Panacea For The Virus Will Come From Homoeopathy - homeopathy360

Panacea For The Virus Will Come From Homoeopathy

Dr A.K. Arun

It is not only relevant but equally pertinent and important to be reminded of Homeopathy in these times of global crisis that has arisen out of COVID-19 pandemic. Those interested in the history of medical sciences may refer to the Journal of History of Medicine and Allied Sciences issue of 1997 that carries a couple of research papers. These papers mention about the situation in 1832 when the pandemic named Asiatic cholera was at its peak in Europe. Thousands of people were suffering due to the shortage of medicines. According to these papers, modern medical science or Allopath could not fulfill these requirements and it was almost a failure. It was the time when around 20 to 50 lakh people in Europe were dying every year. The epidemic attacked the city of London consecutively in rounds between 1848 and 1854. Lakhs of people suffered and thousands died but no one could find the reason behind this. Major Allopath specialists attributed the spread of Cholera to air pollution but they could not find a way out.
When the epidemic recurred in 1854 then only for the first time it could be known that Cholera does not spread due to air but it has its roots in polluted water. It took much effort for the renowned health scientist Dr. John Snow to establish that Cholera spread from polluted water, not air. After that, ruler of Britain King George VI had to take services from the medicos of Royal London Homeopathic Hospital to cure Cholera patients. Thus thousands of people were saved from dying.
Today after one and half century later when this world confronts the pandemic caused due to Corona virus, again we have no clarity over its treatment and the desired medicine. It is unfortunate that governments have not even tried and initiated anything towards Homeopathy at any level. In this scenario many Homeopathic medicos who are engaged in research and studies at personal level are unable to officially serve the struggling patients. Almost the whole world is in lockdown due to infections afflicted by Coronavirus. In India, as per Epidemic Rules 1897, no medical practitioner from any other branch of medicine other than Allopath can treat patients without taking the permission from Central Government.
Here it is important to know that in 1958 when the Cholera struck Orissa, a Homeopathy practitioner was booked under the same Epidemic Rules 1897 and punished under Section 188(3) of Indian Penal Code just because he had refused toconsume Cholera vaccine himself. He preferred Homeopathy medication over the vaccine and he remained safe too, although got punished by law.
There are numerous evidences of the relevance of Homeopathy during pandemic but just due to legal barriers and laws, Homeopathy could not be put into service of people due to which they are left to die on their own.
It is widely known that Allopath has its own constraints and limitations in the context of diseases and epidemics. Despite it does not give space to Homeopathy and other alternative medicine systems. This owes to the pressure created by its all-powerful Pharma lobby. The most telling example is that of the world power US that has helplessly surrendered in front of COVID-19. It is appealing the world to save its citizens. The way in which US has intimidated India for exporting Hudroxychloroquineotherwise face retaliation shows its desperation and sorry state of affairs. It is an altogether different story that the medicine asked by US for export is a suspicious treatment for Malaria because USFDA has not sought it fit. Despite the way US administration is pleading and intimidating the world for this medicine itself proves the case.
It is said that every crisis puts to test each and every possibility for hope. Corona virus has spread in a total 209 countries including US and Europe. China and other countries are testing alternative ways of treatment but here in India, our Government does not rely on Homeopathy despite it being an official mode of treatment.
I have personally treated a couple of UK citizens who were Corona positive and they are safe now. One of my acquaintances in Britain had called me up asking for Corona treatment. I assisted them regularly through Homeopathy over internet. Not only they but another couple of patients in the same family got relief from my line of treatment. They were much scared of being treated in a hospital so they wanted to be treated at home. This success case is on the record.
My good friend and world renowned Homeopathy practitioner Dr Rajan Sankaran has forwarded to me more than a hundred successful evidences of treatment of Corona positive patients via Dr Aditya Kasarian of Iran and Dr Masimo Mangiyalavori  of Italy. Despite several efforts here, we could not get official green signal for curing Corona positive patients in Delhi. Health Minister in Delhi Government Mr. Satyendra Jain took personal interest in our efforts but Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has shown least interest in our proposal.
It is obvious that following WHO guidelines in a pandemic scenario is a must for all but then giving an opportunity to a micro-science like Homeopathy that has no side effects may help the government to take a big step in averting large scale loss. As a Homeopathy practitioner and researcher, I sincerely hope that results will be positive.
It has been more than three decades since I am writing continuously on the usefulness of Homeopathy. In hundreds of my articles published till date I have tried to communicate that each and every science has ample of possibilities. We just need to put them to work and harness their power. Homeopathy works very smoothly. Where Allopath fails, Homeopathy may be a better option. Many diseases that were assumed to be extinct and made a surprise comeback were successfully cured by Homeopathic medicines. We can cure the fear and panic of infectious diseases such as Bird Flu, SARS and Swine Flu by Homeopathy. Homeopathy has the real capacity to confront challenges posed to Public Health but this power and possibility needs to be harnessed too.
If we could sincerely go through the space-time similarities between research works of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (Father of Homeopathy), Edward Jenner (British physician who discovered small-pox vaccine) and French Microbiologist Louis Pasteur, we may come to the conclusion that after 170 years Corona has led this world into the same situation. Humanity is again in crisis. This requires a larger solidarity among all humanitarian physicians, medicine systems and medical organizations to come forward free of their prejudice and search for a “Panacea” through integrated medicine systems. World will welcome their move if they do so. This is a golden opportunity amidst global crisis.
Controlling infections due to Corona is far away and not coming to us soon. This virus cannot be killed by anti-virus. It’s nature and composition makes it so. These viruses will go on amassing immunity to every newest anti-virus discovered. This battle between virus and humanity may take a pause for some time but we cannot sit back assuming that we have won the battle by medicines and vaccines. Recall Spanish Flu that spread during 1918-19 and engulfed five to seven Crore people around the world. This Corona Virus is a member of the same family albeit much powerful. So we need to think this time ahead of killing this virus. Killing theory will not work this time.

Today we need a human being that has strong immunity against these viruses. US Microbiology Academy has also approved of the fact that viruses are much powerful to evolve on their own and they will transform and recreate themselves continuously for ever failing man-made medicines. Precisely for this reason we need to find out an entirely new way to confront them. Nowadays these viruses have become such exaggerations that people take their name as if they refer to a terrorist outfit. Advertisements portray these viruses as deadly enemy so as to create a market for costly chemicals. All this is happening in case of Corona too. We need a new thought process to save our people from the deadly effect of viruses. The million dollar question is: Are we ready for a healthy discussion and debate on viruses, their effects, diseases and modes of treatment?

About the author:
(Dr A.K.Arun;M.D.(Homoeopathy) is a Delhi based public health Activist, Researcher and National Award winning Homeopathic Medical Consultant)

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