Bleeding From Internal Parts And Homoeopathic Treatment - homeopathy360

Bleeding From Internal Parts And Homoeopathic Treatment

Those remedies which are most highly characterized by bleeding from internal parts are aconite, arnica.

As we may at any time be suddenly called upon to prescribe almost instantly for a dangerous haemorrhage . I will give the strongest poimts of each drug first that that would facilitate our choice


When we find with the haemorrhage an apparent mental excitement accompanied by a fear of death . we find on investigation that the haemorrhage was brought on by a fright by a fit of anger or by anxiety ; the patient may still be suffering from the exciting cause . the sufferer is usually lying on either side owing to worse rising , blood coagulates easily ; afraid to move about much , though feeling restless and anxious , thirsty


Here the bleeding has been excited from an injury ; from concussion ; bodily fatigue , physical exertion , we often find a bruised or sore sensation in the parts from which the blood exudes . Pulmonic or uterine haemorrhage and epistaxis etc., are often attended with the sensation hot head and a cool body are very characteristic of this remedy.

Some times a fright and an injury may be nearly coincident and here great care must be observed to decide which was really the exciting cause should fright have caused the bleeding , arnica will not be the remedy cause , should fright have caused the bleeding , arnica will not be the remedy

The difference between aconite and arnica may be seen at a glance


The blood coagulates almost as soon as discharged and feels hot to the parts from the genital organs , they are usually forcing or bearing down pains ; if from the chest or head , there is congestion , throbbing of the carotids , injected eyes , flushed face . the patient wishes to be covered ; cool air is unpleasant ; cold shiverings frequently run through the body , photophobia ; drinks little often ; hot skin , plethoric habit

Patient generally feels worse in the afternoon and evening ; from draft of air from rising , from suppressed perspiration

Here too we see that belladonna differs very essentially from either of the preceding drugs

Patient generally feels worse in the afternoon and evening from draft of air ; from rising from suppressed perspiration

Here too , we see that belladonna differs very essential from either of the preceding drugs

Calcarea carb

Here the most striking feature is the constitution of the patient . this is the constitution may show that the menses may show that the menses are apt to be too profuse and too often , much perspiration about the head and shoulders ; limbs are usually drawn up and are cold and dump desire for loosen garments; amelioration from being rubbed ; desire for warmth and cover a slight draft of cool air is chilling , if the bleeding be from the chest , it is usually from the left side , calc.c. can not be mistaken  for or confounded with either of the above remedies


A most striking symptom calling for the use of this remedy is found in the urinary organs and consists of of a cutting and burning pain during micturition , the urine flows in drops or in a very scanty stream

Uterine haemorrhage , blood usually being very dark haemorrhage from the lungs or nose


We are chiefly led to the use of this remedy in very desperate cases , where there is almost an entire state of collapse weak pulse , anguish of heart , skin cold and bluish patient wants to be fanned very hard and often whispers at the attendants

This desire to be fanned hard is found in many different complaints and and may always be considered as indicative of this drug . we may sometimes be called in very late to such cases or we may get them from the old practice


The striking peculiarity here is mental irritability of a spiteful nature ; the patient speaks quickly and sharply . blood dark and coagulated desire for air , restless m distressed

Patient generally feels worse at night from warmth from anger during eructations , lying on painless side , during perspiration , during sleep from coffee , better while fasting , while lying on painful side


The first note of alarm here is faintness with ringing in the ears, ringing in the ears is one of the most characteristic symptoms in the pathogenesis of china and if we do not give it soon , the pulse will become irregular , flickering and imperceptible , skin cold and clammy fainting and unconcioussness . even at this stage china 2c in water , will soon work a favourable change

Generally feels worse periodically in the night , after drinking , while walking , can not talk , wished others to explain, after perspiration , on touching the parts softly

China can not be confounded with carbo veg , the patient wishes to be fanned hard and if at all in china , very softly, secondly carbo veg , we find no ringing in the ears , as we do in china


The striking feature of this haemorrhage is its back and stringy character , the blood  forming long dark strings as it flows , often resembling long , black earth worms , we find this feature whether the haemorrhage be from the uterus , lungs or the nose , when examined in a mass the strings may be some what matted together , but the characteristics tendency is plainly observable . sensation of a bounding or rolling in the abdomen as of something alive , feels worse in the morning , when fasting ; during pregnancy , in a warm or closed room

Better in the open air , after eating


We usually notice a red face , with a full pulse ; the haemorrhage is partly of a fluid and partly of a black and clotted character , the flow may be from the lungs , stomach , nose , bowels or uterus , if from the uterus there are very often violent , labour like pains in the back and abdomen ; great erethism of the circulation , flushes of heat

Feels worse at night , particularly after mid night , from change of position , from a fat food

The trouble may have been super induced from poisoning by Peruvian bark ; the patient is generally very weak though having so red a face and so full a pulse


The alarming points that appear are delirium , semiconsciousness ; a constant flow of blood ; jerking and twitching of the muscles ; face bluish , eyes congested , the haemorrhage may have been brought on by a fit of jealously , by taking food

The trouble away may have been superinduced from poisoning by Peruvian bark ; the patient is generally very weak though having so red a face and so full  a pulse


The alarming points that appear are delirium ; semiconscious ; a constant flow of blood ; jerking and twitching of the muscles ; face bluish , eyes congested . the haemorrhage may have been brought on by taking cold by unhappy love or some other mental affection

Worse usually in the evening

Better from stooping or leaning forward

Hyos. differ from all of its companion remedies by the prompt appearance of delirium , by the semi consciousness , by the twitching and jerking of the muscles and by the bluish face . the alarming kind of haemorrhage is usually uterine


When we have an uninterrupted discharge of bright blood from the vagina , nose or lungs . the complaint of faintness and nausea ; also there may be a sharp cutting pain from the navel towards the uterus , later we may find cold skin , cold sweat and a species of suffocation spells

Haemorrhages some times follow suppression of eruptions ; abuses of Peruvian bark , eating , coughing while vomiting occur periodically

It will be perceived that ipecac more frequently indicated than any other remedy


We are most frequently led to think of  this remedy for haemorrhages occurring some days or weeks after parturition ; also for epistaxis and haemoptysis after being overheated and after a vexation . the some times accompanying symptoms are agonizing pain in the back , extending to the gluetal muscles. And down over the sacrum , stitching pains in the abdomen after tympanitic

Feels better from being covered up warmly , after eructations which occur quite frequently

One of the best remedies to prevent abortion occurring about the second month to prevent abortion occurring about the second month , when characterized by stitching pains pain in the back  hindering walking , causing the patient to feel like stopping to lie down any where in the street , on the floor etc., later , these pains  may extend to the gluteal muscles


For flooding occurring at the critical age , particularly when characterized by chills at night and hot flushes by day or floodings at any time when thus characterized , after parturition with pain in the right ovarian region always relieved by flow of blood from the vagina , in all typhus or typhoid conditions , where there is a flow of dark blood from the nose, from the lungs or from the bowels with a sediment may either have a crushed appearance or may look like distinct spears of charred straw . it really being decomposed blood

Diarrhoea following milk milk –leg are sometimes accompanied with a haemorrhage of this sort , and are here lach. Eill be the curative agent


Haemorrhages from the nose , lungs or uterus when there is a great deal of flatulence borborygmus and a sensation of fullness up to the throat , after taking a small quantity of fullness up to the throat all symptoms wore from four to eight in the evening . desire for air to have the windows open to be fanned. This remedy may often be used in the worst cases of pulmonic haemorrhage


This remedy is particularly applicable in haemorrhages occurring in elderly females some time after the critical period has passed ; light hair scorbutic condition of the system , cold damp thighs and legs at night , perspiration sour and mouldy , excepting of the feet which is scentless , skin and muscles lax , thirst , even though the mouth be full of saliva mood serious  sometimes amorous

Feels worse at night , when blowing the nose . with the above condition epistaxis , haemoptysis , haematemisis haemorrhage from the bowels or uterus


This remedy is in many respects similar to merc. And some times a very close comparison is requisite to discriminate between the two

Contrary to merc, nitric acid has dark hair perspiration sour and ruinous , skin and muscle rigid , no thirst , blood dark , foot sweat fetid , distrust the urine is stronger smelling like horse urine

Bleeding from the arteries and capillaries , bleeding from the uterus with pain in the back , running down through the hips into the legs with a sensation of pressure as if the uterus itself would escape from the vulva . in so comparing merc, and nitic acid . we find them different from all the preceding remedies


It is a curious fact that in almost haemorrhages requiring nux.vomica we find an irritable condition of the rectum , which is frequent and ineffectual desire for stool with the sensation as if portion of faeces were in the rectum , this latter sensation remaining even after defecation ; usually in dark haired subjects

Haemorrhage may be excited by indulgence in rich food ; from much coffee , intoxicating drinks , constipation

Worse in cold air , between 3 and 4 am

Better in a warm place , lying on the side , in loose garments . passing wind per anus


Particularly for tall slim , dark haired subjects ; also in females who menstruate too often too m8ch , too long

Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen , slim dry stools expelled with difficulty with flushes of heat

Feels worse lying on the left side ; on the back ; from warm food or drinks

Better on the right side ; from cold food and drinks ;from being rubbed after sleep

Small wounds bleed persistently and profusely ; bleeding erectile tumors


Haemorrhages , blood being partially fuid hard , black clots ; also coming out in quantities and having a dark tarry appearance , with sensation asd if the the body was growing , larger in every direction ;in dark haired , spasmodic and nervous subjects


Intermittent haemorrhage , blood generally dark in subjects of mild and tearful temperaments , can lie best on right side , feels worse in a close , warm room , desire for open doors and windows , no thirst ; scanty urine ; blood flows and stops again flow and stops .again flows and stops


Blood flows freely in fluid and in clots , when from the uterus , there is very often a pain or vice versa , for violent for violent pain after the above nature with the above characristic bleeding especially applicable to miscarriages coming on about the third month ; blood pale from the nose ; blood pale from the nose blood from the vagina pale or red dark or mixed with light red much soreness in the hypogastric region

Feels worse in a close warm room , better in the open air

We see that pulsatilla and Sabina agree in the aggravation from warmth but Sabina has the peculiar pain and the character of haemorrhage differs


The flow is passive and may be dark or red , mostly red in subjects who are naturally feeble and cachectic tingling in the limbs and prostration desire for air aversion to being covered , cool skin with no desire for covering

Better when lying with limbs extended


With abdominal plethora or congestion , pain in right groin , sensation of weight in the anus

Painful sensation of emptiness in the pit of the stomach

Feels better from drawing up the limbs

Disposition to abort from the fifth to the seventh month especially when there is uterine congestion , cold hands and feet hot flashes , particularly where she complaints of little fine , darting pains up the neck of the uterus . the difference must be remembered among kali carb which has abortion about the tenth month and sepia with abortion after the fifth month


Sensation of heat in any parts previous to as as during the haemorrhage , particularly when from the lungs . this sensation of heat may be in the inner part of the nose , uterus , rectum etc., worse when warm in bed , when exposed to as of fire etc.

Worse when warm in bed when exposed to to any heat as of fire etc.

In giving these remedies for bleeding from internal parts , I think it proper to remark upon the so called adjuvants which some physicians resorts to for the for the arrest of haemorrhages

As we passed over a variety of haemorrhages and have observed how each has has its own peculiar character each one differing from all the others , it will be useful to inquire why does the patient bleed in this manner or that , why does the patient bleed in this manner or that . why these bleedings occur each of its own peculiar type from the nose , from the lungs or from the dried up uterus of the aged female we know that in all these haemorrhagic conditions where there were no open blood vessels from which blood could flow

What other cause then can be assigned but that a peculiar morbolic condition exists in each case which having induced a flux of blood which caused the bleeding . apoplexixia , in the various congestions in the erethism of blood which causes flashes of heat , there is a morbic agent at work which is not like in principle , other morbid conditions causing other forms of disease which are perfectly amenable to the remedies of our material medica

And why then might we not as well employ the so called adjuvants in almost any other form of disease . as in bleeding from the inner parts

As in the pathogenisis of a peculiar morbid influence which we see manifested in the various forms of haemorrhages , so the pathgenesis of some peculiar drug must indicate its use in arresting the forms of bleeding to which is adapted

As we know our remedies , we can succeed with their use as destined by the creator without the aid of any cumbersome and often injuries so called adjuvants

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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