Authors: Dr Ruchi Singh1, Dr Astha Mathur2
- Associate Professor, Dept of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy, Dr. MPK Homoeopathic medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur
- Assistant Professor, Dept of Pharmacy, Dr. MPK Homoeopathic medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur
Social distancing and lockdown measures, the most essential and effective preventive measures for COVID-19, have put millions of people in confinement for over a month. Fear of disease coupled with psychosocial issues related to family and occupation is creating psychosocial distress on the society. Various measures like diet, exercise, well- regulated lifestyle have been advised for maintaining and improving health, physical and psychological. Bach Flower medicines are flower essences that help to provide a positive emotional state. This literature review presents BFR’s and their potential indications for emotional distress.
Keywords- Bach Flower Remedies, Emotions, Stress, Anxiety
Introduction: Humanity today is facing a worldwide medical as well as psychological threat from COVID 19 pandemic. Social distancing and lockdown measures have emerged as the most important preventive measures against the spread of this pandemic. People all over the world are coping with medical as well as psychosocial impact of this pandemic, directly and/or indirectly. General public has faced psychosocial stress of over 2 months. Various studies have reported on psychological impact of the present scenario.1-4 Anxiety, fear and depression seem to pervade humanity. These emotional states negatively impact health and immunity in themselves.
Bach Flower Remedies deal with states of mind and emotions. Edward Bach, a medical doctor and one of the earliest homoeopaths at the beginning of 20th century, discovered flower remedies also known as Bach flower remedies (BFRs) which are a widely-available, popular form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) consisting of 38 remedies that correspond to negative emotional states5,6 and are commonly recommended by practitioners for psychological problems and pain. 7
Bach Flower Remedies (BFRs), according to Bach, provide “a positive emotional state that is conducive to the restoration of a healthy equilibrium and by acting to catalyze an individual’s own internal resources for maintaining balance“.They are believed to assist the body in healing itself by restoration of balance. They are commonly used for psychological problems and stress.8
BFRs are considered safe, however few controlled prospective trials of BFRs for psychological problems and pain exist and some report that there is no evidence of benefit compared with a placebo intervention. 9 However the BFE Rescue Remedy has shown effectiveness in reducing high levels of situational anxiety.10
There are 38 Bach flower remedies. There are no known side effects. Upto three Bach flower remedies can be given in chronic diseases and can be repeated as often as upto three to five times daily. 8
Methodology: Literature on Bach flower remedies was searched for medicines with indications suitable for fear of diseases and effect of solitude and confinement and their corresponding emotional states, Further differentiating factors of BFR’s were listed and tabulated for easy comparison.
Psychological impact of lockdown measures for COVID 19 on general public showed prominent common mental symptoms as1-4:
- Anxiety- anxious reactions
- Depression
- Post traumatic stress syndrome
- Fear of disease- for self, family and friends
- Insomnia
- High perceived stress
A review of Bach flower remedies11-12, helped to understand their indications which were tabulated as follows:
Bach flower remedy is mentioned in the last column.
Symptom | ||
Anticipation | Of vague fears, unknown reason | Aspen |
Of failure | Larch, Mimulus | |
Of unfortunate things that may happen to others | Red Chestnut | |
Anxiety / worry | For extremely capable people who feel suddenly unable to cope | Elm |
For a feeling of inadequacy | Elm | |
For anxiety about the welfare of others | Red Chestnut | |
For no apparent reason | Aspen | |
For anxiety attacks | Rescue Remedy | |
For having to make a choice between two things | Scleranthus | |
Anxious to please Centaury-Over one’s life direction | Wild Oat | |
Broken | By news | Star of Bethlehem |
By exhaustion | Olive | |
By overwork | Vervain, Oak, Centaury | |
By stress | Vervain, Elm, Agrimony | |
In crisis situations | Rescue Remedy | |
Claim | Responsibility for others | Pine |
Desires, with irrational desperation | Cherry Plum | |
Desires, as means of escape | Agrimony, Clematis | |
Morbid obsession with | Clematis, Mustard, Sweet Chestnut | |
Depression stages | After a physical or emotional shock | Star of Bethlehem |
For being overworked and feeling frustrated | Oak | |
For dark feelings without any apparent reason | Mustard | |
For emotional tensions kept hidden from others | Agrimony | |
For feelings of hopelessness | Gorse | |
For longing the past | Honeysuckle | |
For mild depression caused by setback and disappointment | Gentian | |
For the lack of faith in one’s ability | Larch | |
For the lack of faith in oneself | Cerato | |
For those who are resigned | Wild Rose | |
For being unhappy in present circumstances | Clematis | |
When feeling anguished beyond endurance | Sweet Chestnut | |
When feeling that people take advantage of us, that the world is unfair | Willow | |
Depression | For known reason; due to set-back | Gentian |
For unknown causes | Mustard | |
Hopeless | Gorse | |
Feeling like a dark cloud suddenly descending | Mustard | |
Introspective | Willow | |
Feels task too hard to undertake | Elm | |
Pessimistic | Gorse, Gentian | |
Utter dejection | Sweet Chestnut | |
Despair | No hope of change in outer circumstances | Gorse, Gentian |
Due to terror | Rock Rose | |
Pessimistic hopelessness | Gorse | |
Helpless, heartbroken | Sweet Chestnut | |
Cause unknown | Mustard | |
Self blame/guilt | Pine | |
Shock | Star of Bethlehem | |
Of living | Cherry Plum | |
Despondency | Through lack of confidence | Larch |
From self-reproach/guilt | Pine | |
Through feeling of inadequacy | Elm | |
From shock, bad news | Star of Bethlehem | |
Through limitation of illness | Oak | |
From feeling of uncleanness | Crab Apple | |
Due to embitterment | Willow | |
Cause unknown | Mustard | |
Due to frustration | Vervain | |
Through over work | Vervain, Oak, Elm | |
Through tiredness | Hornbeam, Olive | |
Complete anguish | Sweet Chestnut | |
Despondency after setback | Gentian. | |
Dissatisfaction | Due to not finding right way in life | Wild Oat |
Due to frustration and restriction | Walnut, Vervain | |
Emergency | For no hope | Rock Rose |
Home sickness | Honeysuckle | |
Illness | Frustrated by | Oak |
Simulates illness | Chicory, Heather, Willow | |
Fear of | Mimulus | |
When depleted energy | Olive | |
Loneliness | Enjoys and often prefers to be alone | Water Violet |
Prefers to work alone | Impatiens | |
Is reluctant to be alone | Agrimony, Heather, Chicory, Mimulus, Vervain | |
As an escape | Clematis | |
Because of intense sadness | Star of Bethlehem | |
Seeks companionship constantly | Heather | |
Phobias | For the everyday fears of known things- (snakes, spiders, being late…) | Mimulus |
For unknown fears, vague and dark | Aspen | |
For fear turning to terror and perhaps panic | Rock Rose | |
For fear that the mind is going to fall apart | Cherry Plum | |
Fear of someone’s safety | Red Chestnut | |
For the pre- or post-treatment of any kind of shock, physical or mental, for emergencies,emotional upsets, panic attacks | Rescue Remedy | |
Tension | By nature | Beech, Impatiens, Rock Water, Vervain, Vine |
Due to shock | Star of Bethlehem | |
Due to fear | Mimulus, Aspen ,Rock Rose,Cherry Plum | |
Fearful for others | Red Chestnut | |
Constantly worried for others | Chicory, Red Chestnut | |
Tiredness and Fatigue | For those who feel physically and mentally exhausted | Olive |
When feeling unable to cope with the day | Hornbeam | |
From being so anxious to do well and please others | Centaury | |
From a lack of interest in life, dreamy type | Clematis | |
From resignation to an unsatisfactory life | Wild Rose | |
Generally strong, but momentarily stressed and despondent | Oak | |
When feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities | Elm | |
When constantly bothered by inner arguments | White Chestnut | |
Through a lack of flexibility for oneself (high expectations) | Rock Water | |
Uncleanliness | Feeling of uncleanliness | Crab Apple |
Unsatisfied | With one self if ill | Oak |
Unsatisfied with own actions | Pine | |
Unstable-Generally | Walnut | |
Overwhelming thoughts | White Chestnut | |
Because of indecision | Scleranthus | |
Because of guilt | Pine |
Discussion & Conclusion: As humanity faces this monstrous threat, there is a need for finding safer alternative measures to maintain psychosocial health. Importance of general measures like meditation, healthy diet and lifestyle needs to be understood and adequately applied. Each patient suffering from psychological distress needs a comprehensive evaluation for effective case management.
Remedy profiles of Bach flower remedies present various symptomatology which may be felt by people under lockdown. BFRs when indicated by symptoms of patient can offer a safe way of treating emotional conditions associated with psychosocial impact of lockdown measures. The effect of these medicines needs to be further explored in clinical research.
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