Dr Ravindra M Bhandare
M.D. (Hom)
Lecturer Dept. of Repertory Dr. JJMHMC Jaysigpur
Dr Vidya R. Bhandare
M.D. 1st
Dept. of Repertory Dr. JJMHMC Jaysigpur
Abstract:- Pink eye the commonest problem in Indian community as well as here we live in western Maharashtra. In this article we like to share the rubrics of conjunctivitis commonly known as “RED EYE” as well we study the repertory extraction for remedies analysis.
Keywords: – Pink eye, Conjunctivitis, Repertory, Repertory extraction.
Introduction: –
Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the thin clear tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid.6
Children get it a lot. It can be highly contagious (it spreads rapidly in schools and day cares), but it’s rarely serious. It’s very unlikely to damage your vision, especially if you find it and treat it quickly. When you take care to prevent its spread and do all the things your doctor recommends, pinkeye clears up with no long-term problems.
Normal Eye 6 Pink Eye 6
Conjunctivitis can cause by may factor from simple dust, fog to bacteria and viruses. So, it has may variants accordingly we took prominent sign and symptoms from which a dependable totality could arise.
Symptoms of Conjunctivitis1: –
1. Pain stitching/pricking type
2. Congestion
3. Photophobia or difficult to tolerate light
4. Discharges watery, thin sticky,
5. Sticking of lids < morning
6. Albuminuria with high temperature.
7. Edema/ swelling of eye (Chemosis)
8. Gonorrheal conjunctivitis
9. Purulent conjunctivitis
As looking above for the formal repertorization will give us mainly polycrest remedies, so we can do further more with clinical repertories which shows direct clinical rubrics with remedies and with which
1. A Clinical Repertory2: –
Conjunctivitis*.—Chl. h., Eery. a., Ephr., Fe. p. h., Gna., K. bi., Mrl.,
Mr. d., My. c., Na. p., Ptv., Sno., Tel., Tbs.
Blepharo-conjunctivitis; Up
2. A concise repertory Of Homeopathic Medicines3:-
Ars; Bell; Cep; EUPHR; Merc; PUL; Rhus-t; Sul.
3. Murphy Repertory6:-
E; Eyes; CONJUNCTIVITIS, infection (164)
E; Eyes; CONJUNCTIVITIS, infection; chemosis, with (14)
• E; Eyes; CONJUNCTIVITIS, infection; gonorrheal (14)
• E; Eyes; CONJUNCTIVITIS, infection; purulent (8)
Repertorial Result:-
As per above repertorization sheets we now combine all the repertories rubrics with the help repertory program and see the first three remedies for Materia medica study.
Final result:-
1. Argentum Nit- 11/5
2. Euphrasia off- 9/5
3. Rhux Tox- 8/5
Reportorial Extraction for Study Of remedies: –
Extraction are the process of witting of repertory in from of materia medica. In this remedies information has given in the form of rubric in which that medicine is been present with other remedies. Here we will get grade of remedy by sign as it shows how many remedies are higher and lesser grade or equal grade that of the said remedy. Give remedy is at center. So here we study above remedies with Kent Repertory extraction.
1. Argentum Nit4:-
• Agglutinated. {0> 13> 88}
• Agglutinated: morning. {0> 7> 85}
• Agglutinated: night. {5> 18> 39}
• Chemosis. {0> 4> 28}
• Discharges of mucus or pus: morning. {1> 11> 0}
• Discharges of mucus or pus: purulent. {0> 8> 49}
• Inflammation: conjunctivae. {0> 13> 101}
• Pain: stitching. {7> 49> 115}
• Pain: stitching: morning. {3> 9> 0}
• Pain: stitching: canthi: inner. {10> 39> 0}
• Photophobia. {0> 20> 163}
• Swelling: conjunctivae. {0> 7> 13}
2. Euphrasia off4 :-
• Agglutinated: morning. {7> 29> 56}
• Agglutinated: night. {5> 18> 39}
• Catarrh: cold, from. {0> 10> 51}
• Chemosis. {4> 10> 18}
• Inflammation: conjunctivae. {0> 13> 101}
• Inflammation: conjunctivae: granular. {1> 12> 19}
• Inflammation: conjunctivae: pustular, pustular cornea. {11> 22> 15}
• Pain: foreign body, as from. {5> 24> 95}
• Pain: foreign body, as from: canthi, in: outer. {0> 2> 5}
• Pain: pressing, pressure. {11> 65> 120}
• Photophobia. {0> 20> 163}
3. Rhux Tox4 :-
• Agglutinated: morning. {0> 7> 85}
• Chemosis. {0> 4> 28}
• Discharges of mucus or pus. {33> 67> 0}
• Discharges of mucus or pus: bloody. {7> 21> 0}
• Discharges of mucus or pus: purulent. {24> 33> 0}
• Discharges of mucus or pus: canthi: outer. {0> 11> 0}
• Discharges of mucus or pus: canthi: outer: morning. {0> 3> 0}
• Inflammation: conjunctivae. {0> 13> 101}
• Pain: stitching. {0> 7> 164}
• Pain: stitching: right. {0> 9> 0}
• Pain: stitching: night. {7> 8> 0}
• Photophobia. {0> 20> 163}
This article meant to be get knowledge of different repertories as well we can utilize the repertories in different ways to confirm or study the remedies.
Note- * Name of remedies kindly refer reference book index given in references.
1. B.M.CHATTERJEE, HAND BOOK OF OPTHALMOLOGY, SIXTH EDITION , New Delhi, S. k Jain For M]CBS Publisher & Distributors, Reprint 2004, page no 45-56
2. John Henery Clark, A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary Of Materia Medica, Reprint Edition, New Delhi, Mayur Jain Indian Books & Periodicals Publisher, karol Bhag, New Delhi, 110 005, July 2008. Pagr no- 41,50, 63
3. Dr. S.R. Phatak, A concise repertory Of Homeopathic Medicines, Fourth Edition, New Delhi, Kuldeep Jain, B. Jain Publisers ( P) Ltd , Pharganj, New Delhi, reprint 2007, Page no
4. Software used- Mac repertory And reference work, Visionary Edition, copy rights, Synergy Homoeopathic
5. dated 14/03/2019
6. dated 14/03/2019