the same page that if anyone had overdosed himself with camphor, something that could happen only from the material substance, then could use opium to counteract the side effects of camphor.He goes further to note with amazement that some people were misunderstanding and using a mixture of camphor and opium together, although they had opposing symptoms counteracting each other!
Apart from this misunderstanding, some are referring to Hahnemann using Camphor together with Veratrum album and Cuprum in an epidemic of cholera, but obviously the symptoms of cholera have nothing to do with the symptoms of COVID – 19.   
I have received a lot of cases from my students curing patients but not one of them with Camphor!This is how the lack of understanding of Hahnemann’s writings has created such confusion in the whole homeopathic movement. At this moment with this situation, homeopathy could have its best chance to prove its efficacy, but due to such nonsensical ideas, circulating from irresponsible persons, have damaged deeply the real Classical Homeopathy of Hahnemann. 
As I have explained before there is no Genus Epidemicus at this moment for this virus. A genus epidemicus can be found when the majority of the cases are treated and cured with a specific remedy, let us say 30-40%. That means you may see the symptomatology of different remedies that are mostly indicated but none of this is covering at least 30% of the cases.
Prof. George Vithoulkas

About the author

Prof. George Vithoulkas