■ Introduction
• The prostate is a crucial part of the male reproductive system.
• It is approximately the size of a walnut and weighs around 15-25 grams.
• It is situated below urinary bladder and in front of rectum.
• The prostate is surrounded by muscles and nerves.
• The urethra passes through the prostate.
■ Functions Of Prostate
• The prostate gland secretes some fluid into the urethra called prostatic fluid.
• Prostatic fluid, other fluids from other glands, and sperms from the testicle together form the Semen.
• Its main function is to produce seminal fluid in order to transport sperm through the urethra.
■ Prostatitis
• Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland.
• As the prostate surrounds the upper portion of the urethra, it can sometimes affect our ability to urinate. The location of the prostate gland is not a problem, but when it gets enlarged (Benign Prostate enlargement) or inflamed (Prostatitis), it can squeeze the urethra and cause difficulty in urination.
• The inflammation can be due to an infection as well as other various causes.
■ Types
• There are four types of prostate inflammation: 1. Acute bacterial prostatitis 2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis 3. Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome 4. Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis
• Acute bacterial prostatitis- It is caused by a bacterial infection, and it typically starts suddenly and may include flu-like symptoms. It is the least common of the four types of prostatitis.
• Chronic bacterial prostatitis- It is caused by recurrent bacterial infections of the prostate gland. Between attacks, the symptoms might be minor or the patient may even be symptom free. However, it can be difficult to treat successfully.
• Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome- It is described as inflammatory or non-inflammatory, depending upon the presence or absence of infection, fighting cells in the urine, semen, and prostatic fluid. Often no specific cause can be identified. The symptoms can come and go or remain chronically.
• Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis- This condition is often diagnosed incidentally during the workup for infertility or prostate cancer. Individuals with this form of prostatitis will not complain of symptoms or discomfort, but they will have the presence of infection, fighting cells present in semen or prostatic fluid.
■ Causes
• Bacterial prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection in the prostate. Bacteria can get into the prostate when infected urine flows backwards from the urethra. Bacteria can be found in urine, prostate fluid or blood tests.
• Nonbacterial prostatitis may be due to stress, nerve inflammation or irritation, injuries or prior urinary tract infections. Or it may occur if body reacts to an infection or injury that happened in the past. This form of prostatitis has no signs of bacteria in the urine or seminal fluid.
• Other possible causes for pelvic pain may also be from-Pelvic floor muscle tension, Prostate stones, A urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra) or scar tissue, Prostate cancer, Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, non-cancerous growth of the prostate).
■ Sign And Symptoms
• In chronic prostatitis symptoms are- Trouble passing urine (and sometimes with pain), Pain in the bladder,testicles and penis,and between these and the anus, Trouble and pain with ejaculation.
• In chronic bacterial prostatitis symptoms are- A burning feeling while passing urine, When need to urinate often, Pain in the bladder,testicles and penis,and between the sex organs and anus, Pain with ejaculation.
• In acute bacterial prostatitis symptoms are- Chills, Fever, Very painful burning while passing urine, Trouble in draining the bladder.
• In asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis symptoms are- It is inflammatory condition of prostate although there are no symptoms found, also it is not an infection that’s why symptoms are not produced.
■ Risk Factors
• A prior history of Prostatitis
• Diabetes mellitus
• Recent or recurrent urinary tract infections
• Structural or functional abnormality of the urinary system, such as urethral stricture, stone, tumour, etc.
• Suppressed immune system
• Unprotected anal or vaginal sex
• Sexually transmitted diseases
■ Treatment
• In bacterial prostatitis wherever it is acute or chronic, it is treated by antibiotics or NSAIDS.
• In non-bacterial prostatitis and the conditions where the pain is the prominent symptom are usually treated with painkillers or analgesics.
• Surgery is advised when the patient does not respond well to the medicines. Frequent urinary tract infections, stones in the bladder, and inability to urinate are a few complications that call for surgery. Surgical removal of a part of prostrate and TURP-Transurethral resection of the prostate are the common options. Complete removal of Prostrate that is called Prostatectomy, is usually done in the patients who suffer from severe symptoms and who do not respond to any of the methods of the treatment.
■ Homoeopathic Medicines
1. Apis Mellifica
• Apis mellifica is one of the best homeopathic remedy for acute prostatitis.
• It is suitable for patients of prostatitis who have a frequent desire to pass urine, but the process leads to burning pain. There is difficulty in retaining urine even for a few seconds.
• Pain as burning and stinging in nature.
• The urine passed is usually scanty.
• Pain as burning and smarting while passing the last drops of urine. The colour of urine is dark.
• Apis mellifica is also a very beneficial homeopathic medicine for providing relief from the burning sensation and the quantity of urine increases from its scanty nature.
2. Baryta Carbonicum
• There is a tendency to enlargement of the glands, with indurations especially prostate, tonsils, and cervical.
• It is a remedy for early senility and when degenerative changes in old men begin in heart, brain and vascular system.
• Enlarged prostate gland.
• Urging to urinate, cannot retain the urine.
• Burning in urethra, while urinating.
• Frequent urination.
• Irritation of bladder, worse at night.
• Constant urging and frequent emission of urine.
• It has a marked influence on the growth esp. of old people.
3. Cantharis
• Cantharis is the another best homeopathic medicine in treating cases of prostatitis where the urine is passed with a burning sensation and in drops.
• The burning sensation is felt before, during and even after passing urine.
• Extreme scalding is felt in all three stages: before, during and after the act of micturition or passing urine.
• The desire to pass urine is almost constant but it passes drop by drop. Blood may also pass in urine.
• Burning, smarting, scalding micturition with urine coming out in drops.
4. Causticum
• Men who experience pressure and pulsations in the prostate with pain extending into the urethra and bladder after passing a few drops of urine.
• Insensibility of urethra while passing urine.
• Urine is black, cloudy and white.
• Burning in urethra when urination, aggravation after coition.
5. Kali Birchomium
• It is indicated for prostate pain that is aggravated by walking or men who feel like they must stand still for relief.
• Other symptoms are needle like pain or drawing pains that extend from the prostate into the penis, burning in the urethra after urination, or discharge of very thick, sticky, or stringy material from the penis.
• Gleet, with stringy or jelly like profuse discharge, clogging the urethra.
• Constrictive pain at the root of penis, at night, after waking.
6. Lycopodium
• It is indicated for men who feel needle like pains in the bladder and anus as well as pressure in the prostate that is aggravated during and after urination.
• Urinary blood, with paraplegia or sometimes with constipation.
• Urine is milky and turbid, polyuria during night.
• Frequent urging to urinate amelioration by riding in cars.
• Urine scanty, cries before urinating, especially children who wake up from pain, with screaming, and toss the limbs about, red sand in urine, slow in coming must strain, suppressed, retained.
7. Sabal Serrulata
• This medicine is used for various prostatic troubles, especially in acute cases of the enlarged and inflamed prostate.
• The gland is hot, swollen and painful.
• It is also a useful drug in senile hypertrophy. There has been a marked palliative action in several cases and avoidance of surgical interference after the use of this drug.
8. Thuja Occidentalis
• Thuja is the best homeopathic remedy for patients of prostatitis who are unable to control urine with a sudden desire to empty the bladder quickly.
• The patient has to hasten and rush to pass urine.
• The urine may also be passed involuntarily at night.
• The patient needing thuja may have a history of gonorrhoea and syphilis affection that is maltreated or suppressed.
• Foamy-cloudy urine or mucus in urine may be present in high levels.