Dr B S Suvarna
B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling, USA)
Jeevan Shanthi
Karnataka State, India
A lady aged 53 years widow with a son came to my clinic on 28-6-2005 with the sonography report showing –“BULKY MILDLY RETROVERTED UTERUS WITH ANTERIOR , CORPAL SUB SEROUS MYOMA THICK ENDOMETRIUM-? HYPERPLASIA “. She consulted her gynecologist , who advised hysterectomy she was afraid of surgery and therefore came for homoeopathic treatment , with my past experience in treating up fibroids successfully ,I assured her that I would do my best to ensure speedy recovery .
Present complaints :
Diabetes since 20 years , migraine head ache , acidity , burning and belching pain in all joints for last 9-10 years , Irregular menses , earlier with clots pain full duration was 10-12 days weakness during menses . she is widow , pain in cervical region diagnosed as cervical spondylitis . Pain in neck and both shoulders aggravating after bending head . Legs feet palms burning , weakness . she is good looking woman .menorrhagia suffered from irregular profuse menses, every month for last 3 years working as a house wife , widow , back ache low lumbar radiating to the both thighs . Extreme tenderness and weakness mental irritability . menses were too too profuse early and continuous for 15 days she grew anaemic . bleeding profuse clots dark . staining , lumbo sacral back ache , pain in knee . worse climbing stairs . Metrorhagia 1 year H/O chronic diabetes . legs pulling pains and feet burning (severe )and pain . she also has severe sharp shooting pains in both heels .
Past history : Osteoporosis mrs xxxxxx has a bone loss of 27 % when compared to a young healthy . Female adult 11 % of bone loss is normal for her age . she has 16 % excess bone loss . the patients bone strength is below average for her age . Densitometry indicates osteopenic , bones medium fracture risk .
Osteopenia —-? Perimenopausal ? secondary factors nutritional .
U/S scan of pelvis –28/6/2005
Uterus :Mild retroversion noted , Bulky with an anterior corpal .subserous solid hypoechoic nodule of about 1.6 cms noted with small calcific fool with in .
Endometrial Echoes are prominent
Ut Measures :Length : 9.9 cms
AP : 4.9 cms
Transverse Diameter: 5.8cms
ADNEXEA :Both ovaries appear normal No adnexal mass
Ro Meas : 3.0/1.8 cms Lo Meas :3.2/2.1 cms
P.O.D : Clear no fluid .
Kidneys : Normal no Hydronephrosis or calculus .
HEMOGLOBIN : 11.7 mg %
BLOOD UREA : 21 mg %
TSH (chemiluminescence ) : 1.068 uiu /ml
FAMILY HISTORY :- Husband died of heart attack . 3 children . too much worries . sad depressed weeping .
Weight- 59 kgs ,Height –158 cms Appetite –poor .Desire : nothing significant , aversion acids and oil foods her nervousness leads to anxiety sad gloomy and sometimes weeping she is attractive and elegant , with an angular slightly masculine appearance , very common feature is yellow saddle across their nose and cheeks .
They look down cast and sit with crossed legs , because of week feeling in the pelvic area . some times they feel ball like sensation in inner parts her complaints are worse on : washing clothes , exposure to cold , laundry work . Getting wet before and during menses change of weather exposed to cold . Earthy complexion with yellowness : yellow spots on chest a yellow saddle across upper part of cheeks and nose after taking the whole history and from my past experience the first remedy which came to my mind was Date 11/7/2005
1.Sepia 200-potency daily 3 times for 2 months with,
2.Thalapsi bursa pastoris Q
3.Fraxinus Americana Q
4.Secale cor 200 daily thrice with in 2 months her bleeding was normal and regular .Her bleeding was controlled and her pain of joints was better . There after I gave her
1.Fraxinus Americana Q
2.Sepia 200—2 months continues there after I asked for sonography . The result was encouraging , diabetes normal. (The reports details of both the beginning and after treatment is shown along with this)
Second Report :-
No fibroids endometrial echoes are normal –7 mm but still has bulky uterus . The treatment is still being continued for bulky uterus .
After homoeopathic treatment commence 11-07-2005 to 30-08-2005 sonography report of abdomen .
1st Sonography report :
Uterus length : 9 cms , width : 4.5 cms
R.ovary :Endometrium good
L.ovary :Endometrium good
Adnexal : Normal
Impression :Just bulky uterus
11nd Sonography Report U/S scan of abdomen /pelvis
Normal in volume and wall thickness no calculus seen
Pancreas: normal in size contour ,mobilitys parenchymal echopattern no calculus or dilatation
Spleen :normal no focal lesion .
Kidneys ; Both kidneys are normal in size contour ,mobilitys parenchymal echopattern . no calculus or hydronene phrosis .
Rt.Kidneys Meas : 9.8 /4.2 cms .
Parenchymal thickness : 1.5 cms
Lt. Kidneys Meas :11.2 /4.6 cms
Parenchymal thickness : 1.7 cms
Urinary bladder : normal in wall thickness no calculus seen
Uterus :Bulky and anteverted no distinct focal lesion . Endometrial echoes are normal –7 mm UT Meas 10.8/5.1/6.8 cms .
Adnexa :Both ovaries appear normal . No adnexal mass RO Meas 3.0/2.02 cms Lomeas 2.8/2.1 cms . No free fluid and no mass lesion . no obvious bowel mass .
Impression : Bulky uterus