A case of duodenal ulceration cured by Lycopodium
Case history – Mr Ramesh aged 18 years male , consulted me on 25th AGUST 2004 for ulcerative pain in stomach he had allopathic treatment for a period of 2 years and used all pain – killers and antacid . he got palliation all the time with that treatment and finally was suggested surgery . I took his case and the following symptoms were recorded .
- Gripping severe pain in the pit of stomach .
- Nausea and vomiting of food
- Pain radiating from pit of stomach to back / spinal region
- Restlessness during pain
- No time modality for pain .
- Tongue coated white and tasteless .
- Stomatitis
- Anxious and restless .
- Patient pale Anaemic , lean and tall .
- Ozaena in nose and pain full
- Fear of examination
- Angry on contradiction .
- Loss of memory .
- Revengeful ( malicious )
- Concentration in studies difficult .
- Desire s of cold water to drink
- Desire for open air
- Pain amelioration by eating
- Barium x-ray – confirmed duodenal ulcer Z .E syndrome .
- Blood hg 9% only . other – normal .
- Stool ova , cysts undigested particle of food were found .
- Urine “normal “ , colour yellowish
- After evaluating the symptoms and also after re- verification with patient , following symptoms were considered to select the remedy .
!. angry on contradiction .
2. revengeful (malicious0
3. difficulty in concentration forget fullness
5. desire for cold water to drink .
6. desire for open air
7. pain in stomach , ameliorated by eating .
After repertorisation with KENT and study with M.M I selected LYCOPODIUM .
ON 26th -8-2004 gave LYCOPODIUM 200 1 dose only . no amelioration . pain continued . waited for 48 hours . On 29th -8-2004 gave Lycopodium !M 1 dose . pain relieved on the same day .
On 21-9-2004 patient improved well . appetite improved . but pain relapsed with less intensity . gave Lycopodium 10M only one dose no pain since than .
On 1-12-2005 patient reported improvement and wait gain no problem . gave Lycopodium CM only one dose . no aggravations
On 10-9-2005 investigation were done had barium x-ray , stool examination. Every thing normal . ulcer totally cured the case was closed successfully with out using any complementary drug .
Mrs M Minaxi age 21 years history of left sided sciatica for many years . had been unable . to leave the house at all since February ( 4 months ago)
Pain shoots down to the ankle particularly when she attempts to put the foot to the ground . The pain is worse for cold weather , damp weather , tender , first movement but does ease of very much with continual movement .It is worse of all when standing , worse lying on the pain full side and better sitting and lying . the greatest relief is obtained from warm th e either local or when she gets warm in bed .
Examination showed a stout old lady with a marked lumbar lordosis and increased thoracic curve , and no neurological signs except pain on stretching stretching the sciatica nerve . Rhus tox had given sum e relief but this was not maintained .
Taking the local modalities worse standing , gave Aesculus Hip , Agaricus Baryta carb ferrum phos kali Iod NUX VOMICA ,Sulphur , valerian ,
Worst lying painful side kALI IOD , NUXVOMICA .
Worse at wet weather = SULPHUR .
NUXVOMICA was chosen and one dose 200 given .
She returned much better like a women simply marvelous . not been so well for years a and yet weather had been at its worst , wet and blustery . She tripped out like a 2 year old . this case shows the value of taking the local symptoms when well marked and running them through the repertory . Although the action of nux vomica on the spinal cord eg . is only functional still , the factor of spasm is usually of importance in any of the pain ful condition for which Nux vomica is found to be useful take , eg , the Rheuamatic condition , even arthritic states in which Nuxvomica has been found of value it would seem that Nux vomica affects spasm round the joint rather than any into articular structures and yet with great relief . In large dose Strychnine converts . what are normally In hibitory impulses into excitatory impulses with the result that the extensors, eg , contract violently . Nux vomica or strychnine in smaller doses might there fore be excepted to reverse processes and diminish contraction s which otherwise might give rise to pain the remedy depends upon the individual patience reactions and not on the name of the disease the drug was Nux vomica the condition sciatica when reading these not it must always be remembered that homoeopathy essentially an individualist treatment . it t therefore never makes use of nor seeks specific for disease . so it must not be thought that any remedy mentioned in these notes will necessarily be the remedy for other cases of the same illness .
Case no.3. Male age 59 on and of loss of smell since 5 years He has had his tonsils removed and numerous polypi also at various times but the smell was better only for 24 hours or so , though it might have been less in degree . As he is a is a chef , this is a serious matter for him .
X-ray had showed that as a result of an old accident during the re been a fracture of the ll
Left maler bone with depression of the floor of the orbit and displacement of the wall of the antrum so that the left antrum was now smaller than the right but there was no evidence of fluid in either .
At time of consultation there were no polypi seen in the nostril nor had a cold recently . He had local treatment with out avail and as he complained of being completely run down , and his nerves a tangle it was decided to take his case as fully as possible and ignore the local condition for the movement .
He flares up easily and can not broke contradiction . His wife confirms this . He is impatient , impetuous , impulsive , does not suffer fools gladly ( how his wife comes into this he would not say ) . Is critical , fussy , oho , yes , not very confident . sympathetic people do come with there troubles frightfully conscientious . Will work of the night preparing for the next day . Loves fat and vinegar and pickles . Gets a craving some times . His paste and smell used to the exceptionally acute .
T taking , worse contradiction , impatience , quick , critical , and conscientious , as out standing , the following drugs were considered .
Impulsive – arsenic album nux vomica
Impetuous – brynoia nux vomica sulphur fussy –arsenicum album nuxvomica
Sympathetic arsenic album nux vomica
Lacks confidence – nux vomica sulphur
Desire fat – arsenic album nux vomica sulphur
Desire pickles – sulphur
We had arsenicum 10-20 , nux vomica 13- 17 and sulphur 12- 24 . learning from other sources that he was a perfect devil for temper that nux vomica be the choice . nux vomica 200 3 doses were given report sense of smell and taste came back in 14 days and have remained and later still , quite O.K now strongly enough nuxvomica . does not appear in KENT under “Loss of smell” . contrariwise it is in the highest and that , of course , was the patient BEFORE HELOSYS HIS SENSE OF SMELL ‘– it was acute normally