Case history
Patient name: Mr Chandra shekar
Age 68 years
Chief complaints
c/o swelling in para umbilical region since one year
initially smaller size gradually progressed to present size reducible manually.
reduces on lying down
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS – swelling in para umbilical region since one year initially of smaller size gradually progressed to present size reducable manually reduces on lying down
No H/o pain fever No h/o bowel disturbances Para umbilical hernia
Past / present / family history
K/C/o hypertension on treatment
History of surgery for right congenital Inguinal Hernia at the age of 6 years
Past history
Elephantiasis since child hood completely cured
Bronchial Asthma wheezing morning cough phlegm voice changing from cold weather frequently urination .
Past history – glottis growth hoarse of voice since one and half years whitish exfoliative Growth right vocal card
Anterior commissure and left vocal chord
Gross multiple soft tissue bits measuring 0.5 cm all processed
Microscopy sections show fragment of tissue lined by dysplastic squamous epithelium showing koilocytic change at foci focal area shows pleomorphic cells in nests infiltrating stroma. Inflammatory infiltrate composed of neutrophils and lymphocytes seen around tumor cells
Diagnosis – poorly differentiated cell carcinoma
Following sudden attack of cold and loss of voice
PAST HISTORY – known case of allergic rhinitis and bronchitis on Asthalin spray .
Known case of hypertension on treatment underwent inguinal hernioplasty
On examination whitish proliferative growth right interior 2/3 of true vocal cord anterior
Commissure and left anterior 1/3 of true vocal cord ear right WNL
Ear left large central perforation nose ; pale mucous . polyp right nasal cavity
Throat -WNL
Vitals: 84/min
B.P 120/70 mm Hg
SURGERY direct laryngoscopy and biopsy done under GA on 12-04 -2012
Course in the hospital patient was admitted with the above complaints necessary investigation were done . cardiologist opinion taken patient underwent above mentioned surgical procedure post operatively treated with Anti biotics and other supportive measures
Date – 3rd august 2012
Mr Chandrashekar
64 years old male .
PID no 30864
A case of ca vocal chord T2 NM0 who has completed 65 cy in 33 fractions of intensity modulated radiation therapy from 2-5-2012 to 3-6-2012
Investigations HB %-14.6 ESR 5 WBC count 7650
HIV negative date 13- april 2012
- Follow up with physician for hyper tension
- Reviewed with ENT surgeon with biopsy report
Patient came to me with all reports for homeopathic treatment allopathic treatment chemotherapy had been taken Ayurvedic medicines after trying all system of medicines
By taking treatment no Improvement was found and came to me for treatment voice very weak cough wheezing I gave homeopathic treatment for all problems completely cured since 1 month by taken homeopathic medicines
Homeopathic medicines
Causticum completely cured physical and mental make up of the patient side affinity and spare of action ultimately dragged my mind to think causticum and my choice of the remedy . I prepared Causticum 200 potency as the state of the disease is chronic with low susceptibility . symptom croupy cough and loss of voice after homeopathic medicines taken voice very normal only 6 weeks I gave treatment all symptoms completely cured he was very happy after 4 years he came to my clinic
Causticum is a well proved and trio miasmatic polycrest drug and it clinical efficacy is well proved in many pathological vegetation and neurological affections
The patient came to me after 4 years he attacked with hernia he tried allopathic treatment surgery has been done
Date of admission 04 sept 2015
Date of discharge 05 sept 2015
Chief complains
c/o swelling in para umbilical region since one year initially of smaller size gradually progressed to present size reducible manually reduces on lying down
H/O PRESENT ILLNESS case of swelling in para umbilical region since 1 year
INITIALLY Of smaller size
Gradually progressed to present size reduceable manually reduces on lying down
Past/present/family history
K/C/O HYPER TENSION on treatment
H/O surgery for right congenital
Inguinal hernia at the age of 6 years
No H/O DM /IHD in past .
Clinical finding
Pulse 88/min
B/P 120/80 mm of Hg
CVS S1 S2 heard
RS bilateral NVBS (+)
CNS conscious oriented
PA: soft selling – Para umbilical region
2cm/2cm size
Reducible cough
Impulse ( + ) . 1cm defect, non tender
After surgery but for 2 months hospitalized after surgery blood fluid pus present daily after operation daily discharging allopathic doctor said mesh infection he said once again to be operated wound infection umbilical hernia pus discharging and also blood discharge daily he under went para umbilical hernia mesh plasty on 5-09- 2015 that daily pus discharging no improvement highly Anti biotic allopathic treatment hernia after surgery wound infection pus discharging 1 cup of fluid and blood and pus discharging after no improvement continuing dressing daily morning voice changing from cold weather BP 120/80 pulse pus discharge from operative wound daily discharging patient remembered me date 6-12 2015 came to my clinic and surgery after treatment came to my clinic he came with all reports after surgery there was no improvement he asked me I came to your clinic before 2012 for me carcinoma you cured me So I came to you for treatment of pus discharging earlier when you gave treatment there has been no throat problem completely cured I am perfectly all right now I request you to give treatment for pus discharging these medicines are given for 1 month but with in 3 days after taking medicines completely wound dried up
1 Arnica 1M
2 Hypericum 200
3 Ledum pal 200
4 Staphysagria 200
5 Silicea 200
6 Causticum 200
7 Carcinosinum 200 – 3 dose
8 Echinacea Q external
9 Calendula Q external
For 1 month, completely dry up, (pus, blood, fluids), all problems cured wound heal up no dressing after 1 year again he came to my clinic after 1 year
20th -11- 2016 again one or 2 drops pus discharging for wound
After 1 year, hernia surgery at this place pus discharging 1 or 2 drops daily start Again started it has to be done daily dressed
Difficult breathing at 2-30 to 3 am night phlum formation from cold weather aggravation all trouble wheezing no problem from last 1year
ANOSMIA, no wheezing, no gastric trouble, phelgm morning only pus light yellow color discharging 1 or 2 drops daily after seeing report I gave medicines
Medicines –
1 Silicea 1M 3 dose daily 1 dose for 3 days
2 Arnica 1M daily 3 dose for 1 week
3. Staphysagria 200 daily 3 times for 1 week
4. Hypercum 200 daily 3 times for 1 week
5. Hepar sulph 200 daily 3 times for 1 week
6. Silicea 12 X daily 4 times
7. Calendula Q External apply
8. EchinaceaQ External apply daily 3 times
I gave these medicines and after 4 days patient phoned to me that there is a pinching pain above novel showed to allopathic doctor Doctor said scanning to be done doctor said scanning to be done 3 inches thread is there he said again it is to be operated 3 inches thread is there again it is to be opened and remove 3inches thread came out he again said it is to be operated again by doing operation HE removed 3 inches thread after wound CalendulaQ and EchinatiaQ application has been done after 3 days pus completely stopped pus and blood wound dried up completely cured no pain he was very happy and phoned to me after giving your medicines after 3 days thread came out there by all pain completely cleared pus stopped completely now he is normal I gave SILICEA 1M because external part which is in internal if will came out
SILICEA pushes foreign body like splinters or foxtails out of the skin
Allopathic doctor was surprised that thread came out after 1 year patient is very happy because of taking homeopathic medicine miraculously cured