# What is PCOD or PCOS?
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common hormonal system disorder occurring in women of reproductive age. It is also called PCOD. Another name is Stein-Leventhal syndrome.
PCOS refers to a particular set of symptoms that occur when there is a hormonal imbalance in a woman. This set of symptoms include late or no periods, heavy bleeding during periods, growth of facial hair, acne, weight gain, pain in the pelvic region and difficulty in conception or getting pregnant.
# Who gets affected by PCOS?
It is the most common hormonal disorder in women between the ages of 18 and 44. 5-10% of women of this age group are affected.
#What happens in PCOD or PCOS?
Most of the patients having PCOS are seen to have cysts in their ovaries. These cysts cause some hormonal disturbances. Deficiency or excess of a particular hormone can cause imbalance in many other hormones too.
In PCOS, the levels of androgen are raised more than the normal limits. Androgens are the male hormones. They are present in small quantities in normal females. When the levels increase, these can cause disturbance in menstrual periods and cause delayed menses. The normal ovulation cycle also gets disturbed and ovulation gets delayed or does not happen at all. Facial hair and hair on other parts of the body start appearing in females which are otherwise not present.
#Causes of PCOS
The exact cause of PCOS is not known. It has been observed that it tends to run in families. This does not mean that you will necessarily have it if your mother or sister or grandmother had it. But this means that the chances of you having it increase if someone in your family had it. Obesity or being overweight is also another predisposing factor in the presence of PCOS. It has also been observed that the situation improves when you lose weight. The condition tends to reverse with loss of weight. All patients who have PCOS are advised to lose weight and exercise regularly. Presence of diabetes or insulin resistance is also known to induce PCOS.
#Symptoms of PCOS
The symptoms associated with PCOS start early after menarche. They may not be immediately noticeable to the full extent. The symptoms get noticed after a spurt of weight gain. At times they may be noticed only after absence of periods for a long period of time.
Common Symptoms associated with PCOS:
1. Irregular menses:
The menstrual cycle gets disturbed. There is the possibility of periods being delayed or no periods at all for months. There may be pain during menses and also periods are likely to be heavy and erratic.
2. Excess of male hormones:
The increase in androgens or male hormones lead to other physical signs like growth of facial hair and other parts of the body like arms, legs, chest, abdomen and fingers. At the same time there may be loss of hair from the scalp. The skin becomes a little rougher or thicker. Acne on the face, shoulders and back is also commonly seen.
3. Cyst in the ovaries:
On USG examination, ovaries are found to be having multiple cysts.
4. Obesity or weight gain:
There is tendency towards central obesity, which means that one tends to gain weight around the abdomen.
5. Fertility issues:
At times PCOS also interferes with your ability to get pregnant and carry the pregnancy normally.
6. Skin discolorations:
At times there is discoloration of the skin.
#Complications of PCOD:
Those suffering from this condition are also at higher risk of developing some conditions.
1. Type 2 Diabetes:
Patients with untreated PCOS are quite likely to develop diabetes. Diabetes has its own complications and can adversely affect the quality of life of an individual. A diabetic patient is always at risk of developing cardiac problems, chronic renal failure, hypertension, eye problems and so many other infections.
2. Raised cholesterol levels:
The lipids are likely to be on the higher side. This includes HDL, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides. Increased lipids expose one to cardiac as well as other vascular disorders like stroke.
3. Metabolic Syndrome:
Central obesity, increased insulin levels or insulin resistance are seen.
4. Infertility:
A common complication is the inability to conceive. Patients do manage to conceive but are unable to carry the pregnancy. This results in miscarriages.
5. Depression:
Psychological problems like feeling of sadness and depression are also common problems that occur with PCOS.
6. Cancer:
Uterine cancer may also occur in some patients and PCOS patients are at an increased risk for the same.
7. Sleep Apnoea:
Disturbance in respiration or breathing during sleep is also seen in some patients.
#Treating PCOS:
The conventional system of medicine hardly has any cure for PCOS. Their focus remains on treating the visible and most troublesome signs and symptoms. To regularize the irregular menses, oral contraceptive pills are often prescribed. This has a temporary effect of regularizing the menstrual cycle for as long as the medicines are taken. Once you are back to square one. This is because the cause is left untreated.
#Homoeopathy for PCOS or PCOD
When it comes to alternative systems or complementary treatment for PCOS, Homoeopathy offers the best alternative. This is because Homoeopathy focuses on treating and curing the root cause of the problem. The Homoeopathic philosophy of disease is not based on the external causes of diseases. Homoeopathy believes that the human body has been perfectly enabled by nature to keep it self disease free. It is only when the immunity or it’s own internal vitality is deranged that the body becomes incapable of keeping itself disease free. Homoeopathy tries to restore the balance of that vitality. Once the vitality regains it’s original balance, it is able to nurse itself back to health without any external aid. That is why Homoeopathic medicines are given in minute doses.
# 5 best Homoeopathic medicines for treatment of PCOD or PCOS:
These medicines are just indicative and there are many other medicines that can and do cure this problem.
One of the best Homoeopathic medicines for the treatment of PCOS with stinging pains when there are stinging pains in the Ovarian region. The stinging pains are more likely to be accompanied by tenderness over the abdomen and uterine region. This medicine is made from the honey bee and it’s characteristic pains are also like the sting of honey bee. The patient is unable to tolerate heat and feels worse in summers. The right side is more likely to be affected. There may even be oedematous swellings of various body parts.
One of the best Homoeopathic medicines for PCOS with scanty and late menses when the menses are late or delayed and are scanty. The patient is usually thirstless and takes little water. The general temperament of the patient is mild, gentle and yielding. There are changeable moods in which patient is happy at one moment and the very next moment she becames irritable. It suited to young girls in whom the problem starts at puberty itself.
One of the best Homoeopathic medicines for PCOS with bearing down pains when the patient has bearing down pains from the back and abdomen. There is a feeling of a”ball” like sensation in the inner parts. The pelvic organs seem relaxed. The menses are irregular. They are too late and scanty while in others they are early and profuse. There may be yellowish or greenish leucorrhoea. The mental temperament of the patient that she is irritable and indifferent. She cares the least even for her family members.
One of the best Homoeopathic medicines for PCOS with aversion to tight clothes when there is aversion or intolerance to anything being worn a little tight. Most of the problems are on the left side only. The menses are too short and flow is feeble. There are pains in the abdomen which are relived after the flow starts. There is great loquacity in the patient and is often seen jumping from topic to topic. Jealousy is well marked.
One of the best Homoeopathic medicines for PCOS with constipation. When there is constipation along with other symptoms. The patient is often of a stout build or is fat. She cannot tolerate cold and is always feeling chilly. The menses are too late and are pale and scanty. There is tearing pain in the stomach region. Hardness may be felt in the Ovarian region.